
  • 网络the Counter-Reformation;Counter Reformation
  1. 近代史以新航路的开辟为出发点,包括文艺复兴、宗教改革和反宗教改革等阶段,而这个视野涉及经济、宗教和艺术等方面。

    The modern history includes the Opening of the New Route , Renaissance , Reformation and Ant-Reformation and this view about economy , region and art .

  2. 巴洛克就是在17至18世纪天主教会反宗教改革的浪潮中兴起的,它奢华、夸张的艺术特点可以满足当时天主教会的宗教目的。

    Baroque just rose during 17 century to 18 century the Catholicism Reformation . Its art characteristic which is extravagant and exaggerated could satisfy the religion purpose of Catholic Church .