
  • 网络national geographic;National Geographic Channel;NGc;national geography
  1. 最后发现时间胶囊的,还是美国国家地理频道真人秀节目《Diggers》的栏目组成员。

    The final discovery happened at the hands of the crew from the National Geographic Channel 's reality show called Diggers .

  2. 不过今年,主流媒体,如新闻聚合网站Buzzfeed和国家地理频道都在和感恩节神话进行对垒。

    But this year , mainstream media organizations like Buzzfeed and the National Geographic Channel are confronting the myths surrounding Thanksgiving .

  3. Fran的中国婚事更被国家地理频道制作成了纪录片《四个在中国的美国人》。

    Their marriage was documented by the National Geographic in one of their TV series called ' Four Americans in China . "

  4. 国家地理频道在2006年夏天访问了这些学生。

    In the summer of2006 , NGC interviewed these students .

  5. 请观赏国家地理频道《历史奇案》,以了解更多故事。

    Find out more on National Geographic Channel 's History 's Secret .

  6. 只有国家地理频道的《海盗密码》将向观众呈现克里佛揭开的秘密。

    Only NGC 's The Pirate Code shows viewers the secrets Clifford reveals .

  7. 国家地理频道《中国历险记》一系列节目将带着观众和他们一起冒险。

    National Geographic Channel 's series Somewhere in China takes viewers with them .

  8. 本月份,国家地理频道将播出全新系列节目。

    The National Geographic Channel will air a brand new series this month .

  9. 本月份,国家地理频道《原来如此!》将看尽《马桶大小事》。

    This month , National Geographic Channel dives into The Toilet on Everyday Things .

  10. 本月份,国家地理频道探索一个将起如此效用的谜团。

    This month , National Geographic Channel explores a mystery that will do just that .

  11. 本月份的国家地理频道,将在《超级城市&台北》中一探台北的兴盛。

    This month , National Geographic Channel looks at Taipei 's rise in Megacities & Taipei .

  12. 国家地理频道《希律王的失落王陵》将与世人分享希律王的雄伟建筑。

    National Geographic Channel 's Herod 's Lost Tomb shares Herod 's massive structures with the world .

  13. 国家地理频道在《武士刀传奇》中,深入剖析这种致命武器的所有真相。

    In Samurai Sword , National Geographic Channel slices through all the facts about this deadly weapon .

  14. 本月份,国家地理频道《历史奇案》,将一探罗斯威尔及其它重大的神秘事件。

    This month , National Geographic Channel looks at Roswell and other great mysteries on History 's Secret .

  15. 国家地理频道可在141个国家的1.4亿个家庭里收看到。

    The National Geographic Channel is seen on televisions in more than 140 million homes in 141 countries .

  16. 并于6月1日周天首次登陆国家地理频道《解密巨石阵》栏目。

    and revealed in a National Geographic Channel special Stonehenge Decoded premiering Sunday June 1st . Check local listings .

  17. 国家地理频道跟随一组制片人员,一同进入中国内地寻找大熊猫。

    National Geographic Channel follows a team of filmmakers as they search for giant pandas in the heart of China .

  18. 昨天看了国家地理频道的一个关于二战的实况节目,名为《广岛原子弹爆炸》。

    Yesterday , I watched a program called " The Atomic Explosion in Hiroshima " in the National Geography Channel .

  19. 国家地理频道将带观众一窥总统的卧室,以及总统与他国元首会谈的机密场所。

    NGC shows viewers the president 's bedroom and the top-secret area where the president can talk with other world leaders .

  20. 国家地理频道即将播放的一部全新纪录片将带领观众进入子宫里的多胞胎世界。

    A new documentary on the National Geographic Channel has opened up a new world inside the womb of multiple births .

  21. 在《美国空军一号》节目中,国家地理频道将一探这位新总统的移动式办公室的所有大小事。

    In the program ," On Board Air Force One ," NGC learns all about the new president 's mobile office .

  22. 他和国家地理频道谈到光是去上课就会遭到危险,因为学生仅因身为学生之故就被杀害。

    He shared with NGC the dangers of simply going to class because students were being killed just for being students .

  23. 从大桥到隧道及其它林林总总的建筑,尽在国家地理频道的《伟大建筑巡礼》。

    From bridges to tunnels and all of the structures in between , Megastructures is the one show that has them all .

  24. 本月份,国家地理频道要在离家非常近的地方观兽-后院的花园。

    This month , National Geographic Channel takes a safari in a place a lot closer to home - a backyard garden .

  25. 本月份国家地理频道将在《称霸狗职场》第五季的最新节目中细探这层关系。

    This month , National Geographic Channel takes a close look at this relationship in the fifth season of Dogs with Jobs .

  26. 国家地理频道推出的四小时迷你剧《圣徒与陌生人》就试图“颠覆大家熟悉的感恩节演变史”。

    The four-hour Saints & Strangers miniseries is National Geographic 's attempt to go " beyond the familiar historical account of Thanksgiving . "

  27. 敬请收看国家地理频道的《透视内幕&国立故宫博物院》,好更进一步了解这批名闻世界的收藏。

    Tune in to NGC 's Inside : The Emperor 's Treasure to learn more about the National Palace Museum 's world-famous collection .

  28. 与中国的许多电视节目相比,国家地理频道、探索频道具有科教和娱乐的双重特点。

    This text has analysed the characteristic of the NATIONNAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL and DISCOVERY CHANNEL from two respects of science and education and amusement .

  29. 伟大建筑巡礼是一个真实的系列电视电视纪录片,它在一个涵盖了建筑学、运输、建设和制造的国家地理频道上播出。

    MegaStructures is a documentary television series appearing on the National Geographic Channel which covers areas of architecture , transport , construction and manufacturing .

  30. 在本月份的国家地理频道中,您将得以认识必须随时面临种种困难和险境的海上抢救人员们。

    Well , this month on National Geographic Channel , you will learn about salvors , people who face heavy odds and constant dangers .