
Qú qiūbái
  • Qu Qiubai;early CCP leader;CCP chief, 1927-1928;political theoretician;writing reformer
  1. 瞿秋白的新闻思想和新闻采访艺术

    QU Qiu-bai 's Ideas on Journalism and His Art of News-Gathering

  2. 心灵的真实坦露&略论瞿秋白的散文创作

    The True Expression of the Heart & On Qu Qiu-bai 's Prose

  3. 瞿秋白:中国马克思主义哲学传播史上承先启后的哲学家

    Xu Qiubai : a Transitional Philosopher who Spread Marxist Philosophy in China

  4. 五四文学革命与瞿秋白的新诗创作

    The May Fourth Literary Revolution and QU Qiu-bai 's Modern Poem Creation

  5. 瞿秋白与中国革命新道路

    Qu Qiu_bai and His Contribution to the New Road of Chinese Revolution

  6. 瞿秋白的编辑实践及其新闻编辑思想与理论

    QU Qiu-bai 's Editing Practice and His News Editing Ideas and Theory

  7. 第四章探讨了瞿秋白思想政治教育的当代价值。

    The forth chapter discusses the contemporary value of ideological and political education .

  8. 瞿秋白与《斗争》事件述论

    On QU Qiu-bai and the " Combat Event "

  9. 瞿秋白对五卅运动的历史贡献

    QU Qiu-bai 's Historic Contribution to The MAY-30TH Movement

  10. 论政治信仰五四时期瞿秋白的政治信仰新论

    A Discussion of political belief of Qu Qiu bai in the May 4th periods

  11. 瞿秋白与俄罗斯文学史研究

    RUSSIA Ju Qiu-bai and Russian Literary History Studies

  12. 第二章阐述了瞿秋白思想政治教育的主要内容。

    The second chapter describes the main contents of his ideological and political education .

  13. 瞿秋白对早期党的新闻理论建设的贡献

    QU Qiu-bai 's Contribution to the Party 's News Theory Construction of Early Stage

  14. 翻译的政治与翻译的艺术&以瞿秋白和鲁迅的翻译观为考察对象

    Politics on Translation and Translation Art & Translation Views of Qu Qiu-bai and Lu Xun

  15. 论瞿秋白的统一战线思想

    On Qu Qiu-bai 's United Line Thoughts

  16. 论瞿秋白对苏俄社会主义建设经验的宣传及意义

    On Qu Qiubai ′ s Propaganda for Experiences of Russian Socialist Construction and its Significance

  17. 大革命时期瞿秋白对农民问题的理论探索

    Qu Qiu - Bai 's Theoretic Exploration on Peasants Problem of China in Great Revolutionary Period

  18. 两种文化观的分野&瞿秋白对胡适文化思想的扬弃

    The Division of the TWO Cultures & QU Qu-bai 's sublation of HU Shi 's thought

  19. 鲁迅瞿秋白巴金:主体人格的彰显、追寻和重获

    Lu Xun , Qu Qiu-bai and Ba Jin : Protruding , Seeking after and Regaining Subject Personality

  20. 这一事件给党的革命事业带来严重后果,也给瞿秋白精神上造成极大创伤。

    This event brought severe consequence to the party 's revolutionary movement and great spiritual damage to QU Qiu-bai .

  21. 瞿秋白着眼于打碎旧的国家机器,葛兰西则更加强调意识形态。

    Qu stressed the smash of everything in the old country , while Gramsci stressed the change of social ideology .

  22. 瞿秋白对帝国主义文化侵略中国的揭露网络化语境中的帝国霸权

    Qu Qiu bai 's Exposure of Imperialist Cultural Invasion of China The Imperialist Hegemony Exposed in the Context of Cyberspace

  23. 在对农民地位和作用清醒认识的基础上,瞿秋白又提出了解决农民问题的具体措施。

    Based on a sober understanding of peasants ' position and role , Qu put forward concrete measures for solving peasant problems .

  24. 本文以《多余的话》为研究对象,从心理分析的视角,探究瞿秋白的人格特征,以期走近瞿秋白。

    Taking this work as a research object , this paper is to approach qu 's personality from the perspective of psychoanalysis .

  25. 关于瞿秋白与鲁迅的友谊:鲁迅个性独特,能成为其朋友乃至知己是极不容易的事。

    About his friendship with Lu Xun : With his unique personality , Lu Xun is not easy to make friends with .

  26. 从陈独秀、瞿秋白、向忠发、李立三到王明,都没有形成过有能力的中央。

    Chen duxiu , Qu qiubai , Xiang zhongfa , Li Lisan and Wang Ming all failed to form a capable central leadership .

  27. 忏悔的“贵族”“贵族”的忏悔&再论瞿秋白《多余的话》属于或关于悔罪或忏悔的。

    Repentant " Noble ", " Noble " Repentance & Re - Probe of A Superfluous Remark ; of or relating to penitence or penance .

  28. 此外,瞿秋白从小深受中国传统文化的影响熏陶,中国传统文化是他这一思想的重要理论来源。

    In addition , the childhood of Qu was influenced by Chinese traditional culture ; traditional Chinese culture is an important theory of his source of this idea .

  29. 瞿秋白在新闻学方面开创并积累了早期党报党刊的实践经验,形成了具有特色的新闻理论和新闻采访艺术,给我们留下了一笔珍贵的新闻史遗产。

    QU Qiu_bai 's practical experience of early Party newspapers and journals forms a unique theory of journalism and art of news_gathering , which is a precious heritage to us .

  30. 瞿秋白精神资源主要有两大来源:一是中国传统文化,儒家思想为主,兼具道家、佛家思想;一是马克思主义哲学。

    Qu Qiubai 's spiritual resource comes from two parts : one is the Chinese traditional culture , dominated by Confucianism and contains both Taoism and Buddhism , the other one is Marxism .