
  • 网络crystallization differentiation
  1. 结晶分异作用为花岗岩的主要成岩方式。

    Crystallization differentiation for granite is the main diagenesis mode .

  2. 结晶分异作用中微量元素的行为以及熔体和固相成分的相互关系

    Behaviours of trace elements and relationships between the compositions of solid phase and melt during crystallization differentiation

  3. 单个岩床的厚度在1-200m之间,较厚的岩床有明显的结晶分异作用。

    The thickness of sill varies from 1m to 200m .

  4. 元素地球化学研究表明,该岩体略为富集LREE,Eu的亏损不明显,表明岩浆结晶分异作用较弱;

    According to the element geochemistry , these mafic dykes are characterized by moderate LREE enrichment and no obvious Eu anomalies , which means the weak magmatic fractionation .

  5. 根据微量元素e1、e2、e3总分配系数的相对大小,源区混合-结晶分异复合过程在它们的比值-比值相关图上造成三种综合效应。

    Source mixing-crystal fractionation composite processes generate three complex patterns on ratio-ratio correlation diagrams of trace elements e1 , e2 , e3 according to their relative incompatibility .

  6. 它是大陆地幔低度部分熔融产生的碱性玄武岩浆,通过深部AFC混合,尤其是浅部结晶分异机制形成的。

    They are formed from alkali basaltic magma that slightly melted out of continental mantle by AFC mixing in depth , especially by the fractional crystallization in shallow horizon .

  7. 主量元素Harker图解表明,岩石成分变化与结晶分异作用无关,主要与岩浆起源有关。

    Harker diagrams of major elements indicate that the changes of rock composition have nothing to do with the fractional crystallization , mainly with the origin of the magma .

  8. 认为这两个序列是相隔4Ma的同源岩浆两次脉动式上侵的结果,8个单元是两次岩浆上侵后分别结晶分异的产物。

    The 2 sequences are resulted from 2 pulse intruding of magma from the same source between a lapse of 4 Ma , and the 8 units are the products of the crystalline differentiation of the two magma intrusions .

  9. 这是岩浆结晶分异作用的显著特征。

    This is the role of magmatic differentiation salient features . 4 .

  10. 上述化学趋势记录了同源上地幔的部分熔融和结晶分异的演化历史。

    These chemical trends are the records of the evolution history of consanguineous mantle .

  11. 有助于岩浆的结晶分异并导致银在石英斑岩(浆)中的富集;

    It contributed to magmatic crystallization differentiation and the concentration of silver in the quartz porphyry magma ;

  12. 中部样品源区地幔性质为过渡型,结晶分异程度较高;

    Middle samples ' source are close to transitional mantle and crystallization & differentiation have a higher degree ;

  13. 它们很可能是由地壳硅铝层重熔的花岗岩浆经结晶分异作用而形成的。

    It is most possible that the massifs are of magmatic origin from fractional crystallization of crust-remelted granitic magma .

  14. 这些特征表明,本区三类主体岩石为岩浆结晶分异作用的产物;

    All these characteristics show that three kinds of main body rock in this area are the product of crystallization differentiation .

  15. 我们认为在岩浆房中曾经有结晶分异作用、岩浆液态化学扩散作用及岩浆对流作用。

    We suggest that crystal fractionation process , chemical diffusion of liquid magma and their convection have occurred in the magma chamber .

  16. 本文建立了混合-结晶分异复合过程的微量元素综合效应模型。

    Two models for the complex trace element effects of the mixing - fractional crystallization composite process are developed in the paper .

  17. 除了结晶分异模式外,富氟花岗岩浆液态不混溶作用也是伟晶岩成岩成矿的重要机制。

    Beside fractional crystallization model , liquid immiscibility of Fluorine-rich granite magma is an important mechanism to form pegmatite and pegmatite type deposit .

  18. 橄榄辉石岩包体为Ⅱ类包体,可能为杂岩体原始岩浆早期结晶分异作用所形成的堆积岩碎块。

    Olivine-pyroxenites xenoliths belongs to ⅱ type of xenolith and the cumulate chunk maybe result from early crystallization differentiation of primary magma of the complex .

  19. 四方台镁铁-超镁铁质杂岩体是一个经历显著结晶分异,由超基性-基性-中性岩石组成的侵入杂岩体。

    The Sifangtai mafic-ultramafic complex is proven to be an intrusion from the evidence of the intrusion contact between the Danfeng group and Sifangtai mafic-ultramafic complex .

  20. 根据这些特征可推断出成矿流体源于花岗岩浆的结晶分异,晚期有少量建造水混入。

    These characteristics indicate that the ore-forming fluid resulted from fractional crystallization of magma , with the participation of some connate water at the late stage .

  21. 雪球结构的产出特征、雪球体中钠长石的电子探针分析结果以及其他间接证据都说明,雪球结构是在岩浆结晶分异过程中形成的。

    The characteristics of its occurrence , the electron microprobe analyses of albite in snowball texture and other evidence indicate its genesis of magma crystallization differentiation .

  22. 这些特征表明,浅色岩是幔源超基性岩浆晚期结晶分异的产物。

    All of these characteristics are in contrast with their host rock_serpentinite and show that the leucocratic rocks were produced by crystallization differentiation of ultramafic magma .

  23. 提出桂东北花岗岩具有相同的成因和来源,属同一岩浆结晶分异演化而来。

    It is proposed that the granitoids in northeast Guangxi possess same genesis and source , which came from the same magmatic crystallization differentiation in Northeast Guangxi .

  24. 综合岩石学、地球化学和同位素等方面的对比研究,笔者认为八大石闪长质包体属于同源包体,为寄主花岗岩同源母岩浆经结晶分异作用形成的早期产物。

    Petrologic , geochemical and isotopic studies prove that the Badashi dioritic enclaves are autoliths and the earlier products generated by crystal fractionation of the host granite parental magma .

  25. 岩浆演化过程中主要发生结晶分异作用,外来物质的混染作用较弱,混染物来自上地壳和俯冲板块。

    The fractional crystallization is the main geological process in magmatic evolution , and contamination is weak . Two exotic components come from upper crust and / or subduction plate .

  26. 岩浆结晶分异过程中挥发组分演化的计算模拟及其意义②有助于岩浆的结晶分异并导致银在石英斑岩(浆)中的富集;

    DIGITAL SIMULATION OF VOLATILE EVOLUTION DURING FRACTIONAL CRYSTALLIZATION AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE ( 2 ) It contributed to magmatic crystallization differentiation and the concentration of silver in the quartz porphyry magma ;

  27. 元素和氧同位素特征表明,中生代闪长岩可能是基性下地壳脱水部分熔融并经过结晶分异形成的;

    The results of element and isotope analyses indicate that the Mesozoic diorites were derived from dehydration melting of mafic rocks in the thickened lower crust , coupled with fractional crystallization during magma emplacement ;

  28. 含矿气-液流体与硅酸盐分离,在非平衡结晶分异条件下,锡及相关元素进入流体相,形成岩浆期后成矿流体。

    Under the conditions of unba-lanced crystalline differentiation and the disconnection of the ore-bearing gas-liquid fluid with silicate , tin and correlation elements entered into the fluid facies and formed the Postmagmatic metallogenic fluid .

  29. 花岗岩具成矿专属性。花岗质岩浆中成矿元素行为受控于源岩成分、氧化状态、结晶分异作用和挥发组份。

    Metallogeny related to granites is specialized to some magma and behavior of ore forming elements in granitic magmas is controlled by magmatic sources , oxidation status , crystallization fractionation and content of volatile components .

  30. 岩体以高铝、低镁铁组分,高锶、氧同位素比值为特征,地球化学研究显示它们是泥质岩的深熔作用和岩浆的结晶分异作用所形成的产物。

    They are characterized by the high-Al and low-Fe and-Mg composition and high Sr and O isotope ratios . Geochemical study shows that they are the product of anatexis of argillaceous rocks and fractional crystallization of magmas .