
  • 网络calcium carbide;calcium carbide slag;calcium carbide residue;acetylene sludge;carbide sludge
  1. 利用XRD、SEM等研究了电石渣的预处理方式、溶液的pH值对碳酸钙纯度和白度的影响,以及碳化反应温度、添加剂对针叶形碳酸钙形成的影响。

    Effects of the pretreatment method of calcium carbide residue and the pH on the purity and the brightness of calcium carbonate , and the carbonization reaction temperature and the additive on the formation of needle-like aragonite , were investigated by XRD and SEM .

  2. 电石渣首次在新型干磨干烧生产线的成功应用

    First successful application of calcium carbide sludge on new dry milling and dry firing process cement line

  3. 电石法PVC生产工艺中电石渣浆的治理

    The treatment of carbide slag slurry produced in the production of PVC by carbide process

  4. 研究表明:浆液pH值高的脱硫剂如电石渣、盐泥、白泥等,在较低浆液喷液密度时,脱硫效率对烟气流速的变化非常敏感,烟气速度增大,脱硫效率明显增加。

    Desulfurization efficiency is very sensitive to the change of gas velocity when the slurry has a high pH value .

  5. 高温长时间烧结后,电石渣表面由许多膨胀变形的类哑铃形CaO晶粒结构组成,且大小均匀、排列有序、边界明显。

    After intense sintering , the surface of carbide slag is composed of many swelled dumbbell-like CaO particles , similar in particle diameters and arrayed in order .

  6. 介绍了在电石法生产PVC过程中,对电石渣浆水、离心母液水、转化水、洗塔水的综合利用及产生的经济效益和社会效益。

    Synthesized utilization of carbide ash seriflux , centrifugal mother solution , reforming water and washing tower in PVC production by calcium carbide process , and its economic and social benefits were introduced .

  7. 石灰、电石渣及CaCl2处理煤泥水对比试验研究

    Comparative Experiment Study of the Treatment of Slurry Water with Lime , Calcium Carbide Residue and CaCl_2

  8. 利用管式电炉、X射线衍射仪、压汞仪和SEM扫描电镜研究了电石渣在1200℃高温下动态煅烧及烧结过程中的微观结构变化。

    The microstructure change in the dynamic calcination and sintering of carbide slag is studied at a high temperature of 1200 ℃ on a tubular electric furnace with X-ray powder diffractometer , mercury intrusion porosimeter and scanning electronic microscope ( SEM ) .

  9. 在900℃下煅烧及烧结过程中,经过高温长时间烧结,电石渣表面由许多膨胀变形的CaO晶粒结构组成。

    Calcined at 900 ℃ and sintering process , carbide surface by the many swelled class composed of dumbbell-shaped structure of CaO grain after sintering time at high temperatures , And the size of the ordered and uniform , the boundary clear .

  10. 系统考察了增湿程度、钙硫比、SO2入口浓度及入口烟温等工艺参数以及双流体喷嘴的雾化特性对石灰和电石渣粉脱硫性能的定量影响。

    The effects on SO 2 removal were systematically investigated , of the humidification degree , molar ratio of Ca to S , SO 2 initial concentration , gas inlet temperature , and atomization performance of a duel fluid nozzle used .

  11. 生产聚氯乙烯的厂家有大量废弃物&电石渣,其主要成分为Ca(OH)2,将电石渣用于碱回收苛化,试验,结果表明是完全可行的。

    The process waste of making PVC-carbide slag , its main composition is Ca ( OH ) 2 , can replaces the lime for causticization on the theoretics . This paper introduces the trial test of carbide slag in the causticization of soda recovery , the result is completely viable .

  12. 蒸压电石渣粉煤灰砖的制备和性能

    Properties of Raw Materials and Performances of Stream-pressure Fly Ash Brick

  13. 废弃电石渣在农村公路中的应用

    Application of Calcium Carbide Waste & Fly Ash in Rural Road

  14. 电石渣碳化技术及碳化砖

    The carbonation technology of calcium carbide residue and carbonated lime brick

  15. 利用电石渣和碱性氧化物激发矿渣活性的研究

    Research on Activating Mineral Activity with Carbide Slag and Basic Oxide

  16. 铁屑&电石渣处理电镀废水的研究

    Research into Electrolytic Effluent Treatment with Iron dust and Carbide slag

  17. 利用粉煤灰和电石渣生产加气混凝土砌块

    Production of aeroconcrete block by using powdered coal and carbide slag

  18. 利用电石渣替代石灰石烧制硅酸盐水泥熟料

    Utilizing calcium carbide slag instead of limestone to produce Portland cement clinker

  19. 电石渣在湿法脱硫中的消溶特性

    Dissolution Characteristics of Carbide Slag During Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization

  20. 利用粉煤灰、电石渣生产空心砖

    Production of Hollow Bricks by Using Flyash and Carbide Slag

  21. 电石渣/生石灰复合脱硫剂脱硫性能研究

    Study on characteristics of desulphurizing absorbent of hydrated carbide slag and lime

  22. 用电石渣煤渣制造节能产品免烧砖

    Manufacture of Non-Burnt Brick with Carbide Slag and Coal Cinder

  23. 电石渣制备高白度板状碳酸钙的研究

    High Whiteness Platy Calcium Carbonate Prepared by Calcium Carbide Residue

  24. 电石渣在酸性废水治理中的应用

    Application of Calcium Carbide Sediment in the Treatment of Acidity Waste Water

  25. 开发和综合利用电石渣有效途径拓宽的研讨

    Discussion on prolonging effect way in exploiting and comprehensive utilizing carbide slag

  26. 使用粉煤灰、电石渣作为公路基层的探讨

    Investigation on Use of Fly Ash and Carbide Slag as Highway Base

  27. 以电石渣为原料的水泥生产线的设计

    Cement plant design using calcium carbide slag as raw materials

  28. 利用电石渣代替石灰处理酸性废液

    Application of Carbide Slag Replacing Lime in the Treatment of Acidic Wastewater

  29. 非强制压力过滤方法治理电石渣的可靠途径

    Reliable methods of carbide slag treatment by filtration with non coercive press

  30. 粉煤灰-电石渣-硫酸钠混凝土在农村公路中的应用

    Application of Fly Ash-acetylene Sludge-sodium Sulfate Concrete in Rural Highway