
  • 网络landscape ecological construction
  1. 增城北部三镇乡村景观生态建设探讨

    Landscape Ecological Construction of Village in Three Towns in Northern Zengcheng

  2. 莱州市沿海防护林景观生态建设对策

    Countermeasures for landscape ecological construction of the coastal shelter forest in Laizhou City

  3. 基于GIS的山区土地利用变化研究&以石家庄西部山区为例湖南西部山区景观生态建设的探索

    Analysis of the Change of the Land-use Based on GIS Research for Approach of Landscape Ecology to Build the Mountain Area in West of Hunan

  4. 福建东山县景观生态建设的探讨

    The discussion of landscape ecology construction in Dongshan County Fujian Province

  5. 我国东北地区某些荒芜土地的景观生态建设

    The landscape ecological reconstruction in some degraded land in Northeast China

  6. 城市湿地景观生态建设的价值取向

    Valuable Tropism in Constructing Ecological Landscapes of the Urban Wetland

  7. 天津市区绿色景观生态建设

    Ecological Construction of Green Landscape in Tianjin City Proper

  8. 重庆城市绿地景观生态建设

    Ecological Construction of Urban Green Landscape in Chongqing City

  9. 抚仙湖北岸景观生态建设

    Eco-Spectacle Construction on the Northern Bank of Fuxian Lake

  10. 玉溪市抚仙湖沿岸景观生态建设规划

    On the Landscape and Ecological Planning Along Fuxian Lake

  11. 北京景观生态建设的问题与模式

    On the Problems and Models of the Development of Beijing 's Ecological Landscape

  12. 西北地区高校校园景观生态建设初探&以榆林学院为例

    Study Of University Campus Landscape Ecology In Northwest China

  13. 开封市城市绿地系统景观生态建设研究

    A Study On the Landscape Ecology Construction of the Urban Greenland System of Kaifeng

  14. 悉尼奥运会对城市环境整治和景观生态建设的促进及经验

    The experience in promoting the urban environmental improvement and landscaping by Sydney Olympic Games

  15. 湖南山丘区景观生态建设的基本问题

    On Fundamental Problems of Landscape Ecological Engineering in Mountainous and Hilly Area in Hunan Province

  16. 湄洲岛绿地系统现状及其景观生态建设的研究

    Study on Current Situation and Landscape Ecological Construction of Green Space System in Meizhou Island

  17. 因此,本研究初步提出了仙林大学城规划区景观生态建设纲要。

    Therefore , this paper proposed the landscape ecological construction program for Xianlin university town .

  18. 鹭岛绿地格局与绿地景观生态建设的研究

    Study on the Pattern of Greenbelts and Ecological Construction of Greenbelt Landscape in Xiamen Island

  19. 湖南西部山区景观生态建设的探索

    Research for Approach of Landscape Ecology to Build the Mountain Area in West of Hunan

  20. 第四部分是开封市绿地系统的景观生态建设。

    Part IV deals with the landscape ecology construction of the urban greenland sys-tem of Kaifeng .

  21. 城市景观生态建设的战略思考&以常熟市为例

    Landscape Ecological Construction in Changshu City

  22. 陕北风沙区景观生态建设中区域文化的影响与响应

    Influence and Response of Regional Culture of Landscape Ecological Construction in Sandy Area in Northern Shaanxi

  23. 城市景观生态建设&以沈阳市为例

    Construction of urban landscape ecology

  24. 据此提出乌鲁木齐绿地景观生态建设对策,以提高绿地系统景观的异质性,更有效发挥绿地的生态功能。

    Therefore , some suggestions are put forward to improve the landscape heterogeneity and make the ecological function more effective .

  25. 运用价值工程理论探索骨灰处理多样化与殡葬园区园林景观生态建设相结合的路子

    Explored the Integrating Way of Bone Ash Disposal Diversification and Biogeocenose Constructing of Funeral and Interment Garden by Value Engineering Theory

  26. 由于各城市具有不同的特点,其绿地系统的景观生态建设也应该具有自己的特色。

    Because each city has different characteristic , the green space system of landscape ecological construction should also have their own characteristics .

  27. 对于我国城市化过程中涌现的大量中小城市的景观生态建设具有现实的指导意义和参考价值。

    It has practical instructive significance and reference value for the landscape ecological construction in our country , which is being urbanized now .

  28. 最后,根据景观生态建设原则和生态经济理论,提出了研究区森林生态立地资源合理利用的建议。

    Finally , proposals for the rational utilization of ecological site resources in the research area are put forward based on principles of landscape ecological construction and eco-economic theories .

  29. 本文是笔者参与福建省科技厅重大项目课题东山岛景观生态建设与社会经济可持续发展示范工程的基础上形成的。

    This paper is based on an important project of Scientific and Technical department in Fujian , that is Landscape ecological construction and the representative engineering of developing social economy in Dongshan island .

  30. 本文通过分析研究抚仙湖沿岸自然状况和社会经济发展情况,对其土地利用现状及土地适宜性进行了评价,认为抚仙湖沿岸景观生态建设的主题应为旅游景观生态建设。

    An investigation into the natural state , the social and economic development and the quality and employment of the land has revealed that the Fuxian Lake area can be used for scenic and ecological tourism .