
  • 网络cultural concept
  1. 孙中山与中国近代文化观念的更新

    Sun Yat-sen and the Rejuvenation of the Cultural Concept in Modern China

  2. 当代社会发展与文化观念的变迁

    The Development of Society and the Transitions of Cultural concept

  3. 从澳大利亚总督辞职谈多元文化观念差异

    On Discrepancy of Multi-cultural Concepts From the Resignation of Australian Viceroy

  4. 理查德·罗蒂的文化观念和文学理论研究

    A Study on Richard Rorty 's Cultural Idea and Literary Theory

  5. 文化观念与创新&对儒家思想糟粕的反思与批判

    Idea of Culture and Innovation-Pondering and Criticizing the Draff of Confucianism

  6. 这是一个根深蒂固的文化观念和社会现象。

    This is an inrooted social problem and cultural phenomenon .

  7. 文化观念是千姿百态的语言用法和语言习惯产生的重要原因。

    Cultural concepts underlie the variety of language usage and language habits .

  8. 论高职院校大学生先进性别文化观念的培养

    On the Vocational College Students Develop an Advanced Concept of Gender Culture

  9. 中国近现代技术文化观念的演变和影响

    Evolution and Influence of Contemporary Techno-Cultural Idea in China

  10. 说明汉文字在中国传统空间中的留存,正是中国传统的文化观念和美学思想在空间艺术中的反映。

    This manifests the basic characteristics of Chinese traditional culture and esthetics thoughts .

  11. 对外汉语教学中的文化观念内容研究

    Studies on Contents of Cultural Concepts in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

  12. 数学课程应体现数学的文化观念

    Mathematics Curriculum Should Reflect the Cultural Idea of Mathematics

  13. 陈、吴二人的诗作,反映了他们人生哲学、文化观念、思想感情。

    Their poems reflect their life philosophy , cultural ideas , thought and feelings .

  14. 大文化观念认为,文化就是自然的人化。

    That means culture is humanization of nature .

  15. 特区文化观念与特区社会意识形态

    SEZ Cultural Concept and SEZ Social ideology

  16. 中国:城市竞争力与文化观念

    China : City Competitiveness and Cultural Perceptions

  17. 特定生活习俗与文化观念;

    Given living customs and cultural concepts ;

  18. 中世纪宗教文化观念的历史影响和当代意义

    Western Religious Conception of Culture in the Middle Ages : Historic Impact and Contemporary Significance

  19. 首先,中国的隐喻菜名源自中华民族的饮食文化观念。

    Firstly , Chinese metaphor-loaded food names are deeply rooted in Chinese conceptions of food .

  20. 评晚清两种文化观念的首次公开辩难

    On the First Open Debate on the Two Cultural Ideas of the Late Qing Dynasty

  21. 《青琐高议·高言》传统文化观念透视

    On the Traditional Culture Idea of " Qing suo gao yi : Gao Yan "

  22. 西方消费文化观念的历史变迁与发展取向

    Vicissitudes and Orientation of Western Consumer Culture

  23. 文化观念与区域可持续发展

    Cultural ideas and regional sustainable development

  24. 文化观念更新是社会变革的先导和精神推动力。

    The spiritual motive force of social reform is the blazing new trails in cultural views .

  25. 在史学思想、史学观点方面奉行人文主义、客观主义,注意运用民族(种族)文化观念治史。

    Keeping humanism and objective views and paying attention to treat history with national cultural concept .

  26. 另一方面,人口结构老龄化会影响文化观念和教育事业的发展。

    On the other hand , it can directly affect the cultural stereotypes and education development .

  27. 文化观念、文化风尚与文化习俗对科技创新的影响研究

    Research on the Impact of Cultural Values , Fashion and Conventions on Scientific and Technological Innovation

  28. 另一方面也使我们了解了封建制度下人们的价值取向等文化观念。

    On the other hand they help us understand peoples value tendency and other culture ideas .

  29. 民族文化观念有陈旧的,有新颖的,有正确的,有错误的。

    There are different national culture ideas which are outworn or fresh , and correct or wrong .

  30. 首先是文化观念转型,即从精英文化到大众文化的转变。

    First , the culture concept , which transfers from the elite culture to the mass culture .