
  • 网络culture;cultural level;cultural dimension;cultural aspect
  1. 他个人认为Web技术的真正问题是在工具和文化层面。

    For him , the problem for Web technologies is more at the tooling and culture level .

  2. 本文试通过对CUBA与NCAA篮球联赛由于社会文化层面的不同而造成的发展差异进行比较分析,为我国CUBA进一步发展而进言献策。

    This paper compared the differences of the development between CUBA and NCAA basketball tournament caused by their different culture , and we expected to give some promising suggestions for the further developing of CUBA .

  3. 联合国教科文组织将整个威尼斯城列为世界遗产地,这是一项极大的荣誉,意味着在文化层面,威尼斯属于世界上所有的人。

    UNESCO considers the entire city a World Heritage Site , a great honor that means Venice , at the cultural level , belongs to all of the world 's people .

  4. 第三章从制度文化层面研究。

    Chapter ⅲ studies from the aspect of culture on institution .

  5. 中印关系发展:文化层面的反思与展望

    Development of Sino-Indian Relations : Reflection and Prospect of Cultural Dimensions

  6. 虚拟社区在精神文化层面上分化和聚合着网民,是新型的社会维系方式,是现代社会生活的重要的共同体。

    Virtual community diverges and converges netizens spiritually and culturally .

  7. 从跨文化层面看国际品牌在中国的成功

    An Analysis of International Brands ' Success from Cross-cultural Perspective

  8. 而大学的文化层面甚至比聚会狂欢还包含更多。

    There 's more to this cultural idea of college than wild parties .

  9. 本文比较了中国和美国不同文化层面在离婚中的体现。

    This paper compares divorce in China and America through different cultural dimensions .

  10. 整体素质由科学知识技术器具层面和文化层面构成。

    There are two interference levels : the language level and the cultural level .

  11. 是经济全球化、政治全球化在文化层面的反映。

    And the reflection of the economic globalization and politics globalization at cultural level .

  12. 就传统文化层面而言,实用主义是美国大学学术自由的主流价值取向;

    In terms of traditional culture , pragmatism is its very important value tropism .

  13. 文化层面的梦想(美国梦)与成功的对立;

    " dream "( American dream ) and " success " on the cultural level ;

  14. 结果,从2010年起,将有数以百万计的人在经济和文化层面加入中产阶层。

    Consequently , from 2010 , millions will join the middle class financially and culturally .

  15. 然而,我们当然意识到我们要应对一些文化层面的问题,

    But we realized , of course , that we are dealing with cultural issues ,

  16. 通过对问卷的统计分析,发现在不同的文化层面都存在一些不足之处和障碍性因素。

    Through analysis of the questionnaire and found that there are some shortcomings and barriers factors .

  17. 因此,本文不局限于对西班牙犹太人在文化层面的探讨,还对其在这一时期的政治、经济状况也进行了探求。

    Hence , this essay discussed both Jewish culture , Jewish political status and Jewish economic activities .

  18. 另一个非语言沟通的文化层面可能是你不会想到的东西:空间距离。

    Another cultural aspect of nonverbal communication is one that you might not think about : space .

  19. 霍夫斯坦德提出的个人主义&集体主义这一文化层面被广泛应用于各种跨文化研究中。

    Hofstede 's cultural dimension of individualism-collectivism has been widely used in a variety of cross-cultural research .

  20. 教师对课程变革的抵制是一种客观存在的现象,可以从文化层面、制度层面和技术层面分析教师抵制变革的原因及其消解策略。

    Teachers resist curriculum change in three levels : cultural level , institution level , and technical level .

  21. 作者试图在历史文化层面上对张承志的中篇小说《黑骏马》进行重新解读。

    This article tries to re-explain Zhang cheng zhi 's novelette the Black steed from historical and cultural aspect .

  22. 可持续发展不仅是对环境,社会和经济问题,它也有一个文化层面。

    Sustainability is not just about environmental , social and economic issues ; it also has a cultural dimension .

  23. 今天的设计已从过去的追求物质丰厚为目标向以提高人们精神文化层面的需求转型。

    Industrial design has transited from pursuing the objective of substantial material to improve the spiritual and cultural needs .

  24. 在社会文化层面,近代湖南区域贸易的渗透力和影响力日益突显,可以简单概括之,即:贸易改变湖南。

    At the level of social culture , regional trade of Modern Hunan gradually appeared its penetration and force .

  25. 而心理和文化层面的适应是农民工适应城市的最后防线。

    The adaptation of psychological and cultural aspects of migrant workers is " last line of defense " for them .

  26. 目前,诸多领域都存在着国际冲突,主要有三个层面的国际冲突备受学界的重视:政治层面、经济层面、文化层面的国际冲突。

    Nowadays , Scholars focus on three levels of international conflict : political level , economic level and cultural level .

  27. 休闲无论从个体、社会和文化层面都可以提高幸福感。

    In our research , it was found that leisure could enhance well-being from individual , social and cultural level .

  28. 内容包含了基本要素、作业流程、信息技术、组织管理层面、文化层面、安全层面等六方面内容。

    The content includes the basic elements , operational processes , information technology , organization management , culture and security .

  29. 复次,儒学复兴既不是政治层面的,也不是意识形态层面的,而只能是学术文化层面的。

    Lastly , the revival of Confucianism is none other than an academic cultural revival , neither political nor ideological .

  30. 就组织与制度文化层面而言,专业组织、法规条例以及协商制度是美国大学学术自由的外部保障与规范;

    In terms of culture of organization and system , professional organizations , rules of law and negotiation form its system .