
  • 网络cultural power
  1. 在15和16世纪,葡萄牙是一个主要的经济、政治、文化强国,它的帝国从巴西一直延伸至印度。

    During the 15th and 16th centuries , Portugal was a major economic , political , and cultural power , its empire streching from Brazil to the Indies .

  2. 紧紧围绕第三章内容,该部分着重抓问题本质,提出了解决社会主义文化强国建设问题的几点建议。

    Tightly around the third chapter , this section focuses on grasping the nature of the problem , and putting forward some suggestions to solve the problem of the construction of socialist cultural power .

  3. 扎实推进社会主义文化强国建设文化是民族的血脉,是人民的精神家园。

    Culture is the lifeblood of a nation , and it gives the people a sense of belonging .

  4. 而影视产业的产业化进程直接关系到文化强国的建设。

    While the industrialization process of film and television industry is directly related to build a strong cultural industry .

  5. 我国是历史悠久的文明古国,也一定能建成现代文化强国。

    China has an ancient civilization with a long history , and it can certainly develop a strong modern culture .

  6. 建设文化强国是中国特色社会主义现代化的必由之路。

    The construction of the powerful cultural country is the only way of the modernization of socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  7. 建设社会主义文化强国,增强国家文化软实力,发展中国特色社会主义文化。

    Building a culturally strong country , and increasing its cultural power is the root of China 's cultural development .

  8. 建设社会主义文化强国,关键是增强全民族文化创造活力。

    To develop a strong socialist culture in China , it is critical to inspire the cultural creativity of the whole nation .

  9. 深化社会主义文化强国战略,建设社会主义公共文化体系,丰富民众公共文化生活成为各级政府工作的重中之重。

    Deeping the strategy of socialist culture , building socialism public cultural system , improving the public cultural life has been became the most important work of the government .

  10. 为使我国成为科学文化强国,中央提出了“科教兴国”的方针。

    In order to build our country into a powerful one in science and culture , our central government puts forward the policy of " science and education prosper China " .

  11. 第三部分,认真分析了世界文化强国发展文化产业的成功经验和成熟做法,以利于我们从中获得经验和启示;

    In the third part , by researching by comparison the successful experience and methods of the culture-powerful states to develop the cultural industry , we can gain some experience and enlightenment .

  12. 统治卡塔尔的阿勒萨尼家族近来狂热收购世界艺术名作,打算在2022年世界杯前夕将这个能源富足的小酋长国打造成国际文化强国。

    Qatar 's ruling Al Thani clan has been pursuing an international artwork buying spree as it aims to turn the small energy-rich emirate into a global cultural power ahead of the 2022 World Cup .

  13. 由文化强国控制着文化产业价值链上游的研发设计、中端的营销及下游的消费,同质的文化产品提供同质化的文化消费,不可避免地也会产生文化同质化现象。

    As the cultural power control the design of upper reaches of the chain of cultural industry , the marketing of the middle reaches and the consumption of the lower reaches . The homogeneous cultural products and consumption inevitably lead to culture homogenization .

  14. 本文选取的国家主要是英国和韩国,这两个国家分别是传统文化强国和新兴文化强国的典型代表,同时又都拥有竞争力非常强的文化产品。

    The countries selected in this paper are Britain and South Korea , because these two countries are typical representatives of the traditional culturally powerful countries and emerging culturally powerful countries , and at the same time , they both have their own strongly competitive cultural products .

  15. 德国是传统的文化产业强国,在文化产业的理论、政策和文化管理体制方面都形成了自己鲜明的民族特色;

    Germany is a powerful country with traditional culture industries . It has its peculiar national feature in culture theories , policies and the culture administrative system .

  16. 中国,作为亚洲体育文化的强国之一,已逐步成为一个世界性的体育强国。

    China , one of the strong countries in physical culture in Asia , is well on its way to becoming a strong country in this respect internationally .

  17. 21世纪,文化上的强国将成为经济强国。

    In 21st century , the culture grate power will become the economy grate power .

  18. 有识之士开始倡导出国留学学习西方先进的科学文化思想以求找到强国之路。

    Insight learning from the West began to promote abroad the advanced scientific and cultural thinking in order to find the powerful .

  19. 加强社会主义核心价值体系建设和全面提高公民道德素质是增强全民族文化创造力,建设社会主义文化强国的必要条件。

    To strengthen the construction of the socialist core value system and improve the moral quality is to enhance the whole nation culture creativity , the necessary conditions for the construction of socialist culture power .

  20. 首先,文化资源大国并不意味着是文化强国。

    First of all , the big culture resource country does not mean it is a culturalpowerful country .

  21. 中国是一个文化大国可我们不是一个文化强国,吃的是是肯德基、麦当劳:喝的是可口可乐:穿的是牛仔裤连用的电脑都是美国产地苹果机。

    China is a big cultural country but we are not a cultural power , eat KFC , McDonald 's : The drink is Coca-Cola : wear jeans once a computer is a Mac U.S.origin .

  22. 本文采取可行性的途径来实现大学生文化自觉,为推动我国建设文化强国做好坚定基础。

    This dissertation takes the feasible approaches to achieve college students ' cultural consciousness and lay firm foundation of building a powerful country .

  23. 我国文化产业发展尚处起步阶段,与世界文化强国差距明显。

    China 's cultural industry is still at an initial stage of development .

  24. 中国是一个文化资源大国,但却还不是一个文化强国。

    China is a great nation rich in cultural resources , but is not actually a cultural powerful nation .

  25. 十七届六中全会提出把文化建设放在战略地位,努力建设社会主义文化强国,势必掀起文化设施的建设高潮。

    The seventeen session of the six plenary session of the cultural construction in a strategic position , and strive to build a strong socialist culture in China , is a cultural facilities construction climax .

  26. 德意志联邦共和国是世界上具有较长文化外交历史的国家之一,也是二战之后现代文化外交强国中的一员。今天,德国在欧盟酝酿自己的对外文化战略过程中始终扮演着相对重要的角色。

    As one of the countries with longer history on cultural diplomacy in the world , and also one strong player in modern cultural diplomacy since the World War ⅱ, the Federal Republic of Germany plays an important role in forging cultural diplomatic strategy of the European Union .

  27. 研究大学生文化自觉对提高大学生文化认同、文化自信,推动建设社会主义文化强国具有重大的理论意义和实践意义。

    Studying college students ' cultural consciousness to improve college students ' cultural identity and cultural self-confidence and promote construction of socialist culture power is of great theoretical significance and practical significance .

  28. 在全球文化产业快速发展的背景下,美、日、韩等文化强国的银行业支持文化产业发展,已具有成熟的业务模式。

    Under the background of the rapid development in the global culture industry , such as America , Japan , South Korea , the support from the banking for the industry , has a mature business model .

  29. 近代中国所面临的文化问题主要有,中国文化生态位的下降,西方列强的文化挑战,强国与立国的悖离,建构现代文化的内部阻力;

    There are some cultural problems in modern China , such as the decline of cultural position , the challenge of western culture , the contradiction of national prosperity and national independence , the inner resistance of modern culture construction .

  30. 本文的研究目的就在于改变我国对外文化贸易的现状,促进我国对外文化贸易的发展,使我国早日成为世界文化贸易强国。

    The purpose of this thesis is to change the actuality of the culture trade of China , facilitate the development of it , and make China be a powerful country in culture trade in the world at an early date .