
wēn chuáng
  • hotbed;breeding ground;seedbed;hothouse;seminary;advantageous conditions
温床 [wēn chuáng]
  • (1) [ breeding ground;hotbed]

  • (2) 有加温、保温设施的苗床,主要供冬春育苗用

  • (3) 比喻有利于坏人、坏事、坏思想滋长的环境

  • 罪恶的温床

温床[wēn chuáng]
  1. 这个地区是犯罪活动的温床。

    The area was a hotbed of crime .

  2. 围绕着如何将XML内容格式和基于XML的元数据系统用于支持学习和教育技术,已经出现了一个实践的温床。

    A hotbed of activity has emerged around how XML content formats and XML-based metadata systems can support learning and instructional technology .

  3. 我所在的地区是犯罪活动的温床。

    My region is a seedbed of crime .

  4. 店里的一些地方十分肮脏不洁,简直就是滋生细菌的理想温床。

    Parts of the shop were very dirty , unhygienic , and an ideal breeding ground for bacteria .

  5. 地毯可以成为滋生细菌和尘螨的温床,这会导致呼吸问题、湿疹和其他过敏症状等健康问题。

    Carpets can be a breeding ground for bacteria and dust mites7 , which can lead to health issues including breathing problems , eczema and other allergy8 symptoms .

  6. 中国还大力减少蚊虫滋生的温床,并在部分地区的居民家中增加杀虫剂的使用。1967年,中国政府启动了“523项目”,这个全国性的研究项目旨在发现防治疟疾的新药物。

    The country also made a major effort to reduce mosquito breeding grounds and stepped up the use of insecticide spraying in homes in some areas . In 1967 , the Chinese government launched the " 523 Project " – a nation-wide research program aimed at finding new treatments for malaria .

  7. P2P技术的自由、开放,使其成为盗版和非法内容滋生、传播的温床。

    The natures of free and open make piracy and illegal content on P2P networks to spread unlimited .

  8. 可以说Internet这一开放性平台在使人们能够方便、快速、高效地获取各种电子文档资源的同时,也成为了剽窃者窃取信息的温床。

    It can be said that the opened Internet platform make the people conveniently get all kinds of electronic documents resources and , at the same time , is a hotbed of plagiarizers who steal information .

  9. 300MW循环流化床锅炉床温床压控制技术

    Bed Temperature and Bed Pressure Control Technology of 300 MWe Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  10. 安然(Enron)股价上涨时,它是一种新式公司组织的典范,而当它破产倒闭时,又成了公司腐败的温床。

    Enron was a model of new styles of corporate organisation when its stock price was rising and a hotbed of corporate corruption when it had gone bust .

  11. 根据智库考夫曼基金会(KauffmanFoundation)的研究,以人均小企业数计算,如今城市创业的最大温床是纽约而不是西海岸。

    The biggest hotbed of urban entrepreneurship , as measured by the number of small companies per head , is now New York , not the West Coast , according to research by the Kauffman Foundation , a think-tank .

  12. 这场袭击发生在巴基斯坦边境的被称为塔利班组织温床的Khost,BarbaraStarr将给我们带来详细的报道。

    It 's happening in Khost , which is a for Taliban activity near the Pakistan border . Barbara Starr tells us now what 's going on .

  13. 美国这块多元文化(multiculture)的土壤,既是文明冲突论流行的温床,也是文明冲突论死亡的坟墓。

    The multiculture soil of America is not only the hotbed of the popularity of " the clash of civilization ", but also leads it to the tomb .

  14. 但是由于P2P网络的匿名性、开放性等特点已经使其成了病毒资源、虚假资源等不可信资源疯狂传播的温床,因此信任和内容鉴别问题已经成了阻碍P2P技术发展的主要因素。

    But because of its anonymity and openness , P2P network has become the hothouse of aggressively spreading of incredible resources such as virus and mendacious resources , so the trust and content identification have become the key factor which obstructs the development of P2P technology .

  15. Githongo说,腐败滋生的温床是官僚、政客、安全官员和企业中介机构组成的“深藏的网络”。

    Corruption thrived in the " embedded networks " of bureaucrats , politicians , security officials , and businessmen-brokers .

  16. 安大略省滑铁卢市如今是初创企业的温床,有着蓬勃发展的科技产业,但1984年的时候绝非如此,当时两位工程专业学生迈克•拉扎里迪斯(MikeLazaridis)和道格拉斯•弗雷金(DouglasFregin)创立了RIM公司(ResearchinMotion)。

    Waterloo , Ontario is now a hotbed of start-ups and a thriving technology industry , but that was far from the case in 1984 , when Research In Motion was founded by two engineering students , Mike Lazaridis and Douglas Fregin .

  17. “小金库”是当前滋生腐败现象的温床。

    The " departmental coffer " is a hotbed of corruption .

  18. 学校操场是犯罪的温床,而且一直以来就是这样。

    School playgrounds are hotbeds of crime and always have been .

  19. 这些都成为了信息失真的制度温床。

    All these become institutional seedbed of fuzzy accounting information .

  20. 这些是放在温床中经受耐寒锻炼的幼苗。

    These are the seedlings that are hardening off in a hotbed .

  21. 蔬菜电热温床育苗节约电能技术初探

    Preliminary study on the energy saving of vegetable breeding on electrical hotbed

  22. 这种零和经济为不满和绝望提供了温床。

    Such a zero sum economy breeds disaffection and despair .

  23. 他们的温床根本不是被保单持有者所滋养。

    Their nurseries are not exactly brimm in g with future policyholders .

  24. 核桃简易温床嫁接方法研究

    Study on Method of Grafting for Walnut in Plain-type Hotbed

  25. 而金钱的诱惑背后必然是滋生腐败的温床。

    Enticement back of money must breed hotbed of corruption .

  26. 该城市似乎是堕落的温床。

    That city seems to be the hothouse of decadence .

  27. 城市需要为人类的生存质量创造条件,城市也应该成为人类创新和创造的温床。

    Cities should create a good living and innovation environment for people .

  28. 消费社会的发展形成了视觉文化的温床;

    The development of consume society forms breeding ground of visual culture ;

  29. 这所大学是政治激进派的温床。

    The University was a breeding ground for political radicals .

  30. 你的牙刷是细菌繁殖的温床。

    Your toothbrush can be a breeding ground for bacteria .