
  • 网络wenzhou model
  1. 温州模式研究是当前学术界特别是经济学界的一大热点。

    The research of Wenzhou model is a hotspot in economics .

  2. “温州模式”不是一成不变的,“温州模式”本身需要自我突破与发展。

    Wenzhou model is not unchanging but needs breaking through and developing .

  3. 地方政府管理模式的制度创新及其作用&珠江三角洲模式、苏南模式和温州模式的比较

    Institution Innovation and Its Role of Managerial Patterns in Local Government

  4. 温州模式已经发展到面临突破的阶段,需要从历史中挖掘动力提升人们的创造活力。

    Wenzhou mode has been developed into the stage of breakthrough ;

  5. 温州模式:内涵、特征与价值

    The Wenzhou Mode : Its Connotation , Characteristics and Value

  6. 从温州模式到浙江现象:过程与逻辑&兼论温州模式的历史地位

    The Processes and Logic of Spreading from Wenzhou Pattern to Zhejiang Phenomenon

  7. 温州模式与苏南模式的集体主义实质及其启示

    To Enlighten of Collectivism Essence for the Wenzhou Model and Sunan Model

  8. 温州模式的形成与演化取决于背后的文化力。

    The form and change of Wenzhou Mode depends on its culture .

  9. 北京浙江村&温州模式的异地城市化

    Zhejiang Village in Beijing ' ── a special urbanization form of Wenzhou Style

  10. 和谐发展&温州模式的终极目标

    Harmonious Development & the Final Aim of Wenzhou Model

  11. 关于温州模式的深层次思考

    The thinking about the universality of Wenzhou Mode

  12. 温州模式:盛名之下,其实难副?

    Wenzhou model , is it hard to live up to the great reputation ?

  13. “后温州模式”的定义,必须体现温州模式自我突破的制度变革要义。

    The definition of post-Wenzhou model must incarnate the main points of system changing .

  14. 关于温州模式普遍性问题的思考

    Thinking about the Universality of Wenzhou Mode

  15. 温州模式创新的理论思考

    Theoretical Speculation on Innovation in Wenzhou Model

  16. 从投资角度对温州模式的研究

    The Studies on the Economy of " Wenzhou Model " from the Viewpoint of Investment

  17. 发展循环经济,建设环境友好型城市&温州模式下的循环经济研究

    Develop Circular Economy and construct environment-friendly city & Circular Economy research under the Wenzhou Pattern

  18. 温州模式的发展及困境分析&基于社会资本视角的研究

    An Analysis to the Development and Dilemma in Wenzhou Model & Perspective of Social Capital

  19. 温州模式与就业制度的创新

    Wenzhou Mode and Employment System Innovation

  20. 温州模式的转型与发展&以民引外,民外合璧战略研究

    Transformation and Development of Wenzhou Model

  21. 温州模式与信用经济

    Wenzhou Model and Credit Economy

  22. 第五对“苏南模式”与“温州模式”进行比较。

    Fifthly , the article compares the " Sunan mode " to the " Wenzhou mode " .

  23. 运用该框架,本文对温州模式的兴起做了重新解读。

    Through the GEC framework , this dissertation makes a reinterpretation for the rise of Wenzhou model .

  24. 温州模式是在变革中发展的,具有极强的变革力与适应性。

    Wenzhou model is developing in the transformation , with a strong force of change and adaptability .

  25. 论温州模式的升级与温州经济接轨长三角的发展战略?

    The Upgrading of Wenzhou Mode And the Economic Developing Strategy for Wenzhou Connecting to Changjiang Delta ;

  26. 温州模式研究亟需从经济学研究范式向政治社会学研究范式转型。

    Transformation from economics to political sociology in the study of Wenzhou model is in an urgent need .

  27. 区域性社会阶层结构的演变与特色&温州模式下的社会阶层结构

    Evolvement and Characteristics of the Structure of Regional Social Strata & The Structure of Social Strata under Wenzhou Pattern

  28. “温州模式”的成功依赖于其独特的外部条件和内在动因。

    The emergence of Wenzhou mode benefited from its special external environment condition and endogenous increase of the capital .

  29. 从苏南模式“和温州模式”看吉林省农村城市化的发展模式

    From the View of Su'nan Pattern , Wenzhou Pattern , Observe the Developing Pattern of Rural Urbanization in Jilin Province

  30. 本文以温州模式的变迁和浙江的改革经验为例,实证分析了如何在解放思想的摩擦成本最小化的条件下,推进以准需求诱致型的制度变迁方式为主的改革;

    This paper presents an empirical analysis of the cost-effective system transformation based on the Wenzhou model of economic reform .