
  • 网络Dutch flag;Flag of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
  1. 拿个荷兰国旗给我。

    Vit , get me a Dutch flag , will you ?

  2. 荷兰国旗问题是一个著名的算法问题。

    Dutch National Flag Problem is a famous algorithm problem .

  3. 明天没有那么多人,对我们挥舞荷兰国旗了。

    Won 't be waving so many orange flags at us tomorrow .

  4. 但是我们有法国国旗,它倒过来就是荷兰国旗。

    I have a French flag , turn it sideways and it 's dutch !

  5. 荷兰国旗问题的一种有效算法

    An Efficient Algorithm of Dutch National Flag Problem

  6. 飘扬的荷兰国旗,象征着荷兰人们的自由、平等和幸福。

    The national flag stands for the freedom , the equality and the happiness of the people of Netherlands .

  7. 两位成员站在舞台前的时候,一面西班牙国旗一面荷兰国旗被扔了上来。

    While the two band members stand at the front of the stage , two Spanish flags and one Dutch one are thrown on the stage .

  8. 这只八脚海洋生物有两个盒子可以选择,一个是标有荷兰国旗的盒子,另一个是标有红黄条纹的西班牙国旗,而他最终选了后者。

    The eight-legged sea creature had two boxes to choose from-one marked with a flag from the Netherlands and another with the flag of Spain-and it was the yellow and red banner he went for .

  9. 荷兰小姐(左):服装展示了荷兰著名的风车和荷兰国旗;

    Miss Netherlands ( left ) showed off Holland 's famous windmills with pinwheels on her shoulders , while invoking the colours of the Dutch flag ;

  10. 荷兰小姐(左):服装展示了荷兰著名的风车和荷兰国旗;美国小姐(右):模仿自由女神。

    Miss Netherlands ( left ) showed off Holland 's famous windmills with pinwheels on her shoulders , while invoking the colours of the Dutch flag ; and Miss USA ( right ) dressed up as the Statue of Liberty .