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  • antitrust laws;antitrust acts
  1. 若不存在协定,反托拉斯法允许制造商有实质性区别地选择其愿意与之交易的代理商。

    Without an agreement , the antitrust laws allow manufacturers substantial leeway in selecting the dealers with whom they deal .

  2. 反托拉斯法是美国制定的一套法律,目的在于防止大公司对其商品或服务实行市场垄断。

    Antitrust laws are a set of laws in the USA that aim to prevent large companies from controling all of the market for their products or services .

  3. 同时,苹果也在创建自己的电子图书业务,而且该业务还成了美国司法部(JusticeDepartment)反托拉斯法的调查对象。

    Apple also is building its e-book business , the subject of a Justice Department anti-trust investigation .

  4. 1995年,司法部正式指控犯有固定的法学教授的薪水等谢尔曼反托拉斯法的行为,ABA的。

    In1995 , the Justice Department formally charged the ABA with fixing law professors'salaries , among other Sherman Anti-Trust Act violations .

  5. 《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》缘何使用普通法条款

    Political Intentions of Common Law items in the Sherman Antitrust Law

  6. 美国反托拉斯法上的外资并购控制及启示

    Regulation of Foreign Acquisition in US Antitrust Law and Its Significance

  7. 法务部官员正在调查该合并案是否违反反托拉斯法。

    Justice officials are investigating whether the merger violates anti-trust laws .

  8. 智慧财产及反托拉斯法之间,先天就有所冲突。

    A fundamental tension exists between intellectual property and antitrust law .

  9. 美国反托拉斯法的司法特点及其启示

    Judicial characteristics of Anti-Trust in America and the Inspiration to China 's Economy

  10. 试论美国反托拉斯法价值目标的变化

    A Review of Adjustment of the value Objective in the American Antitrust Act

  11. 《反托拉斯法》获得巨大成功,至少看似如此。

    The Anti-Trust Act was a resounding success , or so it seemed .

  12. 从判例看美国反托拉斯法的历史与未来

    The History and Future of American Anti-trust Law ── A Case Law Perspective

  13. 美国反托拉斯法禁止公司控制或垄断一项工业。

    United States antitrust legislation prohibits corporations from dominating or monopolizing an industry .

  14. 罗斯福总统认为这个公司违反了谢尔曼的反托拉斯法。

    SHEP O'NEAL : President Roosevelt believed the company violated the Sherman Anti-Trust Law .

  15. 美国反托拉斯法的新发展与我国反垄断法的效率原则指向

    New Development of US Antitrust Law and the Efficiency Priciple on Chinese Antitrust Law

  16. 我们的反托拉斯法太严格了。

    Our antitrust laws have been too severe .

  17. 美国的反托拉斯法促进美国的技术创新了吗

    Law Education in America Has the Antitrust Act of the US Promoted Technology Innovation

  18. 有些卡塔尔(比如海运)被官方正式免于反托拉斯法起诉。

    Some cartels , such as maritime transport , are officially exempt from anti-trust laws .

  19. 《反托拉斯法》一个世纪以来是否对美国产生影响?

    Has the Anti-Trust Act made a difference in the United States over the past century ?

  20. 此外,白宫在反托拉斯法方面的态度比以往已有所缓和。

    Moreover , the White House 's attitude towards anti-trust laws is somewhat more relaxed than before .

  21. 克雷顿反托拉斯法对限制贸易的含义作出更明确的规定。

    The Clayton Antitrust Act tried to define more clearly what was meant by restraint of trade .

  22. 进入70年代后,效率优先逐渐成为反托拉斯法关注的重点。

    After 1970 's or 1980 's , efficiency-senior has gradually become the keynote of the antitrust Act .

  23. 美国反托拉斯法目标多重性形成原因的历史探讨

    An Inquiry into the Causes for the Multiple Goals of the United States Antitrust Law from Historical Perspective

  24. 第三章介绍了美国反托拉斯法中有关搭售的规定及其立法过程。

    The third chapter introduce the tie-in regulation of the antitrust law of American and its legislation process .

  25. 他教授的课程包括反托拉斯法、知识产权法、合同法.网际法和法理学等。

    He teaches courses in antitrust law , intellectual property law , contract law , cyberlaw , and jurisprudence .

  26. 新兴世界尤其需要加大政府合同的透明度,并起草行之有效的反托拉斯法。

    The emerging world , in particular , needs to introduce greater transparency in government contracts and effective anti-trust law .

  27. 本文认为:反托拉斯法和专利政策促进了美国工业研究的兴起。

    The paper concludes that the Anti - trust law and the patent policy facilitate the rise of US Industrial research .

  28. 政府有反托拉斯法,反对公司组成意在把持产品价格跟销售的托拉斯。

    The government has anti = trust laws that regulate against companies forming trusts in order to control product prices and distribution .

  29. 搭配销售长期以来一直为美国反托拉斯法所禁止,然而法学家和经济学家却对其实施效果一直争论不休。

    Although Tying arrangements are prohibited by American Antitrust law , lawyers and economists are quarreling about the effect of such enforcement .

  30. 《反托拉斯法》更近期的批评人士提到多达五次的兼并浪潮,第一波始于19世纪末期。

    More recent critics of the Anti-Trust Act point to as many as five merger waves , the first beginning in the late19th century .