
Féi lì èr shì
  • Philip II;PhilipposⅡ
  1. 马其顿国王腓力二世(PhilipII)邀请他为儿子亚历山大当导师。

    King Philip II of Macedon engaged him as a tutor to his son Alexander .

  2. 法尔内塞:为西班牙腓力二世效劳的意大利将军及外交官。

    Farnese : Italian general and diplomat in service to Philip II of Spain .

  3. 到1561年,国王腓力二世决定携皇室所有成员对它进行一次长时间的巡查。

    Then , in 1561 , King Philip Ii decided to make an extended visit , bringing with him his entire royal household .

  4. 西班牙无敌舰队:1588年西班牙国王腓力二世为会同西班牙陆军从法兰德斯入侵英国而派遣的庞大舰队。

    Spanish Armada : Great fleet sent by Philip II of Spain in1588 to invade England in conjunction with a Spanish army from Flanders .

  5. ,亚历山大大帝的父亲是腓力二世,马其顿国王,他在公元前338年喀罗尼亚战役中,战胜了雅典及其同盟军,占领了希腊各城邦。

    Hellenization Alexander the Great 's father was Philip II , King of Macedonia , King of Macedon , and he conquered different Greek city-states by defeating Athens and its allies at Chaeronea in338 BC .