
  • 网络Composition;image synthesis
  1. 本文所提出的基于合成孔径雷达影像干涉相位相关性信息的SAR彩色图像合成方法就是在这一新兴领域上的一个研究尝试。

    This paper presents a SAR image color composition model based on SAR interferometric coherence .

  2. 高动态范围(HighDynamicRange,HDR)图像合成技术近年来在工业图像处理、数字娱乐、机器视觉等领域获得了广泛的应用。

    High dynamic range image ( HDRI ) composition technology has been widely used recent years in large areas , such as industry image processing , digital entertainment , machine vision .

  3. 提出一种利用圆周轨迹X射线辐射图像合成任意视角立体图像对的方法。

    A method of multiple view stereoscopic radiography rebuilding using orbit scanned Xray images was presented .

  4. 提出了一种新的密度云图像合成算法,用于表现3D数据场的分布。

    We present an algorithm for compositing density clouds used to represent scalar fields on a 3D volume subdivided into tetrahedra .

  5. 基于图像合成的ISAR欺骗干扰研究

    Study on Deception Jamming against ISAR Using Image Synthesis Technology

  6. 一种用以欺骗步进频率ISAR的图像合成方法

    An Image Synthesis Method Countering Stepped-frequency ISAR

  7. 一个2D自动虚拟试戴系统主要包括:目标检测、特征点定位、目标抠取、图像合成等步骤。

    Generally speaking , a 2D automatic virtual try-on system contains : object detection , feature points extraction , object matting and image synthesis .

  8. Photoshop抠图攻略与创意图像合成应用研究

    The Research of Photoshop in Digging Images Strategy Guide and Synthesizing Application for Creative Images

  9. 基于机器微视觉的MEMS动态测试系统,利用模糊图像合成技术对MEMS的平面微运动特性参数进行提取和分析。

    Based on machine micro-vision dynamic testing system for MEMS , the technique of blur image synthesis is presented to exact and analyze in-plane motion characteristic of MEMS devices .

  10. 基于Fourier-Mellin变换的宽视场监控图像合成技术

    Image Mosaic Based on Fourier-Mellin Transform for Wide Field of View Surveillance

  11. TDI-CCD多抽头图像合成及非均匀性校正

    Synthesis and Non-uniformity Correction of TDI-CCD Multi-tap 's Imaging

  12. Photoshop图像合成处理软件更具备强大的绘图功能与图像处理功能,使之在绘制卡通图像时更具有优势。

    More Photoshop image processing software synthesis with a powerful graphics and image processing functions , so that in drawing cartoon image has more advantages .

  13. PowerPC平台下基于Y′CbCr域的图像合成引擎的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Y ′ CbCr Image Compositing Engine on PowerPC

  14. 针对大规模电子化考场监控,提出基于Fourier-Mellin变换的宽视场图像合成技术。

    An image mosaic method based on Fourier-Mellin transform is presented for large scale electronic testing surveillance .

  15. 基于平移配准和转角配准的结果,本文提出了一种基于HSI空间的高动态范围图像合成算法。

    Based on the results of shift-alignment and rotation-alignment , a method for compositing multiple images into a high dynamic range image in HSI color space is proposed .

  16. 基于MEMS动态测试系统,本文提出两种测试技术用于对MEMS器件平面微运动特性的测量:模糊图像合成技术与块匹配技术。

    Based on dynamic testing system , two testing techniques have been given in this paper on measuring in-plane dynamic characteristics of MEMS : blur image synthetic technique and block matching technique . The course of blur image synthetic technique characterizes as followed .

  17. 立体匹配技术是计算机视觉研究中经久不衰的领域,主要应用于图像合成和恢复3-D信息,并做为第三代新技术应用于视频领域。

    Stereo Matching algorithm is a frequently discussed topic in the area of computer vision . It is used to synthesize images from novel views and reconstruct 3-D information . Moreover , as the third generation of new technology , it has been applied to the area of video processing .

  18. 变化光照目标图像合成的球调和方法

    Spherical Harmonics Method for Object Image Synthesis under Changing of Illumination

  19. 其主要的研究内容和创新点如下:第一,提出了一种基于因素分解模型的人脸表情图像合成方法。

    First , a synthesis method based on factorization model is proposed .

  20. 直接体绘制本质是重采样与图像合成。

    The essential of direct volume-rendering technique are re-sample and image synthesize .

  21. 人脸图像合成是新一代人机交互中的重要技术。

    Facial expression synthesis is an important technique in human computer interactions .

  22. 全局光照是计算机图像合成领域的一个永恒的话题。

    Global illumination is an eternal topic of realistic computer image synthesis .

  23. 基于模糊图像合成的微结构平面运动测量技术

    Measurement technique of in-plane motion for micro-structure based on blur image synthesis

  24. 一种基于数字图像合成的扩展动态范围方法

    An Extending Dynamic Range Method Based on Digital Image Synthesis

  25. 基于小波分析的显微序列图像合成系统

    The microscopy serial image synthesis based on the wavelet analysis

  26. 微机在颞下颌关节镜全景图像合成中的应用

    Application of computer in composite panoramic arthroscopic image of the temporomandibular joint

  27. 一些人认为电脑图像合成的特技,使影片更象电脑游戏。

    Some think that CGI stunts make movies look like video games .

  28. 数字图像合成技术在灭火救援模拟训练中的应用

    Application of digital image synthesis technology in fire-fighting and rescue simulation training

  29. 序列图像合成中基于关键帧的动态掩模算法

    Keyframe-based Dynamic Mask Algorithm in Synthesis of Image Sequence

  30. 真彩色彩虹全息图图像合成技术

    A Technique of Composition Real Color Rainbow Hologram Images