
  • 网络International Culture Festival;International cultural festival
  1. 你们猜猜谁会在上海国际文化节闭幕典礼上表演?

    Guess who will give a performance at the closing ceremony of Shanghai International Culture festival ?

  2. 自1995年起一年一度的上海国际服装文化节(SIFCF)是综合体现上海乃至中国服装业总体实力和国际服装最新水平的大型活动。

    Held once a year since 1995 , Shanghai International Fashion Culture Festival ( SIFCF ) is a large - scale activity , demonstrating the comprehensive power of fashion industry in Shanghai and even in China , and the latest fashion on the international level as well .

  3. 2006上海国际服装文化节国际服装论坛暨长宁·东华时尚周异彩纷呈

    2006 Shanghai International Fashion Culture Festival Costume Forum

  4. 日内瓦国际文化旅游节成都皮影剪纸放光彩

    Chengdu 's Shadow Puppetry and Paper-cut Shone on the Cultural Festival in Geneva , Switzerland

  5. 2007上海国际服装文化节

    2007 Shanghai International Fashion Culture Festival

  6. 张家界,中国中部湖南省的旅游热点,因其美丽壮观的自然风景和丰富的口头传说而受人欢迎。现在它是第一届中国国际文化旅游节的主办地。

    Now , it 's the home of the first China International Culture and Tourism Festival .

  7. 北京国际文化旅游节

    Beijing International Culture Tourism Festival

  8. 好戏连台,高潮迭起,尽在2010世界旅游日全球主会场庆典暨中国广东国际旅游文化节!

    There are many wonderful and exciting things waiting for you on2010 World Tourism Day Global Celebration & China Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival .

  9. 作为全球最盛大的专为儿童设计的嘉年华之一,今年的上海国际少儿文化艺术节已经吸引力了来自17个国家和地区的参与者。

    One of the largest world carnivals designated for children , this year 's Shanghai International Children 's Cultural and Art Festival has attracted participants from as many as17 countries and regions .

  10. 随着中国人民大学国际性的提升,国际文化节将受到越来越多的关注和更多中外师生的支持。

    As the improvement of RUC 's internationality , the event will surely attract more and more concerns and supports from teachers and students at home and abroad .