
wén jí
  • collected works
文集 [wén jí]
  • [collected works] 汇集一个作家的诗文而成的书

文集[wén jí]
  1. 《内经》与《希氏文集》心理学理论的比较研究

    Study on Psychology by Comparing NeiJing and the Collected Works of Hippocrates

  2. 其次又利用各种奏折、文集等记载,分析政府、官僚、士绅对胥吏问题的控制措施与整治设想。

    Secondly , the author uses the memorials to the emperors and collected works to analyze the measures and political assumption that the government , bureaucrats and gentry employed to settle the problem of Petty Officials .

  3. 这本文集是为配合在科隆举办的一场展览而出的。

    This volume of essays was designed to accompany an exhibition in Cologne

  4. 这本文集是由埃伦·奈特编选的。

    This collection of essays is edited by Ellen Knight

  5. 该文集记载了亚洲政府追求经济国家主义的各类方式,即使这当中揉合了国际经济。

    This collection documents the different ways in which Asian governments have been pursuing economic nationalism even as they have been integrating with the world economy .

  6. 这本完整而简短的历史文集一定老少皆宜,哪怕是最喜爱历史的人肯定也能从中找到一些新鲜感。

    This complete but brief historical collection is certain to entertain readers young and old , and guaranteed to present even the biggest history lover with something new !

  7. 将这些数据导入ClassificationWorkbench来创建一个文集(corpus)文件。

    You 'll import this data into Classification Workbench to create a corpus file .

  8. ClassificationWorkbench提供了许多特性和技术,可以对文集进行调优来优化知识库的精确性。

    Classification Workbench provides a variety of features and techniques that allow you to fine-tune the corpus to optimize KB accuracy .

  9. ClassificationWorkbench可以从已经分类的文集自动生成这样的知识库,您不需要显式地指定它的结构。

    Classification Workbench builds such KBs automatically from a categorized corpus , and you do not have to explicitly specify its structure .

  10. 只有8%的人能够说出《联邦党人文集》(FederalistPapers)的任何一名作者。

    Only 8 per cent could name even one author of the Federalist Papers .

  11. 霍布斯鲍姆的独特之处在于他同时拥有这两种世界观。他在自己1997年的文集《论历史》(OnHistory)的序言中写道,史学家必须以(事实)为起点,无论他们最终会走多远。

    Both world views characterise Hobsbawm , who wrote in the preface to his 1997 essay collection On History that facts provide the point from which historians must start , however far from it they may end .

  12. 然后,可以使用ClassificationWorkbench报告和图形化的诊断信息来评估知识库,并通过编辑创建知识库所用的文集来改进知识库的精确性。

    Then you can evaluate the KB using Classification Workbench reports and graphical diagnostics and improve its accuracy by editing the corpus you use to create the KB .

  13. 霍布斯鲍姆的独特之处在于他同时拥有这两种世界观。他在自己1997年的文集《论历史》(OnHistory)的序言中写道,“史学家必须以(事实)为起点,无论他们最终会走多远”。

    Both world views characterise Hobsbawm , who wrote in the preface to his 1997 essay collection On History that facts provide " the point from which historians must start , however far from it they may end . "

  14. 汤亭亭[MaxineHongKingston1940-]被认为是在欧洲、北美、澳洲三地拥有读者最多、入选文集及教材最多的当代美国作家。

    Maxine Hong Kingston [ Maxine Hong Kingston 1940 - ] is considered as the contemporary American writer who has won the widest range of readers , selected anthology and teaching material in Europe , North America and Australia .

  15. 帕慕克是2006年诺贝尔文学奖得主,在他2005年的非虚构文集《伊斯坦布尔:一座城市的记忆》(Istanbul:MemoriesandtheCity)一书中努力写出了这种“整个城市笼罩的呼愁”。

    Mr. Pamuk , who won the Nobel Prize in literature in 2006 , sought to tap into " the huzun of an entire city " in his nonfiction book " Istanbul : Memories and the City " ( 2005 ) .

  16. 《游荡:新旧文集》(Loitering:NewandCollectedEssays),查尔斯·达姆布罗西奥(CharlesD’Ambrosio)著(TinHouse出版社,平装,15.95美元)。达姆布罗西奥的作品表明他是当今最聪明、最有文学色彩的散文家。

    LOITERING : New and Collected Essays . By Charles D'Ambrosio . ( Tin House , paper , $ 15.95 . ) D'Ambrosio stands here revealed as one of the smartest , most literary practicing today .

  17. 大约10年前,在普林斯顿大学(Princeton)这座象牙塔里,一位经济学家决定再版过去二十年写作的文集。

    In the tower at Princeton , about 10 years ago , one economist decided to republish the collected articles that he had written over the past couple of decades .

  18. 这是他在2010年出版《自由》之后的第一本小说,不过他在其间出版了一个文集和一本卡尔·克劳斯(KarlKraus)的译文集。

    It 's his first novel since " Freedom " came out in 2010 , though he 's published an essay collection and a translation of essays by the author Karl Kraus in the interim .

  19. 基于句法结构的译文选择将句法上下文集合视为词包,统计集合中各词的词信息和词性信息作为上下文特征,以Bayes最小错误概率公式作为评价函数选择译文。

    The translation choice is realized on the basis of a grammar tree and takes the context as a word bag , with the lexicon and POS tag information as context features . The Bayes minimal error probability is taken as the evaluation function of the candidate translation .

  20. 申请个人文集,请在这里跟贴!

    Want a personal corpus ? Please reply to this post !

  21. 著有《九经说》、《惜抱轩文集》等,其《登泰山记》是我国的散文名篇。

    Tai is a very well known prose piece in China .

  22. 这本文集反映出当代女性艺术的丰富多产。

    The collection reflects the fertility of contemporary women 's art .

  23. 自动图文集词条的名称不能为空,请键入字符。

    AutoText entries need a non-blank name . Type some characters .

  24. 这是一本妙语连珠、智慧洋溢的文集。

    It is an anthology that crackles with wit and wisdom .

  25. 别集、总集均属于古代文集。

    Both collected works and complete works belong to ancient corpus .

  26. 收集预先分类的数据,它们将构成文集的基础。

    Gather pre-categorized data that will form the basis of a corpus .

  27. 用自动图文集词条的内容替换其名称

    Replaces the name of the AutoText entry with its contents

  28. 根据所选内容创建或插入自动图文集词条

    Creates or inserts an AutoText entry depending on the selection

  29. 管理自动图文集词条、样式、宏和工具栏

    Manages AutoText entries , styles , macros , and toolbars

  30. 深化文艺美学研究推动先进文化创造&《向峰文集》学术座谈会纪要

    Deepen the Study of Literary Aesthetics Impel the Creation of Advanced Culture