
wén huà jiāo liú
  • cultural exchange;acculturation
  1. 两国的文化交流已经持续了一千多年。

    Cultural exchange between the two countries has gone on for over a thousand years .

  2. highlights小组讨论文化交流时,突出民间关系的交流经验。

    The panel discussion on cultural exchange the experience of people-to-people relations .

  3. 文化交流是各国之间建立联系的纽带。

    Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between countries .

  4. 双方承诺为进一步开展文化交流创造便利条件。

    Both sides undertake to facilitate further cultural exchanges .

  5. 该杂志成为两民族间文化交流的媒介。

    The magazine becomes a cultural medium of intercourse between the two peoples .

  6. 德国和中国之间的文化交流增多了。

    There are more cultural exchanges between Germany and China .

  7. 在文化交流中我们应该坦然地面对这种杂合

    A culture should frankly face the hybridity in exchange with others .

  8. APEC领导人非正式会议着装多为具有主办国特色的民族服装,这成为国际间文化交流的一个重要象征。

    The fact that leaders are dressed in the national costume by a country that sponsors the meeting has become an important symbol of international cultural exchange .

  9. 澳门和中西文化交流及汉学的形成

    Macao , Culture Communion Between China and West and the Sinology

  10. 翻译是一种在不同语言、不同社会背景下的特殊的文化交流活动。

    Translation is a cross-language , cross-social , special cultural activity .

  11. 对2008年奥运会太极拳文化交流战略的研究

    Taiji Boxing and the Study of the Olympic Strategy in 2008

  12. 进一步加强中西方的教育文化交流;

    Exchange between oriental and occidental culture and education should be enhanced .

  13. 英语写作是国际文化交流的一种重要媒介。

    Writing in English is an important medium for international cultural exchange .

  14. 跨文化交流中的竞技武术套路发展

    On the Development of Athletic Wushu Serials in Cross - cultural Exchange

  15. 谈英汉翻译中的数字陷阱从语言符号学看中英文化交流的陷阱

    On Translation Pitfalls in the Way of English-Chinese Translation of Rhetorical Numbers

  16. 从跨文化交流的模式看英汉商标词的翻译

    On Translating Words of Trademark from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication Model

  17. 在跨文化交流中,文化差异会导致文化缺省现象。

    Cultural differences cause cultural default during the cross-cultural communication .

  18. 西方品牌在华广告传播是当代中外经济文化交流与合作中的重要课题。

    Western brand advertising in China is an important subject .

  19. 古代蒙古与高丽的音乐文化交流

    Mongolian and Korean Musical Cultural Exchange in the Ancient Times

  20. 翻译是文化交流的重要渠道。

    Translation is one of the most important ways of cultural exchange .

  21. 台湾乡土文学文献的开发与闽台文化交流

    Development of Taiwan Local Literature and Culture Exchange between Fujian and Taiwan

  22. 在中、西方的文化交流中都做出了杰出的贡献。

    Contribute a lot to the communication of Chinese and American cultures .

  23. 第四,促进文化交流和人员往来。

    Fourth , promoting cultural interaction and personnel exchanges .

  24. 经常文化交流将有助于推进中法政治经济关系。

    And frequent cultural exchanges will help push Sino-French political and economic interaction .

  25. 隔而不绝交而待融&中外建筑文化交流50年

    50 Years of Sino-Foreign Exchanges in Architecture and Culture

  26. 文化交流是两种文化之间的双向活动。

    Cultural exchange involves two-way activities between two cultures .

  27. 唐代中日音乐文化交流史专题研究

    Case Study on Cultural Exchange History of the Sino

  28. 从耶稣会士看澳门在中西文化交流中的地位和作用

    The Jesuits : Macao 's Position and Role in the Sino-Occidental Cultural Exchanges

  29. 中日跨文化交流和理解的隔膜

    Exchange of Sino-Japanese Inter-culture and Lack of Mutual Understanding

  30. 中西方文化交流中的借词现象

    The phenomenon of the borrowing words in Intercultural Communications