
wén huà ɡōnɡ yuán
  • Cultural Park
  1. 2002年访问昆士兰土著文化公园时,对土著部族领导人WilliamBrin说:你们现在还会互相扔长矛不?

    Do you still throw spears at each other ? To Aboriginal leader William Brin during a visit to the Aboriginal Cultural Park in Queensland , 2002 .

  2. 文化公园、绿色设计:延庆文化中心设计回想

    Cultural park , green design : Design review of Yanqing Cultural Center

  3. 是的。您坐这路车可以直达文化公园。

    Yes , it takes you straight to the Culture Park .

  4. 到文化公园该在什么地方下车?

    Where do we have to get off for the Culture Park ?

  5. 充分利用地下空间的文化公园&上海文化广场城市设计

    Cultural Park Fully Utilizing Underground Space : Urban Design for Shanghai Culture Plaza

  6. 古梅夫国家历史文化公园

    State Historical and Cultural Park " Ancient Merv "

  7. 这路有轨电车是去文化公园的吗?

    Does the rtolley-bus go to the culture park ?

  8. 众口评说香格里拉自然文化公园

    Comments on Proposition of Shangri-La Nature and Culture Park

  9. 广州文化公园园中院浙江象山县生态文化园规划设计

    Planning and Design of the Ecological Cultural Park in Xiangshan County of Zhejiang Province

  10. 缘起与立意&以庆元生态和香菇文化公园建筑设计为例

    The Origin and Conception of Design & Take Qingyuan Eco Parks and Xianggu Park

  11. 西胁市文化公园,日本

    Nishiwaki Municipal culture Park , Japan.1983

  12. 建设城市高尔夫文化公园,推广普及高尔夫球运动的新创意等。

    Ill , The creative idea of building golf culture park and popularizing the golf sport .

  13. 图式记忆和人文关注&宿迁市休闲文化公园规划和建筑方案简评

    Pictorialization for Memory and Attention to Humanism-Briefly Analysis on the Design of the Cultural Park for Amusement in Suqian

  14. 历史文化公园蕴涵了丰富的历史文化信息,是景观与文化的统一体。

    Historical and Cultural Park is the unity of the landscape and culture , containing rich historical and cultural information .

  15. 古老的紫禁城内的人民文化公园里,假日里的群众在欣赏革命歌曲。

    Revolutionary music entertains a holiday crowd in a people 's cultural park within the confines of the old Imperial City .

  16. 棋艺馆始建于1952年,随岭南文物宫(广州文化公园前身)一并成立。

    Chess House was built in1952 , following the setup of LingNan Cultural Relic Palace ( the former of Guangzhou Culture park ) .

  17. 随后铸造了一座15吨重的塑像。米兰市的官员看了塑像后,决定在该市新落成的文化公园也铸造一座。

    A l5-ton bronze version was built , and when Milan officials saw it , they , too , wanted one for their new cultural park .

  18. 本文研究分析羊城菊展的历史,以广州文化公园复兴羊城菊会的举措作为切入点,探讨了羊城菊会重新崛起之路。

    The thesis begins at giving a whole description of Canton Chrysanthemum Exhibitions history and analyses the sticking points which restrict the development of Canton Chrysanthemum Exhibition nowadays .

  19. 找出了区域东部、中部、西部的景观差异,提出了结合大遗址风景区、遗址文化公园、历史文化农业园等主要形式的大遗址区保护与利用模式。

    Landscape differences between eastern , central , and western district were found . A model holding protection and utilization at the same time were proposed in the major forms as ruins scenic areas , cultural parks , agricultural garden of history and culture . 3 .

  20. 地处黄浦江东岸,沿岸面积2平方公里的世博会原址将变成“世博文化公园”--一个向上海市民免费开放、可媲美纽约中央公园的绿色区域。

    Stretching for 2 sq km along the east bank of the Huangpu River , the former World 's Fair site is to be turned into a World Expo Culture Park , which will be a green area , free to local residents , comparable to Central Park in New York .

  21. 其中,将TOWS分析法引入到民俗文化主题公园的开发应用中,并详尽的介绍了TOWS法在案例中的具体应用。

    Through the introduction of TOWS analysis , In order to be clear about the folk custom culture theme park the development strategy to provide the reliable analysis method .

  22. 原生态民俗文化主题公园的开发与经营研究

    Study on the Original Minority Culture Theme Park 's Exploitation and Operation

  23. 略谈楚文化主题公园建设构想

    Some Comments on the Construction of the Chu-culture Theme Park

  24. 其次,对民族文化主题公园的开发模式进行了探讨。

    Secondly , the paper gives out the development mode of ethnic culture park .

  25. 城市文化主题公园景观营造探析

    Analysis of the Theme Parks and Landscape Design

  26. 美国新墨西哥州的查科国家文化历史公园有着非常漆黑和干净的暗天与高地。

    The Chaco Culture National Historic Park in New Mexico offers extremely dark , clear skies and a high elevation .

  27. 补古迹旅游的不足,也为更好地宣传古迹旅游,应重点建设楚文化主题公园。

    Secondly , in order to develop historic sites tourism , we should put emphasis on building theme parks of CHU-Culture .

  28. 海南热带飞禽世界地处海南省安定县塔岭开发区,是目前国内最大的鸟文化主题公园。

    Hainan Tropical Bird World located at Taling development zone in Dingan is the biggest theme park in birds in our country at present .

  29. 站在文化遗址公园上空的周围道路旁望去,这些雕塑品俨然已经成为了这里的重要标志。

    Viewed from the upper street level , they become an important sculptural icon that identifies the park within the fabric of the overall site .

  30. 从民俗、民俗旅游的概念出发以及阐述民俗旅游的构成。第三章:论述民俗文化主题公园的开发研究。

    From the folk , folk tourism , this paper expatiates the concept of folk tourism , Chapter 3 : folk culture theme park development research .