
hé mǎ shǐ shī
  • Homer's epics
  1. 无论布洛赫的生平还是《希望原理》的思想内容、文本结构抑或精神气质,都与荷马史诗有重重关联。

    Firstly , both bloch 's life story and the contents , text structure , or ethos of Das prinzip Hoffnung have relations to homer 's epics .

  2. 浅析《荷马史诗》中朴素的人本主义思想倾向

    On the Tendency of Simple Humanistic Thought in Homer 's Epic

  3. 这是荷马史诗的散文翻译。

    This is a prose translation of Homer 's epic poems .

  4. 《荷马史诗》&从神话走向理性

    The Australia Myth Homer Epics : from fairy tales to rational knowledge

  5. 一是贯穿两部荷马史诗的英雄主义情结。

    One is through two Homer epic hero socialist complex .

  6. 第二节介绍了荷马史诗中关于阿喀琉斯和帕特洛克洛斯之间同性关系的研究和分析。

    Section two introduces the same-sex relationships between Homer Achilles and Patroclus in Homer .

  7. 《江格尔》与荷马史诗自然观之比较

    On Comparing View of Nature between and Homer

  8. 荷马史诗是欧洲文学的源头,它包括《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》。

    Homeric epic which includes Iliad and Odyssey is the source of European literature .

  9. 《江格尔》与荷马史诗分别是中国和欧洲的两部伟大史诗。

    Janggar and Homer are the two great epics respectively in China and Europe .

  10. 本文挖掘了托尔斯泰的史诗性作品与荷马史诗间的传承关系。

    This paper explores the relationship between Tolstoi 's epic-like novel and Homer ' epic .

  11. 荷马史诗中的人民大会及其政治作用

    Political Roles of the Homeric Agora

  12. 查普曼的荷马史诗译本。

    Chapman 's translation of Homer .

  13. 在《荷马史诗》中有关得墨忒耳的部分,赫密士引导科尔安全地返回得墨忒耳身边。

    In the Homeric Hymn to Demeter , Hermes conducts the Kore safely back to Demeter .

  14. 而荷马史诗之于希腊人,就如同圣经之于我们一般。

    And the Homeric epics were of course for the Greeks what the Bible was for us .

  15. 成名于荷马史诗,特洛伊是位于现在的土耳其的传说中的城市。

    Made famous in the epic poems of Homer , Troy was a once-legendary city located in modern day Turkey .

  16. 如果你感兴趣的话,你可能读希腊原文的荷马史诗或俄文版的陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品;

    If it appealed to you , you could be reading Homer in the original Greek or Dostoyevsky in Russian .

  17. 荷马史诗记叙的特洛伊战争预示了东西方的分野。

    The separation of the orient from the occident is foreshadowed in Homer 's epic record of the Trojan War .

  18. 此后,他致力于翻译荷马史诗《伊利昂记》和《奥德修记》。

    Since then , his commitment to translating Homer 's epic " Ilion Adegold mind " and " repair " is .

  19. 《荷马史诗》认为天空是青铜色的&灿烂耀眼,如金盾的光辉;

    " Homer 's epic " that the sky is the bronze-and a brilliant shine , such as the glorious Jindun ;

  20. 奥德赛是古代希腊荷马史诗《奥德赛》的主人公,传说中的伊大卡岛的国王。

    Ulysses was the hero in Homer 's poem Ulysses in ancient Greece , the king of Edarc Island in legend .

  21. 从荷马史诗、苏格拉底、柏拉图到亚里士多德,表现了对德性统一性追求的不同路径。

    There are different ways and means of after virtue from Homer Epic , Socrates , Plato to Aristotle in Ancient Greek .

  22. 荷马史诗和中古英雄史诗在情节结构和人物性格的刻画上为小说提供了可资借鉴的经验;

    The epics of Homer and ( Medieval ) heroic poetry provided referable experience in the plot structure and the description of character .

  23. 《荷马史诗》中蕴藏的体育竞技思想是寻找古希腊体育思想的无尽源泉。

    Sports competition ideology contained in Homer 's Epic is an endless source for us to explore the sports ideology of ancient Greece .

  24. 就像荷马史诗《奥德赛》一样,生活是一次震撼人物的陆续登场的冒险,振奋人心而又纷乱繁杂。

    Like Homer 's epic Odyssey , life is an exciting and tumultuous adventure filled with thrilling characters to meet along the way .

  25. 他刚买的鹦鹉可以背诵莎士比亚的十四行诗,模仿歌剧明星并能用希腊语吟唱荷马史诗。

    The parrot he had just bought could recite Shakespeare 's sonnets , imitate opera stars and intone Homer 's epic poems in Greek .

  26. 《荷马史诗》是古希腊乃至整个西方世界文明发展中的重要著作。

    " Homer 's Epic " is the important work in the development of civilization of ancient Greece and even the entire western world .

  27. 通过对《荷马史诗》中英雄人物的剖析,发现体育竞技可以培养人荣誉和机智的勇敢。

    By dissecting heroic characters in Homer 's Epic , we find that competitive sports can cultivate people 's honorable braveness and smart braveness .

  28. 在《荷马史诗》中我们能够寻找到古希腊人为何如此热爱体育竞技,体育竞技可以给英雄带来无尚荣誉。

    In Homer 's Epic we can find why ancient Grecians love competitive sports so much : competitive sports can bring ultimate honors to heroes .

  29. 比如说,希腊人尝试过用各种方法去解读《荷马史诗》,把《伊利亚特》或《奥德赛》解读为包含科学寓意。

    So there were all kinds of attempts to read Homer , for example , the Iliad or the Odyssey as allegories for physical science .

  30. 蒙古族史诗《江格尔》和古希腊《荷马史诗》在宇宙结构的描绘上,表现出相似的观念。

    The epic Jangar of the ancient Mongolian and the epic Homer of the ancient Greek both display similar primitive religion on the universe structure .