
  • 网络cultural sociology;Sociology of culture
  1. 本文旨在对由美国传入我国的HIP-HOP运动做出文化社会学的分析,这是对HIP-HOP运动研究的初步尝试,希望能产生一些有益的社会价值和文化价值。

    HIP-HOP sport was introduced from America into china , The article 's intent is for analysis of cultural sociology to it . This is an attempt of initial research to HIP-HOP sport , I hope to get some significant social value and cultural value from it .

  2. 文化社会学视野下的傅斯年文化观

    Fu Sinian 's Theory Of Culture Construction under Cultural Sociology

  3. 中国传统园林植物构成的文化社会学解读

    The Analysis of Plant Constitution of Chinese Traditional Garden in Cultural Sociology

  4. 农村流动人口的文化社会学研究

    A Cultural Sociological Study of the Rural Mobile Population

  5. 文化社会学发展之争辩:概念、关系及思考

    Contention on the Development of Cultural Sociology : Concept , relation and cerebration

  6. 艺术世界的文化社会学分析

    A Culture Sociological Analysis on Art World

  7. 试对企业家创新精神的文化社会学分析

    Culture-Sociological Analysis on Enterpriser ' Innovational Spirits

  8. 后分析美学中的文化社会学转向&以艺术界和艺术体制理论为例

    Transition of Cultural Sociology in Post-analytic Aesthetics & Exemplified by " Artworld " and " Institutional Theory of Art "

  9. 边缘人角色的建构&身体缺陷者社会歧视的文化社会学分析

    The Role Construction of " People on Margins " & A Culturally Sociological Analysis of Social Discrimination against the Disabled

  10. 而人类社会学和文化社会学对情绪和情感的研究则是一种历时态的,即演化过程的研究。

    The study on emotion and affect is synchronic in the sphere of psychology while diachronic or evolutional in terms of anthropological sociology and cultural sociology .

  11. 抑郁症情绪日夜变化与若干生化指标情绪·情感·情商在人类文化社会学平台上的审视

    Study on relationships among diurnal mood variation and some biochemical indexs in depressive patients Discussion on Emotion , Affect and EQ in the View of Anthropological Sociology and Cultural Sociology

  12. 所以,面对国家社会框架解释中国社会带来的结构行动研究困境,文化社会学在某种程度上可以作为进出这一困境的尝试。

    Thus sociology of culture could be an attempt to surmount the predicament of " structure-action " analysis when the " state-society " frame is used for explaining Chinese society .

  13. 本文力求通过对迪尔凯姆文化社会学思想的全面认识和理解,揭示其社会学思想中所蕴含的象征意义以及对文化社会学学科发展的影响。

    This article does my best to reveal the symbolical significance in Durkheim 's sociological thoughts and the influence on the development of the Cultural Sociology through comprehensive understanding his cultural sociological thoughts .

  14. 从社会智力到情感智力对社会智力与情感智力理论的探讨情绪·情感·情商在人类文化社会学平台上的审视

    Form Social Intelligence to Emotional Intelligence & A Reflection on the Theories of SI and El ; Discussion on Emotion , Affect and EQ in the View of Anthropological Sociology and Cultural Sociology

  15. 上世纪末本世纪初,随着越来越多的传播学、文化社会学学者的加入,对近代早期英国书报审查制度的研究大有方兴未艾之势。

    From the end of 20th century to the beginning of 21st century , more and more scholars of Communication , Cultural Sociology joined in the realm , the research is in the ascendant .

  16. 为此,本文着眼于实际应用,尝试利用产业理论和管理学、文化社会学等理论,对黄河三角洲文化产业的可持续发展问题进行分析研究,并提出了相应的建议。

    Therefore , based on industry , management and cultural socialism and other theories , this dissertation makes a tentative attempt to carry out analysis and research on the sustainable development of cultural industry in the Yellow River Delta .

  17. 通过对不同翻译策略的剖析,提出在翻译中追求平等对话的展望,进而阐明文化社会学研究对于翻译学科建设的重大意义。

    Through an analysis of different strategies of translation , the paper presents the possibility of pursuing equal dialogue in translation , and further illustrates the crucial importance of cultural sociological research to the establishment of translation studies as a discipline .

  18. 而文化社会学作为社会学的一个分支学科,它强调从社会学的视角对各种社会文化现象进行整体研究,是研究文化产生、发展规律及其社会功能的一门学科。

    Cultural sociology , as a branch of sociology , which emphasizes on the integral study of various social and cultural phenomenon from the angle of sociology , is a discipline of the study of the generation , development regularity and social functions of culture .

  19. 高校体育培育健商(HQ)文化的社会学意义

    The Sociological Significance of Cultivating HQ Culture of University PE

  20. 认识某事物有其文化和社会学上的意义这一点非常重要。

    It is important to realize that sth has many of its cultural and social meaning .

  21. 网络文化对社会学最大的挑战,是对传统社会化理论基本规定性的挑战;

    The greatest challenge of net culture to sociology is to basic presumptions of traditional socialization theories .

  22. 在前台与后台之间&关于教师职业文化的社会学解释

    Between the " Proscenium " and the " Backstage ": A Sociological Interpretation of Teacher 's Occupational Culture

  23. 种族分类和少数民族文化的社会学视角的思考也在这一部分详述。

    The sociological consideration is then given in detail in terms of ethnic classification and the cultures of minorities .

  24. 游戏选择、游戏形式、地方性变化、游戏者的态度和行为都是宝贵的资料,可供文化、社会学和心理学保存和研究。

    Game preferences , the forms of games , local variations , attitudes toward play , and play behavior are all valuable cultural , sociological , and psychological data to be documented and analyzed .

  25. 本文在跨文化社会语用学的范畴内探讨比较有关英汉文化在礼貌的本质、规范、策略等方面的异同点,并在此基础上进一步讨论跨文化交际中礼貌行为的“得体性”问题。

    This paper , in the field of cross-cultural socio-pragmatics , makes a comparative study of the essence , norms , strategy of politeness in English and Chinese to further discuss the appropriateness of cross-cultural politeness behavior .

  26. 基于后期访谈,立足文化、社会学、心理学、教育学等多维视角,分析了教师生存状态不容乐观的深层原因。

    To analysis the deep reasons of teachers ' poor survival state , bases on the late interview , the author stands on multidimensional viewpoint such as culture , sociology , psychology , pedagogy and so on .

  27. 最后,从传统法律文化和社会学的角度对诉调对接制度的现实和理论意义加以简单总结并对其前景做出展望。

    Finally , from the traditional culture of law and the sociological angle to performs the simple summary about the reality and the theory significance of the system of docking litigation and conciliation and makes the forecast to its prospect .

  28. 文化休克的社会学和社会心理学观

    A Study of Culture Shock : A Sociological and Sociopsychological Perspective

  29. 视觉文化的消费社会学解析

    An Analysis of Visual Culture in Perspective of Consumption Sociology

  30. 这就对作为一个整体系统的企业文化有了社会学视角的解读。

    Thus we has the understanding of enterprise culture in the sociological perspective .