
  • 网络sustainable use;sustainable utilization
  1. 水资源永续利用与农业的可持续发展

    The Sustainable Use of Water Resources and the Sustainable Development of Agriculture

  2. 山西省土地资源永续利用研究

    Study on the Sustainable Use of Land Resources of Shanxi

  3. 临夏州天然草地资源永续利用对策

    Counter-measures to enduringly use the natural grassland resource in Ningxia prefecture

  4. 西北地区渔业环境永续利用的对策研究

    Study on Measures of Sustainable Utilization of Northwest Fishery Environment

  5. 试论发展香菇生产与林木资源的永续利用

    About Development of Lentinus edodes Cultivation and Sustainable Utilization of Forest Resources

  6. 三是实现资源适度开发永续利用;

    Thirdly , to realize appropriate development and sustainable utilization of resources ;

  7. 确保乡镇图书馆永续利用的换位思考

    Replace Thinking of Using Forever of Village and Town Libraries

  8. 皖南山区伞形科野生药用植物资源及永续利用

    Sustainable Utilization with Wild Medicinal Plants of University in Anhui South Region

  9. 加强海洋资源综合管理保障资源永续利用

    Strengthen comprehensive marine management and guarantee sustainable utilization of resources

  10. 京山县栎林资源永续利用的研究

    A study on sustained-yield management of oak forests in Jinshan County Resource

  11. 太阳能是一种可永续利用的清洁能源。

    Solar energy is a green energy of sustainable use .

  12. 西部农业水资源的创新管理与永续利用

    Innovation Management of West Agricultural Water Resources and Sustainable Development

  13. 羊草草场永续利用的研究

    The research of the grassland for its continuous using

  14. 保持土地资源的永续利用。

    To keep continuous usages of the land resource .

  15. 煤矿开采沉陷对耕地永续利用的影响分析

    An analysis of subsidence effects on farmland everlasting utilization due to coal mining

  16. 浅谈保护生态环境和资源的永续利用与可持续发展论异地开发扶贫移民迁入地生态环境的保护&以思茅市大沙坝移民村为例

    Discussion on the ecological environment conservation and resources utilization

  17. 山东省森林资源现状及其永续利用对策

    Present situation of forest resources in Shandong Province and measures of their sustainable utilization

  18. 土地资源永续利用的制约因素与对策探讨&以黄土高原地区为例

    Restricted Factors in the Continuous Utilization of Land Resource and the Solution to It

  19. 本溪地区薪炭林经营问题及永续利用对策的探讨

    Fuelwood Forest Management and Sustainable Use in Benxi

  20. 四川森林的生长动态与永续利用探讨

    The movement of growth and discussion of sustained utilization of forest in Sichuan Province

  21. 建设好草原生态,以便达到永续利用之目的,具有十分重要的意义。

    The building of grassland ecosystems has great significance in order to sustainable development .

  22. 论土地资源的永续利用

    On the Sustainable Utilization of Land Resources

  23. 黄山植物资源的永续利用

    Sustainable Utilization Plant Resources in Huangshan Mountain

  24. 加强水资源管理是实现水资源持续开发和永续利用的关键。

    Strengthening water resources management is the key to the sustainable development of water resources .

  25. 无线电频率规划的目标是实现频率资源的合理开发和永续利用。

    Radio frequency planning goal is implementation frequency resource for the rational development and sustainable use .

  26. 桑植县主要生物资源的合理开发和永续利用对策

    Prospects for Exploiting the Main Biological Resources in Sangzhi County and the Ways of Lasting Utilization

  27. 建立草畜平衡制度,实现草地的永续利用

    Establish the regulation of balance of capacity of grassland and livestock for sustaining utilization of grassland

  28. 水资源的永续利用是农业可持续发展的基础和核心。

    The sustainable utilization of water resources is the base and core of sustainable development agriculture .

  29. 合理的森林资源结构对于森林的永续利用和林业产业的可持续发展意义重大。

    Rational forest resources structure is indispensable to the continuous development of forest resources and industry .

  30. 资源的永续利用和良好的生态环境是可持续发展的重要标志。

    The agelong use of resources and favorable environment is the important symbol of sustainable development .