
  • 网络Pericles;Pericle
  1. 我还要加一些名字,像是伯里克利斯,林肯,丘吉尔。

    I would also add the names of Pericles Lincoln and Churchill .

  2. 这是伯里克利斯在那场著名葬礼中,向其听众夸耀的悼词,由修西地底斯记录下来。

    This is what Pericles boasts to his listeners in the famous funeral oration told by Thucydides .

  3. 你最喜欢的历史人物是哪些?以下这些人都喜欢:苏格拉底,伯里克利,穆罕默德,小普林尼和奥古斯汀西耶里。

    Who are your favorite characters in history ? A mixture of socrates , pericles , mahomet , Pliny the younger and Augustin thierry .

  4. 最后一个时期的作品主要有浪漫悲喜剧:《伯里克利》《辛白林》《冬天的故事》与《暴风雨》。

    The last period of Shakespeare 's work includes his principle romantic tragicomedies : Pericles , Cymbeline , The Winter 's Tale and The Tempest ;

  5. 西西里远征是伯里克利逝世后雅典人不能节制欲望的结果,并最终导致了巨大的失败和痛苦。

    After Pericles ' death , the Athenians ' unrestrained desire resulted in the Sicilian expedition and finally led to a huge failure and much pain .

  6. 此外,由于伯里克利已引入了陪审团和500人会议成员的薪水制,贫穷不再困扰雅典的公共事务。

    Moreover , since Pericles had introduced payment for service on a jury or as a member of the Council , poverty was not a bar to public life .

  7. 一些研究人员质疑并提出说她实际上可能和伯里克利是结了婚的。

    Some researchers question even the historical tradition that she was a hetaera , or courtesan , and have suggested that she may actually have been married to Pericles .

  8. 修昔底德通过伯里克利之口揭示出了他自己的观念:在现时代的竞技中成为最强者的努力可以成为未来人们的记忆。

    Through the mouth of Pericles , Thucydides conveys his own idea : the struggle to become the strongest in the present contest will be the memory of future generations .

  9. 伯里克利关于妇女所说的不正确的话,现在我却很愿意用来说明外交事务&其优点将会是永远默默无闻。

    Now , what Pericles untruly said of women , Iam very much disposed to say of foreign affairs & their great merit would be to be never heard of .

  10. 建立了雅典强大且令人敬畏的海军强权,而且催生了史无前例的,璀璨艺术与文化生活,甚至今日仍以伯里克利斯的雅典闻名。

    It had established Athens as a mighty and redoubtable naval power and it created an unprecedented level of artistic and cultural life even today known simply as Periclean Athens .

  11. 当然,这不是伯里克利发表的演说,甚至,如演讲者所暗示的,也非此种场合通常要发表的那种演说。

    It is not , of course , the speech which Pericles delivered , or even , as the speaker hints , the kind of speech usually given on such occasions .

  12. 我们相信能体察到,除了凭其自身的阅历所添加的润色外,他不仅传递给我们很多伯里克利的语言,而且还有其内在的思想。

    We may feel with confidence that he has given us , with the added colour of his own experience , not merely the inner thought but much of the language of Pericles .

  13. 修昔底德精心编排这两篇瘟疫叙事前后的演说辞为的是展现伯里克利如何在不同的形势下引导雅典人爱上自己的城邦,并为了追求建立伟大的功业和留下永久的记忆而承受各种苦难。

    Thucydides deliberately inserts the Great Plague in the middle of the two speeches in order to display how Pericles , under different situations , persuaded the Athenians to love their city-state and to undergo various sufferings for the purpose of marvelous achievements as well as everlasting memory .