
fǎn sān jiǎo hán shù
  • inverse trigonometric function;anti-trigonometric function
反三角函数[fǎn sān jiǎo hán shù]
  1. 一种实用的反三角函数快速算法

    A Practical Algorithm of Quick Calculating Anti-trigonometric Function

  2. 为了估计剪力对梁变形的影响,在集中力作用下梁内剪力用一个单值连续的反三角函数表示。

    To evaluate the effect of shear on deformation of beams , shear in beams under the action of a concentrated load is expressed in terms of a single-valued continuous inverse trigonometric function .

  3. 浅谈反三角函数概念的教学

    A Brief Talk in Teaching Inverse Trigonometric Function

  4. 最后,让我们的双曲函数反三角函数和照顾。

    Finally , let 's take care of the inverse trig and hyperbolic functions .

  5. 我想让你们了解最简单的反三角函数,但不需要了解太多。

    I would like you to know the easiest inverse trig functions , but not much .

  6. 用复变反三角函数变换求共焦点椭圆柱形电容器的电势及电容

    Calculation of the electric potential and capacitance of a confocal elliptic capacitor by transform of inverse trigonometrical function of complex variable

  7. 本文介绍了一种在微处理器中用二进制定点运算和查表相结合的方法简单实现三角函数和反三角函数运算的方法。

    This paper introduces a computation method of trigonometric functions and inverse trigonometric functions in microprocessor by usr of combination binary fixed point operation with look-up table .

  8. 由于FOXBASE+没有测量工作中经常使用的角度换算、三角、反三角函数,故不便单独用于测量数据处理。

    Because there are not angle transformation , trigonometric function and anti trigonometric function in the FoxBASE + , it is not easy to programme survey in the past .

  9. 这种方法基于查表法和线性插值模型,在三角函数及反三角函数的计算中以较小的精度和存储空间的损失换取了计算速度的大幅度提高。

    Based on table lookup and linear interpolation , this calculating method trades little cost of precision and memory space to a great improve on running speed in the trigonometric function calculation .

  10. 还没有包含反双曲三角函数&反双曲余弦、反双曲正弦和反双曲正切。

    The inverse hyperbolic trigonometric functions acosh , asinh , and atanh are not yet included .