
  • 网络The Hot Gates;the Thermopylae
  1. 斯巴达人在温泉关战役中战胜了波斯人以及托马斯·爱德华·劳伦斯带领贝多因人翻越沙漠抗击土耳其人……别出心裁的想法往往比出众的能力更具优势。

    The Spartans held off the Persians at the Battle of Thermopylae , and T. E. Lawrence led the Bedouins across the desert to fight the Turks . Innovation and thinking outside the box can be more advantageous than being skillful .

  2. 尽管薛西斯一世赢了温泉关战役,但是这靠的是数量上的优势和一个斯巴达人的背叛,可以说,他是从冰冷的斯巴达死尸手中抢来的胜利。

    Although Xerxes I won the Battle of Thermopylae through a combination of sheer numbers and a Spartan betrayal , he literally had to tear victory out of the Spartans ' cold , dead hands.However , even though Xerxes managed to best one of the single greatest fighting forces on Earth at the time ,

  3. 你们都知道温泉关300斯巴达勇士的故事。

    You know the story of the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae .

  4. 一定可以把波斯人逼进温泉关。

    It 'll do the job of funneling the Persians into the Hot Gates .

  5. 我们行军进入了温泉关。

    Into the hot gates we march .

  6. 天亮前不死军就会包围我们,温泉关会被破

    By morning , the lmmortals will surround us . The Hot Gates will fall .

  7. “他们在温泉关打到最后一个人都死光了,大夫。不是吗?”

    " They died to the last man at thermopylae , didn 't they , doctor ?"