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  1. 它的呈现非己类现代环境活动,特殊非生态认识形态由淡层背淡层委婉换的时迟期本志。

    The research of deep ecology is a sign of the times which means the development of modern environment movement , especially the ecological ideology , has arrived at a new stage .

  2. 本民族志以温州地区的传统龙舟和现代健身龙舟活动为研究对象,将其置于晚清民国到当代的长时段历史中进行考察。

    This ethnography mainly discusses the traditional dragon boat and modern fitness dragon boat activities in Wenzhou , and places it into a long period from Late-Qing dynasty to the contemporary era .

  3. 他写了一本苏格兰博物志。

    He has written a natural history of Scotland .

  4. 本区下志留统龙马溪组的放射虫硅质岩形成在水深相对较浅的深水陆棚与大陆坡过渡带上,水深约在200m左右。

    The radiolarian silicalite of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in this region was formed in the transitive zone between the deepwater continental shelf where the water depth is relatively shallow and the continental slope , in which the sea water depth is about 200 m.

  5. 上海出版了中国第一本地方妇女志&《上海妇女志》。

    China 's first local record on women , Record of Women of Shanghai , was published in Shanghai .

  6. 本中心有志于提供一个学习及研习的平台,予有兴趣运用认知行为治疗方法的专业人士;并将此方法适切地应用于患有情绪及精神困扰的中国人。

    Our Center aims to provide a learning environment for professionals who are interested in applying Cognitive Therapy to work with Chinese people suffering from emotional and mental distress .

  7. 本案例对有志于改革创新、提高企业竞争力的企业家们有一定的借鉴意义。

    This case will be some advices to those managers to enthusiasm for transformation and to improve the competitiveness of companies .

  8. 众多秉承忧患意识和民本精神的有志之十,用各种各样的方式寻找救国良方。

    Many uphold the suffering consciousness and the spirit of a person of noble aspirations , seeking the way to use a variety of ways .

  9. 本案例对有志于加强企业人力资源管理,勇于变革人力资源开发方式以加强企业文化从而提高企业核心竞争力的管理者有一定的借鉴意义。

    Thls case has reference meaning for those managers who will to strength human resource management and be brave in the reform heman resource development to buit corporate culture and improve the enterprise competence .

  10. 然而,高中语文教育现状来看,高中语文审美教育仍然存在诸多问题,这就需要广大教育工作者共同努力,不断探索高中语文审美教育的新出路,本研究就有志于此。

    However , high school Chinese aesthetic education still exist many problems according to the current high school Chinese education situation , these need education workers work together broadly to continuously explore high school Chinese aesthetic education in a new way . And this study is interested in this field .