
  • 网络Cultural region;culture area;cultural area;Cultural District
  1. 复原古代地理环境,结合环境变迁对环太湖流域新石器时代文化区域的变化原因进行探讨。

    To restitute archaic geographical entironment and make a discussion disc combined with the cause of the New Stone Age culture area variety by entironment vicissitude .

  2. 阐述了开展红山文化区域历史与民俗研究的意义,提出了开展红山文化区域历史与民俗研究的基本内容和研究方法。

    The significance of the research on the history and folk custom of Hongshan culture area is discussed , and some basic contents and approaches to the research are presented .

  3. 对战国文化区域性的初步探讨

    A Primary Study on the Regional Culture of the Warring states

  4. 新疆草原文化区域系统研究

    A systematic study on the regions of prairie culture in Xinjiang

  5. 文化区域的边界有软硬之分,而区域文化性格却没有边界;

    The borders between cultural regions can be both soft and hard .

  6. 红山文化区域生产方式的两次转变

    Two Significant Changes of Production Forms in The Red Mountain Culture Region

  7. 它属于中华文化区域中的亚文化类型。

    It belongs to a subculture category in the Chinese cultural sphere .

  8. 这些内容来自当时各个不同的文化区域。

    The paintings reflect styles from different cultural districts at that time .

  9. 吴文化区域系统初步研究

    A preliminary study on regional system of Wu Culture

  10. 前提是这个文化区域和你的目标市场一致。

    Provided the Cultural Zone matches your target markets .

  11. 文化区域分类的定量讨论

    The Quantitative Analysis of the Classification of Cultural Regions

  12. 安徽跨越了许多地理和文化区域。

    Anhui spans many geographical and cultural regions .

  13. 文化区域与区域文化性格的识别

    Distinction Between Cultural Regions and Regional Cultural Characters

  14. 文化区域的研究无可厚非的成为文化地理学研究的核心问题之一。

    The cultural region research undisputable becomes one of cultural geography research core questions .

  15. 同源与异质,其文化区域的认定,当以成都和重庆主城区为辐射中心。

    The cultural regions in Guangxi were formed during the Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  16. 经济类型和经济成果是构成文化区域特色的各种人文条件的基础。

    Economic types and economic achievements are human base of the characteristic of cultural area .

  17. 试论湖南的历史文化区域

    On the historical cultural regions in Hunan

  18. 红山文化区域生产方式经历了农牧交替的两次重大转变。

    The production modes in the Red Mountain Culture region have undergone two significant changes .

  19. 在该文化区域的西面,从事集约农业的另一种文化开始兴盛起来。

    To the west another culture , based on intensive agriculture , was beginning to flourish .

  20. 从东西方不同文化区域的诗学涵义及其演变来看,现代意义上的比较诗学实质上是指对不同诗学体系和理论的比较研究。

    Comparative poetics in its modern sense actually refers to the comparative study of different systems of poetics .

  21. 自然地理学上的区域差异是历史文化区域形成和发展的基础。

    The area difference in physical geography is the basis of formation and development of historical and cultural area .

  22. 不同的地域环境,不同的文化区域,不同的民族文化,对体育文化的形成产生不同的作用和影响。

    Different geographical environments and different cultural regions , different national culture , sports culture have different effects and impact .

  23. 在红山文化区域,先后发现+、■形的考古实例和各种变体。

    It had been discovered of archaeological examples and many variant of " + " and "■" in Hongshan culture region .

  24. 采用文献综述、逻辑分析的方法对我国体育文化区域研究的现状进行探讨。

    We discussed the present research conditions about sports cultural area of our country in the way of documentary summary and logically analysis .

  25. 元代畏兀儿的界定及其文化区域回纥与漠北草原诸族关系初探

    The Uighur Definition in Yuan Dynasty and its Cultural Regions The Relations between Uighur and Other Ethnic Groups to North of the Gobi Dissert

  26. 文化区域的变迁主要是由各郡的地理环境、经济状况、政治地位和文化传统等因素所决定的。

    The main factors for the changing of cultural region were the every county 's environment , economy condition , political position and cultural tradition .

  27. 作为文化区域组分的这些文化能够产生新的文化特质,而支撑其共同文化倾向的则为宗教信仰上的共同基础。

    As culture provincial team , these cultures can present new cultural traits whose common cultural preference being sustained by common foundation from their religion .

  28. 她在理论传播学方面与时俱进,现在已经将她早年论证的媒介依赖论,以美国洛杉矶不同文化区域的传播生态作为研究对象,发展到了现在的传播机体论。

    She develops her previous Media System Dependency theory into present Communication Infrastructure theory that researches the communication ecology of various cultural districts in Los Angeles .

  29. 由此可证,福清与台湾的关系源远流长,两地皆属于闽台统一的文化区域。

    Hence , the relationship between Fuqing and Taiwan goes back to ancient times , and the two areas belong to the unified Min-Tai cultural region .

  30. 与男性和本土女性相比,她们身上不仅有着自然的生理差异,有历史造成的社会差异,还有不同文化区域所形成的文化差异。

    Compared with the local female , they do not only have natural physical differences but also the social and cultural differences caused by history and cultural regions .