
  • 网络landscape structure
  1. 基于GIS的生态景观结构分析及其在公路网规划环评中的应用

    Analysis of Ecological Landscape Structure and Its Application in Road Network Planning and Environmental Assessment

  2. 中山陵GIS及景观结构评价初步分析

    ZhongShan Tomb Geographic Information System ( GIS ) and the Tentative Study on Landscape Structure Evaluation

  3. 基于GIS的陕北景观结构

    Landscape Pattern of Northern Shaanxi Based on GIS

  4. 基于GIS的小流域单元景观结构指数信息提取方法&以重庆市忠县为例

    The Information Extraction Methods of Landscape Indexes of Small-basin Units Based on GIS & A Case Study in ZhongXian County , Chongqing City

  5. 基于GIS和RS的三明市荆东生态工业区土地开发生态适宜度和景观结构分析

    GIS & RS-based Ecological Suitability Assessment for Land Development and Landscape Structure Analysis : A Case Study of Jindong Eco-industrial Park , Sanming City

  6. 四合木(Tetraenamongolica)分布区景观结构时空变化分析

    Spatial-temporal Change of Landscape Structure in the Distribution Region of Tetraena mongolica

  7. 研究还表明,在GIS的支持下,进行港口总体规划的景观结构分析完全可行,有助于分析港口建设所可能产生的景观生态学效应,值得进一步研究和探讨。

    Furthermore , it is completely feasible to apply GIS-based landscape structure analysis to port programming assessment , helpful to analyze the landscape ecological impacts of port construction , and is worthy for further studies .

  8. 利用3S技术和分形理论对景观结构进行了分析,并讨论了景观特性及其变化的分形性质。

    3S technology and the fractal theory are used on the analysis to the landscape structure , and fractal property of landscape structure is discussed .

  9. 景观结构退化即景观破碎化,是指景观中各生态系统之间的各种功能联系断裂或连接度(connectivity)减少的现象;

    Landscape structure degradation , that is landscape fragmentation , is defined as the phenomenon that functional diversity relationships are ruptured or connectivity is reduced among ecosystems within the landscape .

  10. 本文以1984、1994、2002年的TM影像资料为基础,分析了东灵山地区在近20年来人类干扰对整体景观结构特征的影响。

    In the paper , TM data of Dongling Mountainous region in 1984,1994,2002 year were used , in order to analyze effects of human disturbance on whole landscape structure and pattern in 20 years .

  11. Spot-5遥感数据在北方农牧交错带景观结构特征研究中的应用&以河北省沽源县为例

    Character of Landscape Structure in the Ecotone between Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Northern China Using Spot-5 Remote Sensing Data

  12. 基于Landsat-TM数据的农牧交错带景观结构研究&以内蒙古自治区兴和县为例

    Landscape structure of the farming-pastoral zone based on Landsat-TM Data-A case study of Xinghe County , Inner Mongolia

  13. 结果表明,人为影响类型极性分析法可以较理想地定量描述景观结构变化作用的方向和程度。分析表明,其单糖组成为Glc。

    The results indicated that the method of polar analysis could be used precisely to analyze the effect on land - scape change and detect the direction of anthropogenic disturbance reasonably .

  14. 研究区三类地物分类总体精度较高,达到92.5290%,Kappa系数0.8852,完全满足城市景观结构分析及城市绿地空间结构研究需求。

    The overall classification precision of three kinds place things in research region is high , achieves 92.5290 % , the Kappa coefficient is 0.8852 , can satisfy the demand of the urban landscape and the urban green space spatial structure study . 2 .

  15. 徐州市城区公园绿地系统景观结构分析

    Analysis of Landscape Structure of Park Green System in Xuzhou City

  16. 山东泰山地区景观结构变化及其分形分析

    Landscape structures and fractal analyses of Taishan Mountain , Shandong Province

  17. 城市化主导的景观结构演变机制研究

    The Research on Evolution Mechanism of Landscape Structure Dominanted by Urbanization

  18. 鄂尔多斯1988-2000年景观结构和功能动态分析

    Dynamic analysis of landscape structure and function in Erdos during 1988-2000

  19. 徐州市公园绿地景观结构与格局分析

    The Structure and Pattern of the Park Greenlands in Xuzhou City

  20. 构建了黄河滩地景观结构。

    The landscape structure of the Yellow River Floodplain was constructed .

  21. 镶嵌多样性低意味着景观结构简单,镶嵌多样性高意味着景观结构复杂。

    A lower mosaic diversity means a simpler landscape structure .

  22. 洞庭湖湿地景观结构与生态工程模式研究

    Preliminary Study on Wetland Landscape and Ecological Engineering Models in Dongting Lake

  23. 城市生态基础设施也深受影响,其景观结构和生态功能受到影响。

    Urban green infrastructure is affected deeply by landscape structure and function .

  24. 萧绍围垦区遥感影像的景观结构分析

    Landscape Structure Analysis of Xiao'shao Reclaimed Area Based on Remote Sensing Image

  25. 大尺度景观结构指数的因子分析

    A Factor Analysis on Landscape Structure Metrics with Large Scale

  26. 主伐对森林景观结构和空间分布格局影响的研究

    Influence of Final Cutting on Landscape Structure and Spatial Distribution Pattern of Forests

  27. 基于景观结构的区域生态风险分析

    Analysis of regional ecological risk based on landscape structure

  28. 福州城市绿地斑块景观结构和异质性分析

    Structure and heterogeneity of urban vegetation landscape in Fuzhou

  29. 松嫩平原西部生态脆弱带景观结构与生态耦合分析

    Landscape structure and ecological coupling analysis of ecotone on the west Sonnen Plain

  30. 卧龙自然保护区人为活动对景观结构的影响

    Human impacts on landscape structure in Wolong Natural Reserve