
  • 网络MAUI;The Island of Maui;maui island
  1. 如果你去夏威夷,就呆在毛伊岛。

    If you go to Hawaii , stay in Maui .

  2. ZACEFRON扎克·埃夫隆夏威夷度假中,扎克在毛伊岛冲浪回来,展露出他结实的腹肌!

    emerges from the Maui surf - and bares his ripped abs ! - during his Hawaiian vacation .

  3. 米歇尔·西维尔(MichelleSewell)说,“你知道,这种淀粉类东西吃了容易长胖,而且也不好吃。”她住在毛伊岛,房子外头就有面包树,但她从来不吃面包果。

    ' You know , it 's fattening and it doesn 't even taste that good , 'says Michelle Sewell , who has breadfruit trees outside her home on Maui island but never eats the fruit .

  4. 也有。毛伊岛为全家提供阳光下的乐趣。

    Maui offers fun in the sun for the whole family .

  5. 如果能马上去毛伊岛旅游,我怎么都行。

    I would give anything for a trip to Maui right now .

  6. 我觉得毛伊岛的海滩最棒。

    I thought the beaches in Maui were the best .

  7. 夏威夷中部的一个岛屿,位于毛伊岛和瓦胡岛之间。

    An island of central Hawaii ( between Maui and Oahu ) .

  8. 我有两张头等舱往返机票,是去夏威夷毛伊岛的。

    I have 2 first class roundtrip airline tickets to Maui , Hawaii .

  9. 然而毛伊岛却满足所有理想夏季度假地的要求。

    Maui , however , checks every box on the ideal summer vacation list .

  10. 你刚才在想毛伊岛,宽广的海滩以及穿着比基尼的美女。

    You were just thinking of maui , with the big beaches and the little bikinis .

  11. 好了让我们来看看1977年太赞了毛伊岛

    Alright , let 's take a look at 1977.And , Zowie , it 's Maui !

  12. 在毛伊岛,不论到哪里,您一定能够找到历史和文化的足迹。

    No matter where you travel on Maui you are sure to find points of historic and cultural significance .

  13. 您也可以在一个一天渡轮从毛伊岛的凉台和背部。

    You can also get on one of the day ferries to get from Maui to Lanai and back .

  14. 来了毛伊岛,你要做的最艰难的事情就是收拾行李回家。

    The hardest thing you will have to do on a trip to Maui is start packing to go back home .

  15. 1943年12月1日,22岁的琼斯在毛伊岛的军舰上写下了最后一则日记,他在日记中纪录道,自己掷骰子赢了200美元。

    The 22-year-old 's last entry in the diary , written aboard the USS Maui on December 1 , 1943 , described winning $ 200 at craps .

  16. 几年前,我在夏威夷的毛伊岛水疗度假村首次接触到“观星游”这一概念,在这个40英亩的度假胜地上,卡亚纳帕里海滩的风光可以尽收眼底。

    I first encountered stargazing tourism several years ago at the Maui Resort and Spa in Hawaii , a 40-acre resort with sweeping views of Kaanapali Beach .

  17. 在毛伊岛,去ManaFoods杂货店多囤点健康食物,开车行驶在景色优美的哈纳之路上,你会沉浸于一路的瀑布和泳池。

    Load up on healthy food at ManaFoods groceries in Mauis . Drive the scenic road to Hana and indulge in the waterfalls and swimming pools on the way .

  18. 他提到了毛伊岛的生态保护所取得的成功:非本土植物被人工转移后,原始森林得以恢复,从而拯救了那些濒临灭绝的鸟类。

    He mentioned a conservation success on the island of Maui , where a native forest recovered to support endangered birds , after non-native plants and animals were manually removed .

  19. 各种购物、潜水、冲浪课程、瀑布、乘直升机参观火山、神圣的温泉、深海钓鱼,在毛伊岛应有尽有。

    Tons of shopping , snorkeling , surf lessons , waterfalls , helicopter tours of volcanoes , sacred hot springs , deep sea fishing , the list goes on and on .

  20. 定好闹钟,早起去看哈莱阿卡拉火山日出,从毛伊岛自行车行租一辆公路自行车锻炼身体,还可以和大自然来个亲密接触。

    Set your alarm clock and get up early to watch the sunrise from Haleakala Crater . Boost your fitness by renting a road bike from Maui Cyclery and explore the sights in a more intimate way .

  21. 往回向南经过瓦胡岛,邮轮在毛伊岛停泊,毛伊岛也叫谷之岛,因两座巨大的火山爆发而形成的峡谷而得名。火山喷发出的红色火山灰是种植甘蔗的绝佳土壤。

    Sailing back south past Oahu , the ship anchored at the Island of Maui or Valley Island which got its name from a huge valley formed when two large volcanoes erupted.Its red volcanic dirt is excellent for growing sugar cane .