
  • 网络cultural evolutionism;Euolution of culuye;cultural evolution;theory of biological and cultural evolution
  1. 文化进化论与文化相对论作为最有代表性的两种文化学理论,二者的对立和冲突对整个文化学理论的发展产生了重要的影响,并贯穿于文化学发展的过程之中。

    Two of the most famous doctrines in culture theory are cultural evolutionism and cultural relativity . The antagonism between them has greatly affected and passed through the development of whole culture theory .

  2. 马文·哈里斯的文化进化论与文化唯物主义

    Marvin Harris Cultural Materialism and Cultural Evolutionism

  3. 文化进化论的古典创建

    Classical Foundation of the Theory of Cultural Evolution Culture

  4. 评述西方文化进化论的新进展

    On the New Development of the Theory of Cultural Evolution in the West

  5. 全面小康社会与绿色体育文化建设的广义进化论阐释&兼论竞技体育文化建设中的价值观问题

    An All-round Well-off Society and Construction of Green Sports Culture from the Perspective of Generalized Evolutionism

  6. 模因论是将文化与达尔文的进化论相结合的一种新的理论,具有强大的阐释力。

    Memetics is the new theory combing Darwin 's Theory of Adaptation and culture , which has the great explanatory power .

  7. 法律的功能分析与整体文化观、单线进化论前设之间也存有张力。

    It does not overcome the paradoxes between asserting on one hand the functional analyses of law and affirming the integral conception of culture and unilinear evolutionism on the other hand .

  8. 对科学乃至文化发展的普遍性的关注来自文化进化论。

    The universality of science as well as culture originated from cultural evolutionism .

  9. 这两种不同的立场,与文化人类学领域的争论密切相关,说到底是文化人类学领域中进化论与相对论对峙的表现。

    The two opposite position , closely connected with arguments in cultural anthropology , actually represents the opposition of evolutionism and relativism in cultural anthropology .