
wén zì yù
  • literary inquisition;imprisonment or execution of an author for writing sth. considered offensive by the imperial court
文字狱 [wén zì yù]
  • [literary inquisition] 统治者从作者的诗文中摘取字句,罗织罪名而造成的冤狱

文字狱[wén zì yù]
  1. 清代文化管理政策的重中之重就是对社会文化思想的严格控制,实现控制的两个重要手段则是文字狱和查禁书籍。

    The main idea of the cultural management policy of Qing Dynasty is the most strict control to socio-cultural idea . The control implementation is decided on both literary inquisition and suppression to the book .

  2. 文章紧扣文字狱的修辞本质,以文字、知识分子、帝王及其权力系统这三个修辞义素为核心,归纳出了它的四种修辞角色关系。

    The article closely link to the rhetorical nature of literary inquisition , and centering " writing ", " intellectuals " and " Emperor and his power system " & the three rhetorical elements , then summarize four roles relationship from them .

  3. 从《南山集》到《虬峰集》&文字狱案与清代文学生态举证

    From 《 The Collection of Southern Mountains 》 to 《 The Collection of Crooked Peaks 》: The Cases of Literary Persecution and the Ecology of Literature in the Qing Dynasty

  4. 朱轼是个理学家、史学家,同时是深受三任皇帝信任的大臣,雍正大兴文字狱,朱轼作为重要的文臣也参与其中,是典型的官方学者。

    Zhu Shi is the principle scientist , the historian , but he simultaneously is the depth minister who is trusted three emperors , the Yong Zheng literary inquisition , as an important official , Zhu Shi also taked part in the event , is a typical official scholar .

  5. 处于我国封建社会末期的清王朝屡兴文字大狱。

    Literary inquisition occurred repeatedly during the Qing dynasty , the last dynasty of china 's feudal society .