
  • 网络Syracuse
  1. 到了叙拉古,我们停泊三日。

    We put in at Syracuse and stayed there three days .

  2. 叙拉古军力不弱,罗马一向知道这一点。

    Syracuse had always had an admirable military and rome had always respected that .

  3. 叙拉古算子及其运算性质的研究

    Research on Syracuse Operator and Its Properties

  4. 在叙拉古的使者来到忒格亚的那天晚上天色很黑。

    The sky was dark on the evening that the Tyrant 's emissaries came to Tegea .

  5. 所有的荣誉现在都归于他,因为叙拉古的国王没有再安排其他人来从事这项伟业。

    All honour was now his , since the Tyrant of Syracuse would have the work of none save him or Kalos .

  6. 达摩克利斯是希腊神话中叙拉古暴君迪奥尼修斯的宠信,常说帝王多福。

    Amounting to Makelisi is the appraise in Greek mythology pulls ancient oppressor diaonixiusi 's specially trust , often say imperial much happiness .

  7. 有一个故事说阿基米德制造了一个火焰镜,点烯了进攻叙拉古的罗马战船。

    One story says the Archimedes made a burning mirror to set fire tory says the Archimedes made a burning mirror to set fire to the Roman ships which were attacking Syracuse .

  8. 为了简化对3χ+1猜想的研究,引入了叙拉古算子、不变数、同源数等概念,研究了叙拉古算子的若干运算性质,并给出和证明了拆分定理。

    This paper studies the operating properties of Syracuse operator , gives the detachment theorem , and proves it as well , by introducing a number of new operators and concepts , such as Syracuse operator , invariable numbers , identical resource numbers .

  9. 本文对使叙拉古猜想不成立的可疑数范围,给出了较〔1〕更精确的结论,还导出一个递推关系,并用三进数制简化了叙拉古运算。

    This paper discusses the 3x + 1 problem , gives an estimate of the range of the questionable num-bers which make this conjecture untenable , derives a recurrence relation , and simplifies the 3x + 1 operation by the ternary number system .