
  • 网络Stability
  1. 基于RS的祁连山东段山地景观稳定性分析

    Analysis on the Stability of Eastern Qilian Mountainous Landscape Based on RS

  2. 森林景观稳定性是实现森林可持续发展的至关重要的因素。

    Forest landscape stability is an important factor of forest sustainable development .

  3. 维护景观稳定性;

    Remaining the stability of landscape ;

  4. 景观稳定性表现为景观要素稳定性和景观生态系统稳定性。

    The stability of the landscape is shown as the stability of the key element of the landscape and stability of the landscape ecosystem .

  5. 一般认为,一定范围内异质性的增强有助于提高景观稳定性,而空间镶嵌稳定性是功能稳定性的基础。

    It is generally believed that the heterogeneity is enhanced in a certain range can help to improve the stability of landscape , while the stability of space mosaic is the base for the stability of function .

  6. 从土地利用类型的多样化程度来看,下游地区的土地利用类型多样化更高,理论上这里的土地利用景观稳定性更高。

    Diversification of the land use types of view , the Diversity of the land use types in the lower reaches area were higher than the other areas , it has the stronger land use landscape stability in theoretically .

  7. 干旱区绿洲景观尺度稳定性初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis on the Oasis Stability at the Landscape Level in the Arid Regions

  8. 但由于栎林所处生境人为活动剧烈,干扰强度大,造成景观结构的稳定性相对较差。

    However , due to habitat of Oakery involving intense human activities and disturbance , results in relatively poor stability of landscape structure .

  9. 对区域土地利用来说,土地可持续利用即土地功能的延续和维持,就是要追求土地功能的稳定,而功能稳定又以景观空间镶嵌稳定性为基础。

    On regional land use , sustainable land use is the continuation and maintenance of land function , which requires seeking the stability of the land function , while the stability of land function is based on the stability of landscape spatial mosaic .

  10. 通过分析探讨南山大小洞天的成生条件与机理,为研究工程场地与景观场地的稳定性以及丰富南山大小洞天旅游开发提供了地质方面的辅证。

    In light of the explorations of its genetic conditions and mechanism , geological accessory evidences are presented for studying the stability of project sites and scenic spots and enriching the nature tourism and exploitation in the big and small rock cave spectacles in Nanshan mountain range .

  11. 评价农田防护林景观的合理性、稳定性、持续性,是今后的重要研究方向。

    Evaluating the reasonability , stability and durability of shelterbelt landscape based on the theories and methods of landscape ecology was an important task in the future studies .

  12. 压力是土地利用可持续性变化的驱动因子,综合效益最优是土地可持续利用的最终目标,景观空间镶嵌的稳定性是实现土地可持续利用的基础。

    Pressure is the driving factor for the change of the sustainability of land use , the optimal comprehensive benefits are the ultimate goal of sustainable land use , and the stability of landscape spatial mosaic is the basis for achieving sustainable land use .

  13. 巴里坤县斑块特征变化表现为景观分维数增高,而稳定性指数减小,各个景观类型的相对稳定性为:居民及工矿用地水域耕地林地草地未利用地。

    The changes of patches show that fractal dimension of the landscape increased , while the stability index decreased . The relative stability of various landscape types is : residents and industrial land water cultivated land forest land grassland and unused land . 4 .

  14. 本文以科尔沁沙地为例,从景观和景观生态出发,论述影响脆弱生态环境景观不稳定性的各生态等级尺度的扰动因子,即个体生态、种群生态、生态位、群落生态、生态系统。

    Taking Horqin Sandy Land as an example , this paper discusses a series of disturbance factors making impacts on landscape unstability and changes , including ecology of individuals , population ecology , ecological niche , community ecology , and ecosystem .

  15. 景观总体上表现异质性在减小,斑块类型趋于均匀分布的趋势,景观稳定性在降低。

    On the whole landscape , the landscape heterogeneity is decreasing and the landscape evenness index is increasing , and the landscape stability is decreased .

  16. 因此,土地可持续利用评价不仅对土地功能强弱进行评价,还必须评价其景观空间格局(土地利用空间结构),尤其是要对景观空间格局的稳定性进行评价。

    Therefore , evaluation for sustainable land use is not only mainly on the land function , but also on the landscape spatial pattern ( spatial structure of land use ), especially on the stability of the landscape spatial pattern .

  17. 景观功能退化是指与前一状态相比,由于景观异质性的改变导致景观的稳定性与服务功能等的衰退现象。

    Degradation of function is a loss or the degradation of stability and service functions due to a change in heterogeneity relative to a former state .

  18. 海河低平原区农田景观存在的主要问题是作物景观元素的水平分布日趋单一化,造成了农田景观生态不稳定性。

    The simple horizontal distribution of farmland landscape in Haihe lowland plain is the reason that farmland landscape is losing its ecological stability .

  19. 根据景观生态评价的理论与方法,并结合露天煤矿开采对环境破坏的特点,构造了基于景观的稳定性和宜人性指标的露天矿区生态评价模型。

    Based on the landscape ecological evaluation theory and the characteristic of environment destruction due to opencast mine activities , the opencast mine ecological evaluation model containing landscape stability index and suitability for mankind index was developed in this paper .