
  1. 柳宗元《永州八记》的道家文化解读

    Interpretation on Taoist Culture of Liu Zongyuan 's Eight-Travel-Writing about Yongzhou

  2. 柳宗元最著名的游记是《永州八记》。

    His best-known travel pieces are the Eight Records of Excursions in Yongzhou .

  3. 论素描在写实油画艺术创作中的作用析永州八记中虚实相生的写景艺术论当代写实大师奥德·诺德姆的绘画艺术

    On the Sketch in the Realist Painting of the Role of Artistic Creation

  4. 论柳宗元永州八记的复式结构模式

    On the Compound Structure Models in Liu Zongyuan 's " Eight Records of Yongzhou "