
  • 网络port group
  1. 第二,运用实证研究法、调查研究法、仿真模拟法建立了广西北部湾港口群物流系统SD模型。

    Second , this paper establishes a SD model for Guangxi Beibu Gulf port group logistics system using of empirical research method , survey research method , simulation method .

  2. 图们江港口群发展战略的研究

    The development strategy of the port group along Tumen River

  3. 山东港口群基于SWOT分析框架下的可持续发展对策

    Sustainable Development Strategy of Shandong Port Cluster Based on SWOT Model

  4. 港口群企业集团组建模式与权益结构研究

    Research on the Establishment Pattern of Port Groups and Right & Interests

  5. 辽宁港口群协调机制及临港产业发展研究

    Co-Ordination Mechanism among the Ports and Development of Port-neighboring Industry in Liaoning

  6. 区域化:长江三角洲地区集装箱港口群发展战略

    Regionalization : New Strategy for Container Ports in the Yangtze River Delta

  7. 论珠江三角洲港口群发展策略

    Development Strategy of Port Cluster in Zhujiang River Triangular Region

  8. 天津港在环渤海港口群中的地位与作用研究

    The Position and Status of Tianjin Port within the Bohai Bay Port Cluster

  9. 辽宁沿海港口群发展规模及资源整合研究

    Study on Resource Integration and Developing Scale in Liaoning Province Littoral Port Cluster

  10. 长江口港口群建设条件与布局

    The construction condition and distribution of the port group at the Yangtze River mouth

  11. 港口群系统的竞争合作与演变发展

    Competitive Cooperation and Development of Port Group System

  12. 辽宁省港口群与生态环境协调发展研究

    The Research on Coordinated Development between Port Group and Ecological Environment in Liaoning Province

  13. 运营期辽宁省生态港口群建设问题研究

    The Research on Construction of Ecological Port Group during Operating Period in Liaoning Province

  14. 珠三角港口群及长三角港口群的分析与对比

    Analysis and Comparison of Port Clusters between Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta

  15. 以港口群的角度思考港口的发展与规划是当前港口规划的重要思路。

    It is important to make modern port development programming in the sight of port group .

  16. 江-海联运集疏运系统的研究在洋山港主要腹地港口群进行应用。

    Research of river-sea distribution system applies in Yangshan port and Yangzi River down area ports .

  17. 最后,对环渤海湾港口群的一体化进行了展望。

    Finally , a future outlook of the integration of the Bohai harbor group is shown .

  18. 基于系统动力学的长江三角洲港口群物流系统协调发展研究

    A Study of Yangtze River Delta Port Group Logistics System Based on System Dynamics Developing in Correspond

  19. 港口群物流系统效率是港口内涵式发展的重要的测度值。

    Port group logistics system efficiency is the important measure value of the port intension mode development .

  20. 港口群的群体效应理论及其运量分配模型的研究

    A Research on Group Effect of the Harbour Group and the Distribution Model of the Transportation Capacity

  21. 本论文重点探讨长江三角洲集装箱港口群内的合作竞争问题。

    This thesis discusses mainly the cooperation and competition among coastal container ports group in Yangtse Delta .

  22. 基于轴-辐运输系统的区域港口群二级物流运输网络优化不稳定二次产品优化程序

    Optimization of hub-and-spoke based regional port cluster two stage logistics system network ; optimization program for unstable secondaries

  23. 珠江三角洲港口群发展态势分析&广州港发展战略

    Analysis of the Port Cluster Development in the Pearl Rever Delta & Developmental Strategy of Port of Guangzhou

  24. 阐述了加速建设长江三角洲北翼港口群的必要性。

    The necessity of accelerating port group development on the north wing of the Yangtze River Delta is expatiated .

  25. 近年来,我国经济的快速发展带动交通运输业的快速增长,继长三角港口群和珠三角港口群后,环渤海港口群迅速崛起,成为我国第三个经济增长级。

    In recent years , our country economy very fast development aroused the fast growth of the transportation industry .

  26. 长三角港口群的竞争与合作

    Long triangle harbor group competition and cooperation The Countermeasure of Shanghai Suburbanization from Angle of View of Long Triangle

  27. 京津冀港口群协调发展,对其腹地经济发展有着良好的互动作用。

    The harmony development of the Jing-jin-ji port group has the fine interaction function to the hinterlands economy development .

  28. 接下来分析一体化使上海集装箱枢纽港在长三角港口群中的竞合关系所发生的变化,上海港面临的各种竞争与合作的可能;

    Third the changes in competition and cooperation what Shanghai Port confronted caused by regional economic organization are analyzed .

  29. 针对海西港口群物流布局进行深入的研究,取得了很好的成果。

    We have also conducted intensified research on the logistics layout of the Haixi Port Group , and achieved great results .

  30. 第二章介绍了对以半岛港口群为基础的青岛国际航运中心的定义和内涵做出科学界定,并指出建设的意义。

    The second one make a definition about the Qingdao international shipping center , then point out the meaning of the construction .