
  • 网络Cultural symbol;cultural icon;cultural codes
  1. 文学符号是能动的文化符号。

    The literature symbol is a kind of initiative cultural symbol .

  2. 设计语义之中国文化符号的重构

    Reconstruction of the Chinese Cultural Symbol Contained in Design Semantics

  3. 康奈尔大学开设了一门研究语言与特定文化符号之间如何关联的课程。

    Cornell University offers a course that investigates how language relates to particular cultural codes

  4. 作为一种文化符号,美国汽车还很年轻。

    As cultural symbols go , the American car is quite young .

  5. 论当代商业性平面设计中的红色文化符号

    The " Red Culture " Symbols in Contemporary Commercial Graphic Design

  6. 姓名作为一种文化符号,蕴含着极为丰富的文化内涵。

    As a culture symbol , Chinese names contain comprehensive culture connotations .

  7. 试析民族文化符号在电影跨文化传播中的二度编解码

    The Second-degree Code / Decoding of National Culture Symbols in Cross-cultural Movies

  8. 立体主义的文化符号&詹姆逊现代主义问题研究

    The Cultural Sign of Cubism & Research of Jameson 's modernism issues

  9. 探析欧洲奢华设计风格中的文化符号

    The Analysis of the Cultural Symbols in Luxurious Style of European Design

  10. 善与恶的化身:蛇文化符号的阐释

    Incarnation of Good and Evil : Interpretation of Cultural Symbols of Snakes

  11. 大鹏:从哲学意象到文学自我&庄子、李白文化符号类型比较

    A Great Roc : From a Philosophical Allusion to a Literary Ego

  12. 中产阶级的文化符号:《时尚》杂志解读

    The Cultural Denotation of Middle Class : the Unscrambling of the Magazine Fashion

  13. 楚文化符号语言的现代设计语义表达探析

    Semantic Expression Study on Modern Design with the Symbol Language in Chu Culture

  14. 声乐艺术之多元文化符号解析

    The Interpretation of the Multi-cultural Symbols of Vocal Art

  15. 故事的文化符号就是中国的师徒关系。

    Story of cultural symbols of China 's mentorship .

  16. 笔者探讨了教学日志这一文化符号在教师专业学习中的中介工具作用。

    This study explores the meditational role of teaching journals in teachers'professional learning .

  17. 传统文化符号在极少主义建筑中的应用研究

    Traditional Culture Mark in Minimalism Construction Applied Research

  18. 现代艺术设计与民族文化符号浅析

    Modern Art Design and National Culture Symbol Analyze

  19. 图腾、神话主角与原型置换&鹰/蛇文化符号的人类学阐释

    Totem , Heroes of Myth and Prototype Displacement

  20. 非洲蜡染图案中的文化符号分类

    Classification of cultural symbols in African batik patterns

  21. 服务提供者必须对美国文化符号有所理解,以保持杂志的美国风格。

    Vendor must have understanding of U.S.cultural symbols to maintain American identity of magazine .

  22. 洋节流行的文化符号学透视

    An Approach to the Popularity of Western Festivals from the Perspective of Cultural Semeiology

  23. 中国文化符号与美国的亚洲化

    Chinese Cultural Marks and the Asianization of America

  24. 设计语义中蕴涵的文化符号意义

    The Cultural Mark Meaning Contained in Design Semantics

  25. 传统文化符号与现代标志设计

    Traditional Culture Symbol and Modern Mark Design

  26. 作为文化符号与界限的墙:中西比较

    The Wall as a Cultural Sign and Dividing Line : A Sino - West Comparison

  27. 呈现了一个新的文化符号;

    It presents a new cultural symbol ;

  28. 此外,他们也都描写了或创造了一些民俗或文化符号。

    Additionally , both of them also wrote or created some folklore or cultural symbols .

  29. 传统文化符号是民族精神最重要的表现形式,构成民族文化的话语系统。

    Traditional culture Symbol is the most important exhibition of ethos by composing national cultural phylum .

  30. 华裔美国文学作品中的中国文化符号

    Chinese Cultural Symbol in Chinese-American Literature