
  • 网络Email Security
  1. 用户可以从灵活的配置中获益匪浅,并得到成本可取的单一平台解决方案(提供入站和出站全面的电子邮件安全性)。

    Customers benefit from deployment flexibility and receive a cost effective , single platform solution that delivers both inbound and outbound email security .

  2. 大多数企业的大多数电子邮件系统不需要PGP或内置公匙加密提供的电子邮件安全级别。

    Most corporations do not need the level of email security provided by PGP or built-in public key encryption in most email systems .

  3. 基于SHA-1和Java的电子邮件安全传输

    The Secure Transaction Scheme of Email based on SHA-1 and Java

  4. 一种基于SSH的电子邮件安全传输方式

    A Secure E-mail Transmission Method Based on SSH

  5. ECC智能卡在电子邮件安全中的应用

    Application of ECC Smart Card in E-mail Security

  6. 本文着重研究了与CIST和SEMS密切相关的密码学技术,分析了当前主流的信息安全工具包和著名的电子邮件安全协议:PEM、S/MIME及PGP。

    This paper puts emphasis on the encryption technology which is tied up to CIST and SEMS , and some predominant information security toolkits and famous E-mail security protocols are analysed , such as PEM , S / MIME and PGP .

  7. PGP和S/MIME是目前比较成熟的电子邮件安全标准,它们是将现有的计算机网络安全方面的技术应用到电子邮件之上,提供面对最终用户的安全邮件服务,包括数据的完整性、机密性和验证。

    PGP and S / MIME are two applied standards of email . They are based on the theory of computer and network security , using the new technology on email process and provide a security service to end-users , include data integrity , confidentiality , and authentication .

  8. SEMS的设计充分利用了现代电子邮件安全协议和安全电子邮件系统的优点,克服了它们存在的缺点和不足,进一步提高了电子邮件的数据安全性和内容安全性。

    During the process of SEMS 's design , we make full use of the advantages of both the existing E-mail security protocols and the safe E-mail systems , and try to conquer their disadvantages and deficiencies , which enhances the security of data and contexts in E-mails .

  9. 基于内网的电子邮件安全监控方案

    Design and Implementation of E-mail Security Monitor Scheme Based on Internal Network

  10. 电子邮件安全拦截系统的设计与实现研究

    A Study on E-mail Security Intercept System Design and Realization

  11. 为了达到这些要求,企业设立了自己的电子邮件安全平台。

    To reach these needs , corporations have established their own secure mail platform .

  12. 长话短说,我们从没建立过电子邮件安全系统。

    And a long story short , we never build our secure E-mail program .

  13. 关于电子邮件安全问题的探讨

    The Research about the Safety of Email

  14. 网络与电子邮件安全

    Network & E - mail Security

  15. 电子邮件安全技术研究

    Research on Security technique of E-mail

  16. 构造基于身份的公钥系统已成为解决电子邮件安全问题的一种新的途径。

    Therefore constructing identity-based public key architecture has become a new approach to solve secure Email problem .

  17. 电子邮件安全监管系统

    E-mail Security Administration System

  18. 本产品提供有效综合的电子邮件安全系统服务,使电子邮件到达网络之前免于垃圾邮件的威胁。

    Advanced Anti Spam delivers effective integrated email system security service that protects companies from email-borne threats before they reach the network .

  19. 阻力最小的道路就是采用电子邮件安全网关,它相当于电子邮件的防火墙。

    The path of least resistance is to get an e-mail security gateway , which is analogous to a firewall for e-mail .

  20. 叙述了基于内网的电子邮件安全监控系统的逻辑和功能结构,以及系统实现所采用的具体原理和方法。

    On the basis of analysis of the security problems in the intranet , an architecture of the intranet security monitoring system is proposed .

  21. 而基于信息隐藏技术的电子邮件安全传输方案,利用数字图像为载体,把邮件信息隐藏到图像中,隐藏信息本身的存在性来达到安全传输的目的。

    But the safe transmission scheme based on information hiding technique is different , which embeds email into public image and hides the existence of email .

  22. 企业为了保护电子邮件安全所做的另一项工作,就是建立邮件过滤系统来解决电子邮件的滥用问题。

    Another work for corporations to do to protect the security of e-mails is to establish a mail filter system , which is intended to solve the problem of e-mail abuse .

  23. 针对邮件在传输中被窃取泄密这一主要安全问题,提出将基于信息隐藏技术的电子邮件安全传输方案,它能提供比邮件加密方案更深层次的保护。

    Aim at the main safe problem that the secret is easy to be burglarized in the process of E - mail deliver , put forward the project that will conceal the information in E - mail deliver , it can provide deeper protection comparing to encrypted E - mail .

  24. Internet多用途电子邮件及其安全机制

    Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions and Its Security Mechanisms

  25. Internet上电子邮件的安全机制

    The Safety Mechanism for E-mail on the Internet

  26. 电子邮件的安全及PGP

    On the Security of Electronic Mail and PGP

  27. 然后探讨比较了电子邮件以及安全电子邮件协议有关协议、标准。3.提出了基于PKI和Domino邮件服务器的解决方案。

    Finally , discusses and compares E-mail , the secure E-mail protocols and criterion . Thirdly , this paper designs the secure project based on PKI and Domino server .

  28. 针对E-mail用户,在介绍电子邮件不安全性的基础上,讨论了保护E-mail安全所要解决的问题,并给出安全电子邮件的全面解决方案。

    Aiming at the E-mail consumers , this article introduces the hidden danger of E-mail , and discusses the problems to improve the security of E-mail , then a uniform solving project for E-mail security is presented .

  29. 本文分析了目前Sendmail的安全问题,解剖了Sendmail所提供的安全特性,并提供了一些额外的解决方案,以达到加强电子邮件系统安全的目的。

    The article analyses the security problems of Sendmail , describes the security characteristic which provided by Sendmail , and provides some solutions to solve the potential security problems .

  30. 此方法的运用使得中小企业电子邮件系统安全性得到提高。

    The method make e-mail system of SMEs more secure .