
fǎn kē xué
  • Anti science;antiscience
反科学 [fǎn kē xué]
  • [antiscience]拒绝科学方法或科学对人类的价值的体系、看法或迷信

  1. 二十世纪德、苏、美三国来自政治层面的反科学行为分析

    The Analyze of Political Force Antiscience in Germany , Soviet Union and United States in the 20th Century

  2. 当然,这并不意味着,对不加控制的工业发展表示担忧的环境主义者也是反科学的,而去年5月份刊登在《美国新闻和世界报导》的一篇文章似乎有此暗示。

    But surely that does not mean environmentalists concerned about uncontrolled industrial growth are antiscience , as an essay in US News & World Report last May seemed to suggest .

  3. 对双方来说,转基因食品似乎是支持农业企业或是反科学的标志。

    For both sides , GM foods seem to act as a symbol : you 're pro-agricultural business or anti-science .

  4. 但除此之外,支持者认为,许多环保人士反对转基因的立场从根本上讲是反科学的,与那些质疑人为气候变化基本原理的人没有什么不同。

    But more than that , supporters see the GM opposition of many environmentalists as fundamentally anti-science , no different than those who question the basics of man-made climate change .

  5. 现代反科学的认识根源及其社会危害

    A Study on the Cognitive Parent and Social Danger of Contemporary Anti-science

  6. 后现代主义反科学观辨析

    An Analysis of the " Anti-Science " View of Postmodernism

  7. 后现代反科学思潮何以出现?

    Why Do the Anti - Science Thoughts of Post Modernity Occur ?

  8. 反科学倾向不利于文学理论的学科建设&就《对文学理论学科性的反思》一文与李春青教授商榷

    Drawbacks of anti-science tendency in discipline construction of literary theories

  9. 反科学的势力威胁着我们社会的进步和繁荣。

    The anti-science brigade threatens our progress and our prosperity .

  10. 这将有助于在科学传播的实践中与反科学和伪科学等作斗争。

    It also helps struggle against anti-science and pseudoscience during SC.

  11. 反科学动摇了科技发展的社会根基,阻碍了物质文明建设;

    Anti-science fluctuates the social groundwork of scientific development .

  12. 反科学:它的表现、根源和警示

    Anti-science : its mode , source and caution

  13. 在第二部分,笔者总结了现代反科学的表现形式及社会危害。

    In the second section , the writer summarizes expressive forms and social danger .

  14. 反科学使人文教育与科学教育对立,导致素质教育的倒退。

    Anti-science opposes humanities and sciences .

  15. 确实,一些观察者担心反科学这个词正处于消失的边际。

    Indeed , some observers fear that the anti-science epithet is in danger of becoming meaningless .

  16. 其一,由于对科学的无知,导致对科学的厌恶和畏惧,进而相信迷信,走向反科学的一面。

    One is ignorance on science that induces averseness and fear about science and believes in superstition .

  17. 19世纪初的浪漫主义运动并不是一场反科学的运动,也不是一场“反经验”的运动。

    The Romanticism in the 19th century is neither an anti-scientific movement nor an anti-experience one . Exercise .

  18. 后现代教育时期:多学科、反科学的开放的教育人性观。

    The educational view of human nature became the essential subject of educational theory in the third period .

  19. 迷信作为一种反科学、非理性的社会精神现象,一直以来都是中国社会发展的一种阻碍力量。

    As one kind of anti-social and unreasoning spirit , Superstition hinder the development of society all the time .

  20. 同时还想说明,科学在其原发过程中是有反科学的机制推动的。

    At the same time it also shows that science is pushed forward by the mechanism which opposes science in the original process .

  21. 简要回顾几年来关于医学庸俗化的学术讨论,明确提出应从本质上对前科学、科学、伪科学和反科学这四个相关概念加以区分。

    We review the recent academic discussion of the medical vulgarize , and raise the different concepts about pre-science , science , pseudoscience and counter-science .

  22. 事实上,克拉克毫不犹豫地对大量反科学信仰以及迷信习俗展开斗争,从神创论和山达基教派到占星术和渡火术。

    Indeed , Clarke readily took on a formidable array of anti-science beliefs and superstitious practices , from creationism and scientology to astrology and fire-walking .

  23. 对待广大民众我们要加大科学普及,同时我们要采取各种措施去和那些违背科学精神的伪科学、反科学作斗争;

    We should popularize the science better among the people , meantime we should take many measures to struggle with the pseudoscience and counter science ;

  24. 医学庸俗化现象事实上包括伪科学和反科学两种既相联系、又相区别的社会现象。

    In fact , the medical vulgarize includes the social phenomenas of the pseudoscience and counter-science , both of them are inter-contacted and different each other .

  25. 然而,布朗首相在上周末表示,那些否认人类对全球变暖影响的人是“落伍的、反科学的、坚持地球平面说的气候变化怀疑论者”。

    However , Brown this weekend said people who denied man 's impact on global warming were " behind-the-times , anti-science , flat-earth climate sceptics " .

  26. 伴随近代科学的诞生,反科学对科学进行无情的嘲弄和讽喻,并成为近代反科学思潮兴起的思想来源。

    With the birth of modern science , anti-science thoughts made ruthless mockery allegory of science and could be traced as the origin of modem anti-science ideology .

  27. 作为一种宗教信仰型犯罪,其反科学、反人类、反社会的罪恶本质与有组织犯罪形态相结合,因而社会危害性极大。

    As a crime of religious belief , it 's criminal essence is anti-science , anti-society , anti-mankind , and it was combined with the organized crime , and it has very big social harmfulness .

  28. 对科学的善与恶的评价,在一定层面上是对科学的物质价值问题的关注,并使人们对科学采取了截然相反的态度,甚至引起了反科学的情绪。

    The evaluation of science virtue is due to the question of scientific value in physically , and the result of evaluation makes people take different attitudes , even some people object the development of science .

  29. 然而,学界在这一问题的研究上长期以来缺乏一种客观、理性的态度,往往将其贴上反科学的标签而予以抛弃,致使难以对其合理性因素予以深入的挖掘。

    However , the academic research on this issue a long time on the lack of an objective and rational attitude , often affixed to the tag anti-science be abandoned , there is hardly a reasonable factor to its excavation .

  30. 在这些努力中,他与其他反伪科学斗士联合了起来,这包括科学家卡尔•萨根(CarlSagan)、斯蒂芬•杰伊•古尔德(StephenJayGould)以及魔术师詹姆斯•兰迪(JamesRandi)。

    In these endeavours he joined other campaigners against pseudoscience , including scientists Carl Sagan and Stephen Jay Gould and the magician James Randi .