
  • 网络Māori;The Maori;iwi
  1. 在新西兰,毛利人保持着深厚的文化传统。

    In New Zealand , the Maori people maintain a strong cultural tradition .

  2. 每120名选民,包括毛利人选民,选举一个MP。

    Each of the120 electorates , including the Maori electorates , elects one MP .

  3. 黑曜石是毛利人的神圣之物。

    Obsidian is sacred to the Maoris .

  4. 库克岛人是毛利人(Maoris)和波利尼西亚血统的分支。

    The Cook Islanders are Maoris , a branch of the Polynesian race .

  5. 尽管如此,毛利人还是成功地保持了他们与众不同的身份&他们的毛利文化。

    Nevertheless , Maori have succeeded in maintaining their distinctive identity .

  6. 登陆这里的人是毛利人的祖先。

    The group that landed here , ancestors of the maori .

  7. 他和毛利人做交易并向英国土地作出索赔。

    He traded with Maori and claimed the land for British .

  8. 新西兰的原住民被称为毛利人。

    The native people of New Zealand are called the Maori .

  9. 毛利人在广场上开普通的会议。

    The common meeting place for Maori is on the marae .

  10. 基维鸟在歌唱&新西兰毛利人的诗歌传统

    The Kiwi Is Singing ── The Tradition of New Zealand Maori Poetry

  11. 新西兰的毛利人所说的大洋州语。

    The Oceanic language spoken by the Maori people in New Zealand .

  12. 毛利人是来到新西兰的最早的人种。

    The Maori were the earliest people to come to New Zealand .

  13. 毛利英语是一种英语变体,为毛利人所使用。

    Maori English is a variety of English used by Maori people .

  14. 在奥克兰博物馆,可以看到毛利人表演传统舞蹈。

    You can also see Maori traditional dances at the Auckland Museum .

  15. 毛利人在现代世界里过着传统生活。

    Maoris living a traditional life in a modern world .

  16. 如今,大多数毛利人住在远离马拉埃的地方。

    Today , the majority of Maori people live away from the marae .

  17. 这是毛利人从未见过的。

    That the Maori can never have seen before .

  18. 现在为毛利人的小孩子设定了专门的幼儿园。

    Today there are special kindergartens for Maori children .

  19. 毛利人的家庭都喜欢共同分享他们拥有的东西,乐于相互照顾。

    Maori families enjoy sharing what they own and looking after one another .

  20. 有70个选民,包括毛利人选民。

    There are70 electorates , including the Maori electorates .

  21. 毛利人相信一个死人的精神能够保持三天。

    Maori believe that the spirit stays with the body for three days .

  22. 此条约是英王国政府代表与毛利人酋长签订的协议。

    The Treaty was an agreement between Maori chiefs and the British Crown .

  23. 哈卡是毛利人一种传统舞蹈的通称。

    Haka is the generic term for a traditional dance of the Maori people .

  24. 一些想保留他们传统的毛利人今天仍然有刺青。

    And some Maoris who want to preserve their heritage still get tattoos today .

  25. 那时毛利人在此定居。

    When the Maoris settled in the area .

  26. 就毛利人和新西兰白种人而言,这个条约还一直控制着它们的中心地方。

    For both Maori and Pakeha , the Treaty continues to hold a central place .

  27. 对于这里的原住居民毛利人来说,这片土地代表了一切。

    For the traditional people , the Maori , this land holds the greatest significance .

  28. 类似的,在澳大利亚和新西兰,有提升的毛利人和澳大利亚土著。

    In parallel manner in Australia and New Zealand , there are ascending Maoris and Aborigines .

  29. 毛利文化就是毛利人的生活方式和世界观。

    Maoritanga is Maori culture : the Maori way of life and view of the world .

  30. 两个月以前,她去了罗托鲁阿,那里是毛利人的居住地。

    Two months ago , she went to Rotorua , a palce where maoris live in .