
  • 网络landscape architecture
  1. 邦纳曾在利兹都市大学(LeedsMetropolitanUniversity)学习景观建筑学,并于毕业后留校任教。

    Bonner had studied and taught landscape architecture at Leeds Metropolitan University .

  2. Schach是肯塔基大学的景观建筑学教授,她是目前学士学位课程的副院长。

    Schach is presently associate dean of undergraduate studies at the University of Kentucky , where she is a professor of landscape architecture .

  3. 浅议生态建筑学和景观建筑学与风水的关系

    Discussion on relation of geomantic omen with ecological & landscape architectonics

  4. 功能,技术与现代&浅析中国景观建筑学的理论基础

    Function , technology and modern-the basic theory of Chinese landscape architecture

  5. 文章分析了当前中国景观建筑学的实践和问题。

    This article analyzes the practice and problem of Chinese landscape architecture .

  6. 拓展与流变&美国现代景观建筑学发展的回顾与思索

    Spread and Evolution & Reviewing the Development of Modern Landscape Architecture in America

  7. 走进当代景观建筑学现代景观建筑学的创新

    Towards Contemporary Landscape Architecture Innovation of modern landscape architectonics

  8. 景观建筑学蜕变:来自英国的新思考

    Transforming landscape architecture : new paradigms from the UK

  9. 借鉴与创新&现代景观建筑学认识点滴

    Learn and Creation-Some Comprehensions about Modern Landscape Architecture

  10. 景观建筑学的相互性和文化性

    Mutuality and the Cultures of Landscape Architecture

  11. 初探景观建筑学&高密度老城区小尺度城市景观的设计

    Preliminary study of landscape architecture & Small scale landscape architecture design in high density old city

  12. 传统风水理论与景观建筑学、建筑生态学之关系

    The Relation of the Connection of Geomantic Omen Theory , The Sight Architecture and the Construction Bionomics

  13. 现代景观建筑学的创新

    Innovation of modern landscape architectonics

  14. 景观建筑学

    The architecture of landscape

  15. 景观建筑学是一门不过百年的新兴学科。

    Theory on Disciplines Landscape architecture is a profession not more than one hundred years since its coming .

  16. 本文首先提出了景观建筑学当今所面临的挑战:如忽略设计与美学等。

    This paper addresses the challenges and problems in contemporary landscape architecture , such as ignoring design expertise and aesthetics .

  17. 介绍了现代景观建筑学的概况和国际上该行业的一些观念、方法,以及设计规划步骤等。

    In this paper , the author introduces some concepts , ideas and methods of modern landscape architecture , design and planning procedures .

  18. 理论上运用了景观建筑学、人体工程学、环境心理学等相关学科知识,探寻人本型校园环境设计之方法。

    In theory , human engineering , environmental psychology , and other related academic knowledge are utilized to explore human-oriented campus planning methods .

  19. 景观建筑学作为景观相关专业的核心课程,主要教授景观设计、景观管理和景观技术等3方面知识。

    Being the basic of the landscape studies , Landscape Architecture involves in three aspects : Landscape Design , Landscape Management and Landscape Science .

  20. 以生态系统论、现代产品设计理论与景观建筑学的观点作为方法进行分析与研究。

    I use the points of ecological system theory , modern product design theory and the environmental facility design theory as the methods of my study .

  21. 迄今为止,美国现代景观建筑学走过了一个多世纪的历程,经过在科学与艺术两个方面的拓展与流变,已经发展成为与传统园林不同的,有着自身独特价值的实践专业。

    Today , after more than a century of specialization in arts and sciences , modern landscape architecture , which has a special value system , has been a different subject which differs from traditional garden design .

  22. 将景观建筑学的理论用于实践,通过温州市市府大道景观设计投标,对当代景观设计的自然序列、结构序列和尺度序列进行了探讨。

    Through the landscape design of ShiFu Road in Wenzhou , we put the theory of landscape architecture into practice and explore " the nature order , the structure and the dimension " of the modern landscape design .

  23. 近年来,国内外建筑理论界学术氛围发生变化,加上对景观建筑学、生态建筑学的深刻研究,越来越多的专家学者认同中国古代风水理论中的科学性及预见性。

    In recent years , because of some change of academia in domestic and foreign architecture theory , accompanying the deep research to scene architecture theory and zoology architecture theory , more and more experts agree that there are scientific and prescient truths in China ancient Geomantic Omen .

  24. 景观化都市建筑学&从2004威尼斯建筑双年展看当代先锋建筑与教育

    Landscape Urbanism & About Contemporary Avant-Architecture from 2004'Venice Architecture Exhibition

  25. 非污染生态环境影响评价的若干问题探讨景观化都市建筑学

    A study of landscape ecology in Non-pollution EIA LANDSCAPE URBANISM

  26. 第二章,主要参考中国传统风水理论、可持续发展理论、景观生态学及生态建筑学来对现代室内景观生态设计进行理论指导。

    Chapter 2 , the author not only refers the theory of Chinese traditional geomancy and sustainable development , but also the landscape ecology and the architecture ecology , in order to abstractly guide ecological design in modern interior landscapes .

  27. 校园科学景观刍议景观化都市建筑学

    Constructing Scientific Landscape in the Campus LANDSCAPE URBANISM

  28. 景观与建筑的融合景观建筑学的发展与实践

    Integration of Landscape and Architecture Development and Practice of Landscape Architecture