
  • 网络Electrical difference;electrical property contrast
  1. 电法是利用各种岩石和矿石之间存在的电性差异去勘查地下的矿体和地质构造。

    Electrical methods utilize the electrical property contrast of various rocks and ore to prospect the ore bodies and geological structures in the underground .

  2. 探地雷达(简称GPR)是一种新型的公路无损检测设备,是利用地下介质的电性差异进行探测的一种电磁法探测方法。

    Ground Penetrating Radar ( referred to as GPR ) is a new non-destructive testing of highway equipment , which is the use of the underground media to detect differences in electrical properties of an electromagnetic detection method .

  3. 因此,利用磁场强度来区分组合异常体需要结合异常体与围岩之间电性差异来考虑。

    In consequence , resistivity contrasts shall be taken into consideration for distinguishing anomaly group bodies by magnetic field .

  4. 该方法基于目标体的电性差异,利用不接地回线或接地回线向地下发送一次脉冲磁场,在一次场的间歇期间,观测二次场。

    It utilizes re-line untouched to ground or re-line touched to ground to transmit once pulse magnetic field toward the underground .

  5. 该方法可利用覆盖层与下部基岩存在的电性差异来测定覆盖层的厚度。

    We could determine the overburden thickness by contrast the electric property difference of the underlying original rock and the overburden .

  6. 含水破碎灰岩电阻率100~200Ωm,与围岩存在明显电性差异。

    The resistivity of the water-contained broken limestone is 100 ~ 200 Ω m , which is of remarkable difference with wall rocks .

  7. 铜矿石的开采使原状土与回填土呈现明显的电性差异,这为应用地质雷达调查古采矿遗址提供了物性依据。

    The obvious electric difference between backfill in exploited tunnel and original soil forms an important physical basis for application of georadar to investigating remains .

  8. 由于地下岩溶与周围围岩存在明显的电性差异,可以通过直流电法勘探查明地下是否存在岩溶形态。

    The electricity character of karst cave has much difference than that of wall rock , so the surveying method of direct current can find out if there be karst cave underground .

  9. 采用电法的基本原理,研究各种不同岩性和咸淡水的电性差异,划分地下咸淡水分界面。

    Adopting the elementary principle of the electric method , studying the electric diversity of various kinds of rock properties , saline and fresh water , divides the interface of the saline and fresh groundwater .

  10. 根据电磁波的传播特性和油、气、水的电性差异提出了利用电磁感应法测量井筒持水率的方法。

    According to the transmission character of electromagnetic wave and the electric differences a-mong oil , gas and water , we bring forward the method of measuring the water holdup of production well by electromagnetic induction .

  11. 铝土矿与其围岩有较大的电性差异,特别是铝土矿与其标志层奥陶系灰岩侵蚀面的电阻率值相差较大,达数千欧姆米乃至数万欧姆米。

    Bauxite ore has rather obvious electric differences with its surrounding rocks , especially between the resistivity value of bauxite and its key bed-Ordovician limestone erosion surface , it can be thousands Ω· m , even to ten of thousands Ω· m.

  12. 瞬变电磁方法也称时间域电磁法,是一种基于电性差异,寻找低阻目标体,研究浅层至中深层地电结构的一种探测方法,目前广泛应用于寻找矿产资源和水文勘探中。

    Transient electromagnetic method can also be called Time-domain electromagnetic method ( TEM ), is a kind of geophysical exploration method based on electrical difference of properties for surveying low resistance targets and researching the earth structure of shallow and middle shallow .

  13. 为解决考古、工程地质和地下水污染勘查中某些探测靶体与周围介质间电性差异不大的地质问题,本文提出了层状介质背景下二维电阻率扰动反演方法。

    To solve some geological problems with no sharp resistivity contrast between geological targets and surrounding media , such as prospecting in archaeology , geological engineering and underground water pollution , we propose a method for 2-D resistivity inversion of perturbation in the layered earth .

  14. 将计算所得正则离域分子轨道进行定域化处理,发现产生这种电负性差异的主要原因是在上述两类叠氮化物中N3的成键状况不同,本文对此进行了较为细致的分析。

    The difference for electronegativity of N_3 in molecular-type and ionic-type azides may be due to the different bonding properties , which is found from the detail research about LMOs .

  15. A、B位替代影响陶瓷的性能与大的溶限因子和电负性差异有关,但其机理和替代前后的固溶体结构还有待进一步研究。

    The theory of improving properties from substitution and the structure of solid solution before and after substitution should be studied further , although large tolerance factor and electronegativity difference have important effects on the improving properties .

  16. 甚低频(VLF)电磁法是以电磁波为场源,通过探测场的参数变化获得电性局部差异,从而认识被测目标的一种勘探手段。

    By using electromagnetic wave to get the difference variable parameter of the partial electric property , VLF electromagnetic method is an effective means to obtain the parameter of the measured objective .

  17. 你看到了电负性的差异,开方,乘以四分之一,在移到e上去做指数。

    You see the difference in electronegativity , square it , multiply it by one-quarter and raise that to the power e.

  18. 要度量非平均的程度,我们考虑电负性的差异,我要用希腊语第22个字母chi来表示电负性。

    And to measure the intensity of unequal sharing , we take the difference in electronegativity , which I am going to use the Greek symbol chi for .