
  • 网络pyrolite
  1. 岩石化学与地球化学表明,富含矿岩体的Na、K、Al、Ca、Fe等组分明显地高于平均地幔岩组分。

    Evidence from geochemistry and petro chemistry indicates that the contents of Na , K , Al , Ca and Fe in ore bearing intrusions are apparently higher than those of the corresponding components in pyrolite averaged .

  2. 中国东南沿海地区地幔岩包体中流体及熔体包裹体研究

    Fluid and melt inclusion researches of pyrolite xenoliths from the shore of southeastern China

  3. 地幔岩中存在自早期硫化物颗粒、硫化物包裹体至裂隙硫化物,Ni/Fe和(Fe+Ni)/S比值逐渐增加的规律。

    Ni / Fe and ( Fe + Ni ) / S are gradually increased from early grains , sulfide inclusions to sulfides in fractures .

  4. 中国东部地幔岩中的钨含量及其意义

    Tungsten content of mantle-derived rocks from eastern China and its implications

  5. 中国东部地幔岩包体中的金含量及其成矿学意义

    Content of Mantle-derived Xenoliths in Eastern China and Its Metallogenic Significance

  6. 雷州半岛地幔岩包体中橄榄石的塑性形变研究

    Plastic deformation of olivine from mantle peridotite xenoliths , Leizhou peninsula , Guangdong

  7. 中国东部地幔岩包体的产出及其与地球内部构造的关系

    Correlation of mantle xenolith occurrences with earth 's internal zoning and tectonic in eastern China

  8. 地幔岩流体包裹体的稀土元素初步研究

    REE in Mantle Xenolith and Mantle Fluids

  9. 浙江新昌地幔岩捕虏体中的硫化物包裹体初步研究

    A Study of Sulfide Inclusions of the Mantle Xenoliths from Xinchang , Zhejiang , China

  10. 分析了56件中国东部地幔岩包体及其寄主岩石中的钨含量。

    Tungsten contents in 56 samples of mantle derived xenoliths and their host rocks from eastern China are analyzed .

  11. 浙江新昌一带晚第三纪碱性玄武岩中地幔岩(二辉橄榄岩)捕虏体内存在大量硫化物熔体包裹体。

    Mantle xenoliths captured in alkali basalt occurs widely in the Liuhe district , Jiangsu province , China , dominantly by spinel lherzolite .

  12. 对中国东部赋存于新生代玄武岩中的地幔岩捕虏体的全岩和单斜辉石等作了主元素和微量元素分析。

    Major and trace element compositions for whole rocks and clinopyroxene separates in peridotite xenoliths from Cenozoic basalts in eastern China have been analysed .

  13. 作者的研究表明富铝型铬铁矿床是原始地幔岩不同程度部分熔融再造的产物。

    The studies of the authors indicate that the Al rich chromites are products formed by varying degrees of melting and reformation of primary pyrolites .

  14. 此外,尚有原岩为地幔岩及下地壳岩混合物岩浆上侵形成的闪长岩等。

    In addition , there are also some pyrolites and lower crust magmatic mixture in-trusions which resulted in the formation of diorite and so on .

  15. 笔者等分析了中国东部91件地幔岩包体及其寄主玄武岩中的金含量并有重要发现。

    The gold content of 91 samples of mantle-derived xenoliths and their host basalts from eastern China were analyzed , and some significant phenomena were discovered .

  16. 地幔岩捕虏体中的流体熔体包裹体是地幔流体的直接证据,通过对它们的研究可以直接获取地幔流体的信息。

    Fluid melt inclusions in mantle xenoliths bear the direct evidence of mantle fluids . We can obtain some information about mantle fluids by studying these inclusions .

  17. 在系统回顾地幔岩包体的研究简史及研究现状的基础上,对我国地幔岩包体今后的研究对策进行了探讨。

    On the basis of reviewing the research simple history and present situation , the present paper will approach the countermeasure for the research of the Chinese mantle xenoliths .

  18. 提出球状辉长岩代表了弧后盆地或活动大陆边缘位置,来自消亡洋壳和上覆楔状地幔岩这两种不同源岩组份的混合物。

    The corsite appears generally in back-arc basins or on active continental margins as the mixtures derived from the consumed oceanic crust and overlying wedge-shaped ( mantle ) - derived rocks .

  19. 通过铀、金矿床及地幔岩捕虏体研究,初步得出以下认识:(1)在热液作用中岩浆分异热液是不存在的;

    This paper presents the tentative knowledge on the basis of the studies of U Au ore deposits and mantle xenoliths . ( 1 ) the magma differentiated hydrothermal solutions are unreasonable ;

  20. 根据各类玄武岩水含量推断出的上地幔源区的水含量,和由地幔岩主要矿物&橄榄石的水含量估算出的上地幔水含量(质量分数)很接近,在0.02%左右。

    The water content of the upper mantle as inferred from the water content of basalt is 0.02 % . This is consistent with the value estimated from olivine in mantle 's xenoliths .

  21. 含长二辉橄榄岩以其具有地幔橄榄岩特有的变晶结构和Ng(100)高温变形组构,以及含斜方辉石等特点而区别于堆晶岩。

    The Pl-lherzolite differs from the cumulates in having blastic texture and high-temperature deformed fabric of Ng [ 100 ] characteristic of the mantle peridotite and yielding orthopyroxene .

  22. 地幔橄榄岩主要是方辉橄榄岩,其主要氧化物成分较为单一,具LREE富集、Eu亏损的U形REE配分模式,亏损强不相容元素;

    The mantle peridotite is composed mainly of harzburgite , which shows a narrow range in the major elements , enriched light rare earth elements ( LREE ), U-type REE patterns with negative Eu anomaly , and strongly depleted incompatibility elements .

  23. Os同位素资料显示,由地幔橄榄岩包体所反映的新生代岩石圈地幔具有年轻性质,与古生代时的岩石圈地幔截然不同。

    The Os isotopic data from the mantle xenoliths in the Cenozoic basalts suggested that the lithospheric mantle in the Cenozoic is juvenile , much different from that in the Paleozoic , which indicated that the present lithospheric mantle is not the residue after the thinning .

  24. 数百公里尺度地幔橄榄岩的PGE分布的不均一性除被认为由于增生阶段的不均一造成外,更可能是由于地幔形成之后的地幔过程、核-幔及壳-幔相互作用造成。

    Heterogeneity in PGE content of the mantle peridotites on scales of ~ 100 kilometers might be caused by inhomogeneity during the earth accretion , but a more possible explanation is a result of the mantle processes , core mantle or / and crust mantle interaction .

  25. 下扬子地区若干上地幔橄榄岩的显微构造研究

    Microstructures of some peridotites from upper mantle in low Yangtze area

  26. 华北东部大陆地幔橄榄岩组成、年龄与岩石圈减薄

    Age and composition of continental mantle peridotites and implications for the lithospheric thinning , eastern North China

  27. 发育于造山带中的蛇绿岩,其剖面下部的地幔橄榄岩部分是造山带地区富集型上地幔的直接标本。

    The mantle peridotite at the bottom of ophiolitic section in the orogenic zone is direct sample of enriched upper mantle .

  28. 尖晶石在地幔橄榄岩部分熔融和亚固相平衡过程中的化学指示&实验研究及在自然岩石中的应用

    Spinel as a chemical indicator during partial melting and subsolidus equilibration of mantle peridotite : experimental study and application in natural rocks

  29. 综合研究表明该两套地幔岩原岩组合代表了不同亏损程度和不同构造环境下多期熔融的地幔残余。

    Integrated study indicates that the two protolith suites of mantle peridotites represent remnants after polyphase melting of differently depleted mantle in different tectonic environments .

  30. 微量元素地球化学特征表明,该岩石是地幔橄榄岩低度部分熔融的产物,成岩过程没有地壳混染;

    The trace elements analysis shows that limburgite is the product of partially melting of mantle peridotite and diagenesis did not undergo the crustal contamination .