
  • 网络Culture Map;cultural map;civilization map
  1. 20世纪30年代上海城市文化地图解读&城市娱乐区布局模式及其特点初探

    A Study on the Map of Shanghai Urban Culture in the 1930s-An Exploratory Research into the Characteristics and Layout Mode of the Urban Entertainment Centers

  2. 长久以来,法兰克福仅被视为金融之都与重要的旅行枢纽,每年书展期间在文化地图上露一次脸。

    Frankfurt , long considered strictly a financial capital and major travel hub , used to land on the culturati map once a year , during its annual book fair .

  3. 首先对地图文化以及地图文化做了界定。

    Firstly , make definitions of the terms for map , culture and map culture .

  4. 地图文化是地图中蕴含的价值观念、行为取向、精神追求、审美情趣及情感等元素的综合。

    Map culture is integrated with the conception of value , the tendency of action , the spirit and the sentiment of beauty about maps .

  5. 威廉斯的主要工作就是在对工业革命之后各种文化形式的变迁地图的勾勒和研究中展开的。在这之中,他或间接或直接,或个别或专门地涉及到文学。

    The major task of Williams lies in studying and sketching the map of the changes of different forms of cultures after the industrial revolution , in which he has involved literature directly or indirectly , individually or specially .