
  • 网络International Power;International Electricity;International Electric Power
  1. 上述80亿美元交易活动,并不包括GDFSuez与国际电力(InternationalPower)就创建一家伦敦上市电力公司的初步谈判,因为谈判尚未正式宣布。

    The $ 8bn of deal activity excluded the preliminary talks between GDF Suez and International Power to create a London-listed power company as they have not yet been officially announced .

  2. 由于中大功率设备在电网中占有很大比重,三相功率因数校正在解决电力公害方面具有十分重要的作用,因此三相PFC已经成为国际电力电子学界研究的热门课题。

    Because the middle and large power equipments account for heavy proportion and three-phase PFC has important function to solve the pollution to the unity , three-phase PFC has become hot study subject in international power electronics educational circles already .

  3. 国际电力贸易的WTO法律规范分析

    WTO Law on International Trade in Electricity

  4. 中国华电旗下香港上市子公司华电国际电力股份有限公司(HuadianPowerInternationalCorp。)上个月表示,预计今年上半年会出现净亏损。

    The company 's arm listed in Hong Kong , Huadian Power International Corp. , said last month it expects to report a net loss for the first half of2008 .

  5. 国际电力必须决定是进行合并(大概是和法国的GDFSuez),还是继续孤身前行。

    IP has to decide whether to proceed with a merger , perhaps with GDF Suez of France , or to continue going it alone .

  6. 华能国际电力股份有限公司作为目前中国最大的独立发电商在进入新世纪后将面临新的局面。

    Ltd International , the biggest electricity company of China will face new situation .

  7. 国际电力工程设计咨询实践与体会

    Practice and Experiences of Electric Power Engineering Consulting Service in International Electric Power Market

  8. 综合实践并借鉴相关理论,概括总结出国际电力贸易合同的内涵。

    Comprehensive the related practicing and relevant theories to summarize the connotation of international electricity trade contracts .

  9. 分析师表示,如果达成交易,国际电力价值至多可达100亿美元。

    If a deal went ahead , analysts said International Power would be worth up to $ 10bn .

  10. 论文在最后部分提出并设计了山西国际电力集团工程管理公司火电建设项目管理信息化系统的框架。

    At last , we advance and design the information system of the thermal power project of Shanxi international power group .

  11. 电力电子装置的集成化已经成为电力电子技术未来发展的一个重要的趋势,受到了国际电力电子界的广泛重视。

    The Integration of power electronics circuits has become an important trends of power electronics technique in future , which is attracting the attention internationally .

  12. 最后结合山西国际电力集团的具体工程案例对赢得值原理在电力工程项目中的应用效果进行了实证分析。

    At last , we give an empirical research on application results of earned value management in a power project of Shanxi International Power Group .

  13. 在对国际电力市场化改革和输配电价格理论研究的基础上,对我国电价形成过程进行回顾,分析我国电价改革、尤其是输配电价改革的必要性。

    This paper reviews the process of electricity tariff development and analyzes the necessity electricity tariff reformation , especially the T & D tariff reformation .

  14. 第三部分研究了国际电力贸易合同的内涵和特征。

    The last part is the necessary requirements of carrying out the international electricity trade . Chapter ⅲ is the content and features of international electricity trade contract .

  15. 超临界机组在国际电力市场已经比较成熟,火电机组采用超临界机组是我国目前电力发展的方向。

    Supercritical unit is already mature in the international electric power market , and the fossil unit using the supercritical parameter is the development direction of Chinese electric power .

  16. 目前,国际电力建设市场的竞争已经由简单的工程产品竞争逐渐转移到企业整体实力的竞争上来,S电建公司因缺乏有效的营销模式而在竞争中常常处于下风。

    At present , the competition in international electric power construction market have been gradually transferred from competition in the engineering products to competition in the overall strength of enterprises .

  17. 电力工业市场化是当前世界电力工业的发展趋势和国际电力科学研究与工程实践的热点。

    The marketization of power industry is a development trend of the current power industry in the world and a focus of the international electric scientific research and project practice .

  18. 该集团在达成国际电力的交易后曾表示,将把投资重点转向亚洲。与中投签约,将使其拥有在亚洲角逐合同所需的财务实力。

    It said after the International Power deal that it was shifting investment priorities to Asia and a CIC deal would give it the financial firepower to pursue regional contracts .

  19. 论文主要研究以山西国际电力集团工程管理公司为管理主体、以赢得值原理为指导的电力工程项目施工阶段的进度和费用管理问题。

    This paper mainly studies schedule and cost management of electric power project of Project Management Company of Shanxi International Power Group based on earned value management in the period of construction .

  20. 最后,论文选取华能国际电力股份有限公司为案例分析对象,利用实物期权实证所采用的方法,对文章提出的理论概念和模型进行了简单的验证,其验证结果支持所提理论。

    Finally , the thesis took " Huaneng Power International Inc. " as an example to verify the theoretical concepts and models in this paper . And the results supported the theories above .

  21. 作为国际电力工业发展典范的欧洲电网,具有独特的电网技术、发展模式、电网结构等方面的经验和案例。

    As a classic model of the international power industry development , the European power grid has unique experience and cases in terms of power grid technology , development mode , and grid structure .

  22. 引入竞争机制,推动国内电力市场尽快与国际电力市场接轨,是增强国内电力企业竞争实力的重要措施。

    Introducing the competition mechanism and promoting China 's power market to reach the standards of the international power markets is an important measure to strengthen the competitive capability of China 's power enterprises .

  23. 国际电力贸易合同是实现跨国电力交易的法律基础和保障,因而对国际电力贸易合同进行研究就具有必要性、现实性和重要性。

    As international electricity trade contract is the legal basis and security for electricity trading , and therefore it is more realistic , more important more and necessary to study on the international electricity trade contracts .

  24. 中国加强国际电力贸易的监管势在必行,是经济安全的需要、是电力跨国交易健康发展的需要、是电力系统稳定运行的需要、是外交战略的需要。

    China has to strengthen the monitoring of international electricity trade , which is the need for economic security , the need for healthy development of electricity cross-border transactions , the need for stable operation of electricity system , and the need for diplomatic strategy .

  25. 随着互联技术的快速发展以及更多国家致力于市场自由化,国际电力贸易将变得愈来愈重要,因而有必要明确建立一个国际法律框架。

    As greater technical possibilities for interconnection are realized , and as more countries embark on market liberalization , international trade in electricity will become more and more important . It is imperative that the international legal framework for trade in electricity be clearly established .

  26. 《国际电力》在2004年第4期上介绍了西门子公司承接的中国天广平果站可控串补工程的一次系统设计,本期将介绍该工程的控制与保护系统设计方案。

    The primary system design philosophy of Tian Guang TCSC scheme at Pingguo substation implemented by Siemens was published in the issue of 2004 ,( 4 ) of the magazine . In this issue , the control and protection sysem of Tian Guang TCSC schem will be introduced .

  27. X-10协议即国际标准电力线载波通讯协议,它允许室内所有兼容X-10协议的电器通过现有电力线来进行通讯,具有编程简单、可靠性好、无需单独布线等特点。

    X-10 is a powerline carrier protocol that allows compatible devices throughout the home to communicate with each other via the existing 110V or 220V wiring in the house without any additional wiring . It is reliable and easy to be programmed .

  28. 如何借鉴国际上电力监管的成功经验,并结合我国电力监管的现状,构建和完善适合中国国情的电力监管体系,成为了学者们急需探讨一个重大的课题。

    How to set up and improve the electricity regulation system based upon the background of China becomes a critical issue .

  29. 依靠技术进步全面创建国际一流电力企业&访上海市电力公司曾德君总工程师

    Building internationally first-class electric power enterprise relying on technological progress Interview with ZENG De-jun , Chief Engineer of Shanghai Electric Power Company

  30. 这两位领导人还签署了一系列双边备忘录,包括意大利国家水电公司和俄罗斯“国际统一电力系统”集团之间的贸易协议。

    The two leaders also signed a series of bilateral memoranda , including a deal between Italy 's Enel utility and Russia 's power company Inter RAO .