
xuě hài
  • snow damage;snow injury;snow distress
雪害[xuě hài]
  1. 浅谈东北部林区公路雪害及其设计要点

    Road Snow Damage And Design Consideration In The Northeast Forest Area

  2. 试论中国的雪害区划

    On the Zoning of Snow Damage in China

  3. GIS在铁路雪害评价中的应用研究

    Research and Application on GIS-based Railway Snow Disaster Assessment

  4. 国道207线k0~k305段公路雪害防治实践

    A practice of prevention against snow hazard in the Segment k0 ~ k305 , the National Trunk Highway No.207

  5. 雪害的特征及其地质选线研究

    Characteristic of Snow Disaster and Roadway Situation Option In geological condition Sturdy

  6. 浅谈寒冷地区公路雪害与防治

    Snow Hazard and Prevention of Highway in the Cold Area

  7. 铁路沿线雪害形成机制及其工程防治措施

    Formation mechanism of snow disasters along railways and their engineering prevention and control

  8. 雪害的工程防治技术研究

    A Study Engineering Technique In Snow Disaster Under Control

  9. 风吹雪雪害是我国北方公路上频发的雪害之一。

    Snow drift hazard is one of frequent hazards on highway of northern China .

  10. 川西、滇北、藏东南雪害的初步研究

    A preliminary study on snow calamities in West sichuan , North Yunnan and Southeast Xizang

  11. 在风吹雪害多发区,铁路路堤设计的适宜高度为200~1500cm。

    In drifting snow frequently occurred region , the adequate design height for railway embankment is 200-1 500 cm .

  12. 雪害对公路、铁路交通的危害,前苏联进行了比较深入的研究。

    In highway and railway system , former USSR and China obtain as much experienced in bring snow disaster under control .

  13. 牧区道路是一种比较特殊的道路形式,易受雪害和沙害的影响。

    The roads in pastoral areas are a special kind of highways , which suffer snow damage and sand damage easily .

  14. 风雪地区雪害尤其以风吹雪造成的雪害是严重影响公路交通安全的一种自然灾害。

    Area caused by wind and snow blizzard of snow damage is a serious road traffic safety impact of a natural disaster .

  15. 阐述了我国西部地区和东北地区公路雪害造成的危害和公路风吹雪防治的必要性,并提出了相应的防治措施。

    The paper expounded the hazards of snowdrift on highway and the necessity against snowdrift in West and Northeast of China , and presented corresponding resolved methods .

  16. 利用这些研究成果,确定风雪地区公路防雪害措施,并用以指导风雪地区公路的路线选择及路基设计工作。

    The results of these studies to determine the Snow blizzard of roads harm measures , and to guide the selection of roads snow line of work .

  17. 同时某些不利的气候条件,象台风、雪害等,也给日本经济和人民生命财产造成严重损失。

    On the other hand , some unfavourable weathers , like typhoons and heavy snow fall disasters , cause losses to the economy , life and property of Japan .

  18. 公路风吹雪雪害是我国季节性积雪区域最普遍、最频繁和危害最严重的公路雪害形式。

    Snow hazard of snow drift on highway is the most prevalent ; most frequent and most serious snow hazard form of highway in seasonal snow areas of my country .

  19. 雪害是世界上面临的十大灾害之一,在世界范围内分布广泛,出现频繁,对人类生产生活和生命财产危害很大。

    Snow disaster is one major disaster , it distributes widely and appears fluently around the word , and it does harm to peoples production , life and property security .

  20. 在高原地区,寒露前后是雪害最严重的季节之一,积雪阻塞交通,危害畜牧业生产,应该注意预防。

    In highland regions , before and after the Cold Dews snow victims of the worst seasons of snow blocking traffic and endanger livestock production , we should pay attention to prevention .

  21. 目前雪害的研究只是集中在成因机制和特征分析上,对其防治和灾害预测还没有比较成熟的方法,相应的区划及评价的研究也较少。

    At present , the study mainly focus on genetic mechanism and characteristic analysis , prevention and disaster prediction research is relatively less and the corresponding research on evaluation and subdivision is immature .

  22. 本文根据我国在雪害预警研究方面基础弱、技术条件差、历史数据缺乏的实际情况,提出了我国公路风吹雪雪害预测的研究思路。

    According to Chinese circumstances , deficient experience , low level of technology and lack of historical data in the research field about forecasting disaster of blowing snow , this paper presents the Chinese featured way to do it .

  23. 通过综述以往研究结果认为:在气象和立地条件难以控制的情况下,通过改变可控因子&林分结构来减少森林风/雪害是可行的。

    Therefore , we believe that it is the viable way to reduce the stand wind / snow damage through changing the controllable factors i.e. , tree characters or stand structures , because the meteorological phenomena and site environments are hardly controllable .

  24. 为了减轻和防治公路雪害,中国、日本、加拿大、前苏联、美国等一些风吹雪雪害比较严重的国家都进行了大量实验研究。

    In order to reduce the preventing and control the road snow evil , China , Japan , Canada , former Soviet Union , US and so on some wind snow drift snow harmed the quite serious country all to conduct the massive experimental study .

  25. 等到快回落的时候,微黄的阳光斜射在山腰上,那点薄雪好像忽然害了羞,微微露出点粉色。

    As it returns back to the skin of the mountain , the thin snow gets pink just like a shy girl with the yellow sunshine shining over the hillside .

  26. 应重视病虫害的防治,在华北地区由于冬季除雪会造成盐害,因此,要在春融前采取喷叶、清除地表土等降盐措施。

    Meanwhile , the plant diseased and insect pests should be prevented from , and salt disease may occur in north of China which should be taken with some measures .