
wén bó
  • be irrelevant to the subject
  1. 除了京剧、刺绣等中国传统艺术的现场表演外,文博会上澳大利亚Wongawilli乐队的表演也吸引了很多人的眼球。

    Apart from live shows of traditional Chinese arts like Beijing Opera and embroidery , the ICIF saw a performance of the Australian band Wongawilli , one of the most eye-catching events at the fair .

  2. 武汉文博事业发展的对策研究

    Strategy Research of Cultural Relic and Museum Career of Wuhan

  3. 用音乐诠释人文教育空间福建师范大学文博附属中学室内设计

    Design of High School Attached to of FuJian Normal University

  4. 青岛市文博旅游资源分析及其开发思路

    The Analysis and the Suggestion on the Development of Cultural Tourism Resources

  5. 深圳设计之都睥第七届文博会展馆。

    Shenzhen Design Fair pavilions are askance of the seventh .

  6. 文博图书馆的专业性及其数字化建设思路

    The Speciality of Library of Cultural Relic System and the Digitization Construction of It

  7. 这也是选择文博会在深圳举办的主要原因之一。

    This is why we have chosen Shenzhen as the venue for the ICIF .

  8. 文博旅游是一种集知识性与趣味性于一体的专题旅游形式。

    Cultural tourism is a sort of subject tourism form integrating with knowledge and interest .

  9. 文博会是唯一的国家级、国际性、综合性文化产业博览交易盛会。

    Fair is the only national , international , comprehensive cultural industries Expo trade event .

  10. 文博旅游客源市场分析&以桂林市为例

    Survey of the Market of Relic and Museum Tourism & A Case Study on Guilin City

  11. 现代技术与文博工作者的主体性&试论数字博物馆建设中人的作用

    Modern Technique and the Subjectivity of Museum Staff : on the People 's Role in Digital Museum Construction

  12. 上海文博旅游资源开发研究&以上海博物馆为例

    A Research Survey of Exploitation of Shanghai Relic and Museum Tourist Resources & Case Study on Shanghai Museum

  13. 数字化博物馆是数字化技术应用于文博事业的新兴产物。

    Digitized museum is a new product of the application of the science of digitization in museum science .

  14. 加强文博事业的信息化建设,可以使博物馆更好地发挥陈列展示、市民教育与休闲、文物研究、对外交流四方面的功能。

    Museum can better perform a function of display , education , entertainment , relics research and foreign exchange .

  15. 但是,我们有信心、有决心、有能力高水平、高质量地办好本届文博会。

    However , we have confidence , resolution and competence to host the2nd ICIF with high standard and quality .

  16. 文博旅游具有历史文化教育、艺术审美和科学鉴真等方面的功能。

    This kind of tourism form has the function of historical culture education , arts appreciation and science distinguishing .

  17. 作为文博会的举办地,深圳已经做好了迎接海内外贵宾和朋友的各项准备。

    As the venue of ICIF , Shenzhen is ready to receive distinguished guests and friends coming from home and abroad .

  18. 请认真详细填写以下资料,其内容将作为文博会会刊之参展商名录的刊登依据。

    Please fill in the blank ; the content of this blank could be in the exhibitor 's catalogue of ICIF official Book .

  19. 从世界范围看,文博旅游资源在城市旅游发展中的重要性日益凸现。

    In the view of the world , relic and museum tourist resources are more and more important in the development of urban tourism .

  20. 青岛的文博资源有优势也有不足,我们力求发现其优势,分析其不足,为更好地发展青岛文博旅游献计献策。

    The resources of Qingdao have strengths as well as deficiency , and we should devote ourselves to the development of Qingdao 's tourism .

  21. 第二,中国蓬勃发展的文化产业以及巨大的市场潜力,为我们办好“文博会”提供了难得的机遇。

    Second , the flourishing cultural industry in China and its huge market potential provide with us a rare opportunity for a successful ICIF .

  22. 作为文博会举办地的深圳,与香港相邻,是中国第一个经济特区。

    Shenzhen , the venue for the ICIF , is neighboring Hong Kong and is known as the first Special Economic Zone in China .

  23. 在文博事业发展日臻成熟的今天,遗址博物馆面临着从传统模式向新型模式转化的挑战。

    With the gradual maturity of development of cultural museums nowadays , ruins museums are facing challenges of transformation from traditional patterns to modern ones .

  24. 为此,数字博物馆的建设应是文化创意的过程,在使用现代设备、系统、工作流程的同时,文博工作者要发挥自身的主体作用。

    So , the construction of digital museum should be a process of culture creation and the workers of museum should play their own role .

  25. 在这一连串响亮的数字之外,本届文博会再次让世人看到了合肥,走进了合肥,熟悉了合肥。

    In this series of loud figures , the current ICIF once again let the world see Hefei , into the Hefei , Hefei familiar .

  26. 依托教育、科研、翻译机构和文艺传媒、互联网传承新老文字及典籍文化,建立文博场馆保护金石文物;

    We should make good use of educational , research and translating organizations , media and the Internet to propagandize old and new characters and works .

  27. 南京文博印刷厂是南京新闻出版局出版刊物定点印刷厂,是2003年市级机关印刷招标中标单位之一。

    As one of winner of bid as printing department at a city level , it is the designated printing factory for the Press publishing Bureau of Nanjing .

  28. 我认为:一,是有机会到全球各地参观文博单位的博物馆,到实地去走走看看。

    In my opinion : First , there is the opportunity to visit heritage institutions around the world of museums , to the field look at the walk .

  29. 此外,深圳在历届高交会和首届文博会的成功举办过程中,也积累了必要的经验,锻炼了高效的组织协调能力。

    In addition , we have gained necessary experiences and developed our coordinating capability from the successful conduct of previous sessions of China Hi-Tech Fair and the first ICIF .

  30. 古陶瓷修复是文物修复界首推难度最大、质量要求最高的一门绝活,在一些文博单位仍是一项薄弱环节。

    Ancient ceramics repair is restoration bounded indisputably most difficult , the quality requirements , the highest door skills , in some superiority unit is still a weak links .