
  • 网络CULTURAL SPACE;culture space
  1. 为人们开启了一种全新的文化空间。

    It has opened a new cultural space for the people .

  2. 民国时期青岛的文化空间与日常生活

    Cultural Space and City Life Based on Qingdao in the 1920s-30s

  3. 与传统士大夫相比,现代知识分子对于文化空间的需求迥然不同。

    Modern intelligentsia pursued different cultural spaces compared to the traditional scholar-bureaucrats .

  4. 古村落&独特的人居文化空间

    Ancient village : the unique space of human settlement culture

  5. 中国城市的公共艺术与文化空间

    The Chinese City 's Public Art and Culture Space

  6. 第三节是论述审美意义的民间文化空间。

    The third section elaborate the folk cultural space of the aesthetic significance .

  7. 创造新型的城市文化空间

    Creating the Civilization Square of the New City

  8. 现代大学教育、校园文化空间等女作家成长过程中的关键因素不可避免地影响着她们的创作,并于其作品中得到反映。

    The key factors as modern education and cultural space inevitably affect their writings .

  9. 第三部分探讨了小说中黑白两种文化空间的冲突。

    The third part analyzes conflicts of culture space between the black and the white .

  10. 侗族建筑:文化空间的聚合与叙事

    Culture the story of the Dong buildings

  11. 旅游民俗文化空间的筛选与旅游价值分析&以陕西为例

    Screening tourism folk culture space and analyzing its value & a case study of Shaanxi

  12. 新信息技术对城市文化空间影响研究&以南京市为例

    The Impacts of New Information Technology on Urban Cultural Space : A Case Study of Nanjing

  13. 第二部分是古典小说对古建筑文化空间性的借鉴。

    The second part is the architecture space culture how to be referred by classical novel .

  14. 给传统武术创建一定的文化空间。

    Fourth , create a certain " cultural space . " for the traditional martial arts .

  15. 因而,贺州古戏台是一个神圣与世俗相伴的文化空间。

    Therefore , Hezhou ancient stage is a kind of cultural space with sacredness coexisting with secularity .

  16. 城市历史文化空间网络的建构&以宁波老城为例

    Restructuring the Historic and Cultural Spatial Network of City : A Case Study of the Ningbo Historic District

  17. 统一的政治-文化空间和大一统的国家认同是更重要的因素。

    The more important factors are to identify with the country of the unitive political-cultural space and great unification .

  18. 节俗如何结构了特殊的文化空间&从端午节俗间的内在逻辑联系谈起

    How Do Festival Customs Construct Special Cultural Space & Discussions on Internal Logic of Customs from Dragon Boat Festival

  19. 强调妇女写作的重要性,积极倡导妇女写作,并提出妇女写作需要的物质条件和文化空间;

    Fourthly , she emphasizes the importance of women 's writing , and she advocates women 's writing positively .

  20. 其次,在叙事空间方面,贝娄从地域空间到社会文化空间,为我们展示了生动的客观空间。

    Secondly , in narrative space , Bellow provides a vivid objective space from regional environment to social cultural context .

  21. 现代性城市的诞生带来了很多巨大的文化空间与人类意识形态的变化。

    The birth of modern cities brought a number of enormous changes to the cultural space and the human ideology .

  22. 城市意象是城市文化空间的表现形式,而城市文化空间又与城市文脉息息相关。

    City image is the forms of city cultural . While the city cultural space and city context closely related .

  23. 随着城镇商业的繁荣,各种娱乐文化空间也逐渐形成和发展,汉口的茶馆就是其中典型的公共娱乐空间。

    With the prosperity of urban commercial , various means of entertainment and culture has been formed and developed accordingly .

  24. 人与城市文化空间的互动&高等教育国际化的一个文化动因

    The Interaction Between Human and Urban Space of Culture : a Cultural Motivation to Promote the Internationalization of Higher Education

  25. 论城市文化空间及其主体层次结构与高等教育国际化的互动

    On the Interaction between the Urban Space of Culture with its Hierarchical Structure of Subject and the Internationalization of Higher Education

  26. 这种多元和包容的文学空间与文化空间不仅仅给我们提示了看待世界的方法,同时也提示了更好的改造世界的方法,最大程度的实现人的自由与解放的方法。

    The two spaces provide us angles of thinking the world , and meanwhile , the better methods of improving the world .

  27. 欧洲的城市国家和手工业行会都提供了一种政治和文化空间,让这种挑战发生。

    Europe had its city-states and its merchant guilds , each providing a political and cultural space in which this could happen .

  28. 节日生活的交融,是一种反结构,促进了民大独特文化空间和秩序的建构。

    This blend of life on festival is an anti-structure , and promotes unique cultural space and order to construct in Minzu University .

  29. 边地小说大多以中短篇为主,这样的篇章构建对呈现边地文化空间富有效度。

    The borderland novel is mostly composed by the middle-short article , such chapter construction presents rich validity of the borderland culture space .

  30. 在我国文化空间下,家族企业比西方更加重视私人信任和血缘关系。

    Under Chinese cultural space , the Chinese family enterprise pays more attention to private trust and kindredship in comparison with the western .