  • erroneous;mistaken
  • extort;blackmail;bluff
  • 错误:~字。~误(文字、记载错误)。~谬。~传(chuán )。以~传~。

  • 敲诈,假借某种理由向人强迫索取财物或其他权利:~诈。

  • 谣言:~言(a.诈伪的话,谣言;b.胡言乱语)。

  • 感化,变化:“岁月迁~。”

  • 野火烧。


(错误的) erroneous; mistaken:

  • 讹字

    wrong words (in a text);

  • 以讹传讹

    spread an error or a falsehood


(讹诈) extort; blackmail; bluff:

  • 讹人

    blackmail [bluff] sb.

  1. 一家人全靠他在外面讹个钱,诈个财,吃点好的,穿点好的,装门面。

    The family depended on his ability to wangle a few dollars occasionally . With this money , they would eat well and dress well for a while , making a pretence of affluence .

  2. 理解幽默涉及三个步骤即:设置-乖讹-消解,被称为SIR模型。

    The understanding of humorous messages involves a three-step process , that is , Setup-Incongruity-Resolution , which is called SIR model .

  3. “Nite”有时被看成是“night”在俚语中的讹用。

    " Nite " is sometimes considered a slang corruption of " night " .

  4. 传统的幽默理论主要探讨幽默的本质,形成了三种常见的理论:乖讹论、优越论以及慰藉论(Morreall,1983:4)。

    Traditional humor theories mainly probe the nature of humor , among which , the three classical ones are : incongruity theory , superiority theory and relief theory ( Morreall , 1983:4 ) .

  5. 笔迹专家作证该签名无讹。

    The handwriting expert attested to the genuineness of the signature .

  6. 他讹称他的车子状况良好。

    He misrepresented that his car was in a good condition .

  7. 据本人所知,上述填报的资料均正确无讹。

    Details given in this form are correct according to my knowledge .

  8. 汉字形体讹变研究概述

    Overview of the Study of Erroneous Transformation of Chinese Characters ' Forms

  9. 汉字形体讹变浅说

    An Introduction about the Erroneous Changes of Chinese Character Forms

  10. 乖讹正是来源于这一层创结构。

    It supposes that incongruity of humor rightly derives from this emergent structure .

  11. 在这一过程中,乖讹-消解理论起关键作用。

    The incongruity resolution here plays an important role .

  12. 如何看待创造性叛逆与林纾文学翻译中的讹

    " Creative Rebel " and the " Error " in Lin Shu 's Versions

  13. 肯定很多大多数想从他那儿讹点钱

    Tons . Mostly from people trying to scam him out of his money .

  14. 我方保证向受托人提供的用于办理申办手续的所有单证均真实无讹。

    We assure that all the documents provided supplier side for application are true .

  15. 讹科费米原子能电站原子力发电厂构造物

    Enrico fermi atomic power plant nuclear energy structures

  16. 兹声明以上所填报的内容准确无讹。

    I hereby declare that the contents entered on this form are true and correct .

  17. 讹科费米原子能电站他讹诈穷苦农民的钱财。

    Enrico fermi atomic power plant He extorted money from poor farmers under false pretences .

  18. 双势阱中超冷极性原子气体的动力学研究讹科费米原子能电站

    Dynamics of an Ultracold Dipolar Atom Gas in a Double Well enrico fermi atomic power plant

  19. 在内容方面,补传本之漏略错讹而使传义完整。

    In contents , fill the leak editions immaterial mistakes and make preach slightly righteousness complete .

  20. 浅析《四部正讹》对伪书史料价值的认识

    Analysis of Si Bu Zheng E 's Recognition of the Historic Values of the False Books

  21. 影响乖讹消解的主要原因是听话者缺乏必要的百科知识及词汇知识信息。

    The main factors influencing the incongruity resolution are lack of necessary encyclopedic or lexical knowledge .

  22. 兹证明所填报的资料均正确无讹,并无遗漏。

    The undersigned hereby certifies that all the information furnished on this form is complete and accurate .

  23. 但对一些学者而言乖讹和消解两个过程是同时发生且相互融合的。

    But to some scholars , the incongruity and resolution steps happen simultaneously and are integrated together .

  24. 在传统的幽默研究中,乖讹理论被认为是最具影响力的幽默理论。

    In traditional humor studies , IR theory is regarded as one of the most influential approaches .

  25. 讹科费米快中子增殖反应堆

    Enrico fermi fast breeder reactor

  26. 更可恶的是,这样的逻辑还被用于向好心人讹钱。

    Worse , such logic has been used in similar cases to extort money from a good Samaritan .

  27. 西夏文中异体字、讹体字的大量存在,对研究和阅读文献带来诸多不便,因而很有必要对其加以整理和研究。

    The existence of numerous variants and errors in Xixia characters brings lots of inconveniences to studying its literature .

  28. 含外规范场和动力学费米子自能的狄拉克算符及费米子凝聚讹科费米原子能电站

    Fermion condensate and Dirac operator determinant with external gauge fields and dynamical fermion self energy enrico fermi atomic power plant

  29. 由于水平和篇幅有限,本书肯定会有不少疏漏错讹,敬请大家批评指正。

    I look forward to receiving your criticism upon this book for its oversight errors due to limited ideological level .

  30. 因此,时至今日,仍有必要对这些问题进行耙梳整理、辨讹论正。

    Therefore , it is quite essential to collate these issues and to distinguish the right theories from the false ones .