
fǎn bǎnɡ
  • tie sb.'s hands behind his back
反绑 [fǎn bǎng]
  • [(with ones hands) tied behind his back] 两手交叉绑在背后

  1. Walktheplank-Plank就是船上的一条伸到海面上的木板,海盗们会让一个人双手反绑,走在上面,这个人通常会被强迫着跳进海里淹死。

    Walk the plank - When someone is forced to walk on a plank , with hands tied behind . Plank is extended over the side of a ship , and victim is usually forced to jump to water and drown .

  2. 强盗将他的双手反绑在背后。

    The robbers tied his arms behind his back with a rope .

  3. 他把我的双手反绑在背后,使我不可能挣脱。

    He had my hands behind my back in a hold that was impossible to break .

  4. 眼看着两个人把那男的手反绑起来,按倒在地上,看着那人挺痛苦的。

    I looks two mans bind he and press him down the ground , he looks suffering .

  5. 歹徒反绑了她的手,她实在无力争脱。

    With her arms bound behind her by the criminal , she was too weak to break free .

  6. 这间仓库外面,有8具尸体躺在草地上,其中一具尸体双手被反绑在身后。

    Outside , another eight bodies lie on the grass , one with his hands tied behind his back .

  7. 搜查完毕以后,他们让沙威立起来,把他的两条臂膀反绑在背后,捆在厅堂中间当年酒店据以命名的那根有名的木柱上。

    The search ended , they lifted Javert to his feet , bound his arms behind his back , and fastened him to that celebrated post in the middle of the room which had formerly given the wine-shop its name .