
  • 网络civil rights movement;Human Rights Campaign
  1. 这不止是把APIQWTC排除在外,婚姻平权运动史无前例地排挤掉酷儿社区里其他所有的问题。

    Not just to the exclusion of APIQWTC , the campaign for gay marriage is taking unilateral precedence over anything else in the queer community .

  2. 从此迈出了走向平权运动的第一步

    And the first step towards equal rights is taken .

  3. 五四时期女子教育平权运动

    The Movement of Equal Educational Right for Women During the May 4th Movement

  4. 事实上,婚姻平权运动需要我们,以爱之名支持公平正义。

    And in fact , the gay rights movement asks us to support justice and equality from a space of love .

  5. 五·四女子教育平权运动价值意义述略她们欢迎男性参加到争取女权运动中来。

    Brief Account of Equal Educational Rights Movement During May 4th Movement of 1919 ; They welcome men into the ranks of feminists .

  6. 那一夜,我在加州。那儿,那一刻,正发起另一场运动:婚姻平权运动。

    I was in California that night , which was ground zero at the time for another movement : the marriage equality movement .

  7. 我完全赞同雅斯查·蒙克的观点文章,尤其是他把针对弱势族裔的平权运动和限制亚裔美国学生录取两件事分开来看的说法。

    I wholeheartedly support Yascha Mounk 's article , especially in its delinking of affirmative action for underrepresented minorities from the capping of Asian-American admissions .

  8. 婚姻平权运动那种单一“所有人平等”的坚决,已经把边缘酷儿们更迫切的不平等问题抛诸脑后了。

    The marriage movement 's single-minded determination for " equality for all " has forgotten that many more queers suffer at the hands of more urgent inequalities .

  9. 吴的儿子是男同性恋者,他们均已投入中国的同性恋(平权)运动多年。

    Wu 's son is gay , and both of them have been involved in gay activism in China for several years .